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A Message to Light Bringers - December 10, 2021

Today's message is an excerpt from the Collective's new book, New Earth Journeys: The Collective Speak on Dealing with Personal and Global Crises.

The book releases on Amazon on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, and is now available for preorder. As with all the Collective's books, each chapter begins with a question from Light Bringers around the world. This excerpt is from Chapter 2 - "On Moving from Fear to Love."

QUESTION: How can we balance the duality/polarity within us, so that the outer world can also be balanced?

I feel as if I am on a giant pendulum, swinging wildly from Love to fear, with no relief in sight.

THE COLLECTIVE: Your question addresses several areas at once. So we will speak first on why you are feeling these swings from one extreme to the other, then speak on how one can deal with the energetic surges running through your energy systems.

These surges relate to your physical and spiritual bodies, your mental outlook, your emotional balance. Your way of viewing the world. So that as you are in a state of Love for the world, or anyone, you are in a relaxed state of knowing that All Is Well. That whatever the outcome of life’s circumstances, which are in constant, unpredictable flux now, you can relax. Relax in the inner Knowing that all is working out for the higher good of everyone on the planet.

Of course that is quite a statement to make, particularly now! You see so many leaving physical form now, to revert to their true form. That form is still a kind of body, but a far higher vibrational one than you have witnessed here on Earth for millennia.

You see the Earth Herself going through more shifts and changes than anyone could list, with both natural and manufactured disasters occurring. And you see bizarre and unexpected events happening in economies, in politics, in medicine—all areas of life.

And so you ask, How do I stay out of fear, when my brain and body are hardwired for survival? They only know to panic when so much is unknown about everyday life. How do I stay calm in the midst of events that humanity has almost always been frightened of? It’s all out of control!

We want to look at that phrase “out of control” for a moment, because in actual fact, that is exactly what you came in to create. Now, that will sound like complete nonsense—an idea that only adds to the dramatic swing from Love to fear. Yet it encapsulates perfectly what all Light Bearers are doing. You came to help dissolve the old forms of control over humanity, and these are the forms that have held human beings back from Ascending to higher vibrational levels for millennia. What is interesting, is that during the 1950s and 1960s, many felt that life was going out of control then, too. Young people were identifying with forms of music that to older generations sounded cacophonous, even destructive at times. In fact, it was rock ’n roll that helped to vibrationally usher in an age in which the old power structure could no longer control human thought, feeling, and behavior anywhere near as fully as it had in the past. You will note that the old controllers then ushered in a drug abuse movement, designed to distract young people, engage them in destructive addictions, and hold them back vibrationally. Yet, again—the human desire to Ascend outran even those attempts. The healing qualities of hemp and cannabis were rediscovered in human life, and a new awareness was born of the addictive nature of many things in human life, and the need to heal those compulsions. And the spiritual journeys brought on by certain “psychedelic” substances opened for many a form of release from the dark matrix mental programming. Though we do not recommend the use of hallucinogens, we do support those who take on expertly guided shamanic journeys of varying kinds, for the purpose of better understanding the nature and immensity of this Universe, as well as the nature and state of their own soul. You came in to move things from a state of extreme control on the part of your former overlords, to a state of freedom for humanity.

You are all part of the developing ability in human beings to release the construct and restrictions of the old Earth in favor of the freedoms, sovereignty, and self-realization of the New Earth. This is a powerful breakthrough, particularly on a planet so long sunk into third dimensional ways! Never doubt that. Of course you are concerned at times, as you see whole areas of life thrown into chaos and uncertainty. You are correct if you feel that is rooted in lower vibrations. Yet note that in Nature, nothing ever dissolves or breaks down and dies, but that something new can be birthed in its stead. This is not “death” in the sense that you are taught. It is not a loss to be grieved. It is part of the birth process of that which you came in to birth, you who are midwives to the rebirth and Ascent of Earth consciousness. You have, all of you, requested and required of all of us in the higher realms, including your soul families, to assist you in creating a fully renewed planet. One where the well-being of all is respected. One where notions such as living for profit, service to self, violence, exploitative power over living beings and Earth Herself are forever outlawed and dissolved, and superseded by the power and presence of Divine Love. And so we answered, by taking up the charge to support those who came to the Earth to establish a new realm here. A New Earth realm that would honor all life and create, via the establishing of NESARA law, a new and far higher level of existence, in accordance with Universal law, rather than in blatant violation of it.

Yet it is not by our action that life feels to be out of control, swinging wildly from Love to fear and back again. That is your action—your decision to break free from the now-defunct paradigm of a prison planet. You can mitigate your emotional extremes by deciding now that whenever your vibration dips down a bit, you will realize what is happening, and stop. You will take a moment to consciously release panic or upset by breathing through these emotions. Allowing them, feeling them fully, thanking yourself for experiencing such, and breathing them out, full of self-compassion, without judgment. In that moment of stillness, you are then able to move to a place of rest and quiet in which you do not demand answers or solutions. You are then able to allow your energies to move into a more neutral stance where you simply observe your thoughts and emotional vibration, till you are able to flow your energies back up to the higher levels, reclaiming your power in that part of life. You might also trace that downward spiral to the influence that reduced your vibration. You might be watching the news, for example—something we encourage you to do very little of now. So little of it is reliable information, and it is generally offered with a low and dense vibration. Difficult scenes and stories, accompanied by emotionally triggering terms and descriptions, can displace one emotionally. Many of you have experienced similar situations in other lives to what you see happening on the Earth now, whether flood, fire, epidemic, or mass extermination. So to view any of these again is to retraumatize those parts of your heart-mind that remember quite well what it was like to experience those situations firsthand. Yet we would say, in that moment, bring up and release the old grief or shock. These are moments to realize what you have yet to heal, if you are able to feel your helplessness, grief, or anger without going into overwhelm. Bring them up fully, then declare your Divinity—your I AM power—and call all lost energies back into your being. Regarding all dense words and images, declare: “That is appearance, and appearance only. Divine Love is the only reality here.”

We wish we could tell you the power of that one thought, dear ones! It is unprecedented in scope and masterful in effect. In that moment, you not only free yourself and millions of others from media manipulation intended to lower your vibration, and to keep you entrained to the sound of the newcasters’ voices and their false, presumed authority. You also help free those who are being affected by that particular disaster, no matter how deeply embedded in it they may seem to be. You may wonder, How in the world could that be so? Those people are suffering, aren’t they? And we would say, you lift them out of suffering with the empowering thought that they are so much bigger than any one thing that could ever happen to them—so much greater than any trauma they could suffer! And that they came in to experience what is occurring to them now. That there are no accidents, no victims, no true losses. Even those who appear to lose their souls will somehow find their way home again, flowing as pure unmanifest energy back into the great stream of Light and intelligence that runs through All That Is. That is what you have knocked out of “control”—that old system of manipulation which human beings have fallen prey to for millennia. You have helped knock humanity out of the old forms of humiliation, slavery, obedience to false authority, and steady belief (mental entrainment) in that which only pretends to be the Light . . .

Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this excerpt by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post, at Thank you.

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