Rainbow Roundtable
A Night at the Roundtable
Co-hosted by Caroline Oceana Ryan, Omena McGee,
Randy Miller, Vinayak, and Rama Berkowitz & Tara Green
Thursdays at 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern
Live on BBSRadio.com, Station 1
About the Show
A Night at the Roundtable evolved out of Stargate Roundtable, a radio show created by Marietta Pickett, known as Marietta/Robert.
She invited some friends to join her and tell the public about their wisdom and personal experiences.
This group of friends are now the co-hosts of a new program, A Night at the Roundtable, offered each Thursday evening on BBSRadio.com, Station 1.
Each co-host takes turns being the host for the evening, inviting guests onto the show and leading discussion.
The guests discuss their life's work and their view of current spiritual and/or political, scientific, or health matters.
The show regularly hosts bestselling authors, musicians, artists, inventors, channelers, energy workers, natural healers, ET experiencers, and other like-minded people who are assisting humanity with their work and life energy.

Meet the Co-Hosts
On A Night at the Roundtable (formerly Stargate Round Table), we explore ways to expand into fifth dimensional life, finding new pathways to healing and ascending for ourselves and our planet.
In this open forum for creative, Light-filled ideas, our guests offer a broad range of breakthrough discoveries and insights, to support our living as free and sovereign beings who take responsibility for our lives, our health, and our spirituality.
After a brief opening meditation, we offer a few energy updates from our co-hosts: psychic medium Omena McGee, energy healer Randy Miller, channeler and intuitive Caroline Oceana Ryan, and bioenergetics expert and energy healer Vinayak.
We then move on to the latest "Galactic Good News" report from Faction Three White Knights Rama Berkowitz & Tara Green, followed by a one-hour interview with our guest for the week, or discussion among the co-hosts on a current topic.
Caroline Oceana Ryan
Omena McGee
Randy Miller
Dr. Vinayak

Tara and Rama

Mission Statement
Our mission at A Night at the Roundtable is to offer insightful, empowering, uplifting information on a variety of topics discussed by our guests, co-hosts, and callers.
Our goal is to inspire and encourage our listeners on their path of growth, healing,
and enlightenment at this challenging yet transformative time.
As we discuss the most pressing issues affecting Earth life now, we seek to expand and awaken the collective consciousness with possible solutions and intuitive insights.
A large part of our discussions involves the pending enactment of NESARA Law, created in the name of Saint Germain and the Violet Flame, and the creation of a
New Earth government. In this, we are claiming our role as co-Creator
gods and goddesses of All-That-Is.
Historical Note
The history of the Night at the Roundtable sheds light on its original purpose. That history goes back to the Farm Claims, and the 78 programs that are connected to one of the 40 original Noteholders, whose name was Sam Brown.
Mr Brown was a wealthy and influential man who, in 1949, decided to share the wealth of the world’s controllers with all the people of the world. He was able to act on such a plan due to his being part of a collective who held all the riches of our planet in their hands, with the authority to decide how to redistribute that wealth granted to them by the Fallen Angels.
In this present world, we call them by many names, which can collectively fit inside their title, “the Corporation.”
In the Office of the Christ and only in the Office of the Christ, We the People of Mother Gaia take back our power, and collectively ask for forgiveness for anything any of us may have done to cause any harm to all of creation, for all time and in all space.
In Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, Justice, seasoned with Divine Mercy and Compassion, and Beauty for all that can be, we ask that this be done for the highest good of all concerned, to happen here and now, and So it is!

A Night at the Roundtable is a place for us to come together in consensus,
in the name of Saint Germain and the Violet Flame,
to begin again and create Divine Government as co-Creator gods and goddesses of All-That-Is.

Faction Three White Knight Larry the Cat (a shape-shifting Paschat ET) sends us this message from Tiara Kumara of the I AM avatar:
“My best advice is to forget most everything you have learned up to this moment. Forget even how you arrived to this moment. It does not really matter.
"All that matters is that you are here now in this new moment, and you are upgrading tremendously.
“You are moving into a quantum reality of timeliness, multidimensional, synchronous, simultaneous, unified field of infinite potential.”
We are all avataric agents of Happiness now! And Yes We Can! Blaze the Violet Fire!
- Rama, Tara, all the Faction Three White Knights,
and especially Saint Germain

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