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Cheryl Croci's Calls

Hosted by Cheryl Croci

Sundays and Mondays at 8:45 PM Eastern / 5:45 PM Pacific

Listen live by phone or Free Conference Call HD


Cheryl Croci

Hypnotherapist, Reiki Practitioner, Metaphysical/Spiritual Counselor, Three-In-One  Facilitator, Teacher in the Great White Brotherhood/Sisterhood

Her Mission


Cheryl's God Purpose and personal mission is to create healing and spiritual awakening through contact, healing sessions, teaching, lecturing, writing and "all I am guided to do and be."


Personally, professionally and through her website, she wishes to activate people's hearts, souls, and minds to their Divine Presence, assist them in Living as their God Presence, to spread Love, Light, and Awakening, and to convey messages that radiate healing while raising people's vibration and consciousness.


How Do I

Listen Live?

Welcome! Join our call to bring forth the higher vibrations of the higher dimensions for ourselves and everyone on Mother Earth.


Calls are free and open to all.

Every Sunday and Monday night

5:45 PM Pacific / 8:45 PM Eastern

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International Free Numbers

United States (712) 832-8330
United Kingdom 0330-777-1307
Canada 867-292-3110
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Australia Mobile 0820-987601
Australia Landline 0820-444599
Belgium 02-808-76-34
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Lithuania (8-5) 207-8094
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Nigeria 01-578-0562
Poland 22-116-86-89
South Africa 087-195-0685
Ukraine 089-320-2487

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