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Faction Three White Knight News Update - June 25, 2021

From “The Ashtar Legacy Call” Tuesday, June 22, 2021

See for info on Rama’s contacts

TARA: I got the message, from Eli’s [channeled] message from Mother [Sekhmet]! Which is that we are rapidly Ascending, waking up to who we are, and that seems to be the message from many across this time period.

I would like to read a short piece that our sister Cheryl Croce wrote to us. Cheryl’s spiritual name is Eshanya. This came out on Saturday:

“I feel saddened by the news but we all know the power of prayer. I was notified this morning from Genna Davenport's friend George that Genna had a stroke on Friday, yesterday, June 18th and is in the hospital.

“They are doing a CAT scan today and he will report into me any updates as he can; he described it as "bad" but not severe.

“Please send your prayers, see her healthy and perfect, with a speedy and full recovery. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. We all love Genna and hold her in the Highest Love and Light!”

TARA: For all of those who are considering their Light not worthy of being every Light that we come in to be, there’s only one of us, and we are all equally critical to our family of conscience, mind, heart and spirit. Let’s watch our thoughts. This is a decree that Cheryl brought: "I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my life and physical body!" That is the truth, and yes, we are all Ascending! Ascending WITH the body! So we’ll start with last Thursday. Rama, do you have anything you wanted to say?

RAMA: The energies are very high with this Solstice, and things are moving right along. At quantum Lightspeed!

TARA: And all of us together, with each other! So this is from last Thursday: “I received a call today from Natasha at 11:30 AM. She said to me, ‘Lord Rama, I am in Moscow, and I watched the fiasco in Geneva, Switzerland. Mr Putin was impeccable. Uncle Joe was a comedy of errors.

“Natasha continued: ‘The United States must end its Cold War policies. Russia is not the enemy. The only enemy is ourselves. The spook industry runs this corporation we call the United States of America.

‘Mr Putin has been meeting with the galactic councils. [Tara: He’s a contactee of the Andromedans.] Full disclosure is very close to happening.

‘All we are saying, is Give Peace a Chance. “Natasha said off the cuff that ‘Some type of disclosure could happen by the end of the month.’

‘The best is yet to come. See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One!’ “

TARA: So then we will travel to this one on Friday, the 18th: The Dalai Lama had a message for us at 3:30 in the morning Friday: “People see difficulties in many parts of the world, yet since all 7 billion of us live on this one planet, we should be united and stand in solidarity with each another.

“As this blue planet is viewed from space, there are no national boundaries to be seen!” Rama speaks: “I received a call from Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat, Larry, and Curly late this morning, at 11:30 AM.

They said to me, ‘Lord Rama, President Joe Biden supports abortion rights. Meanwhile, the Vatican has condemned President Biden for this stance, and has said, “We want him out!”

TARA: This brings you to a mindset, that the Vatican is in charge of the whole world, and all the leadership must ask permission from the Vatican for whatever they say, do or be.

So that is canceled now! We are the ones we have been waiting for! While this is going on, there are so many stories from all over the world talking about the starships being seen, and folks interacting with them.

Sometime before the 25th of June, there may be some disclosure coming out from the Pentagon. Yet it will be tainted. They want to make ET an enemy.

TARA: That has been canceled as well! [Reading] “Ashtar is here with Mother. The time is Now! Keep looking up. “Call on us. We are here! Lord Michael likes jasmine tea. Happy Father’s Day! And Happy Juneteenth!”

TARA: Since 9/11—Mother Sekhmet said that anyone who has passed over, since 9/11, all the way up to the present moment—whatever the situation—everyone has a freewill choice to return back to their physical body, only completely healthy and rejuvenated, and you might say, in an ageless state. I just wanted to bring that up, because that is the promise. And this is the time of 5th dimensional and higher dimensional energies now, where that is always possible.

So we go to the next one here:

Saturday—Rama says, “I received a call from Natasha at 11:30 this morning. She said to me, ‘Lord Rama, president Biden is still stumbling over his words, and the Light coming in is raising everything up. All kinds of magic and miracles are indeed afoot!’ ” ‘Sat Nam! Namaste!’ ”

So now, on Monday—his Holiness the Dalai Lama has some more to share with us, at 3:30 in the morning: “If we want to see a more Peaceful world, we have to learn to collaborate. Young people should not follow previous patterns of behavior. “New conditions, such as our independent, globalized world require new ideas. New concepts. Dividing people into Us and Them is out of date! And so it is!” Rama speaks: “I talked with Sweet Angelique the Cat today at 11:30 this morning. She lives in Paris with Polly Boyco, who is a journalist reporter who works with RT, Russia Today TV. She is also a Faction Three White Knight. “They said to me, ‘Lord Rama, the UN Special Rapporteur is looking into sexual abuse of children by the hierarchy of the Vatican.’ ”

TARA: That goes back decades and decades in its recent history. In the larger story, it goes all the way back to Roman times.

[Reading] “This goes to the power of the inner church circle, and exposure of the false church is at hand. The true temple is within. We will see the truth of the real story, which goes back to the Man with the Plan. “See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! Sat Nam!”

TARA: Then we arrive here today: [Reading] “Every day now, we are hearing more stories about timelines changing through us, and we are about to meet our galactic family members who are 30,000 years here, and more. It has been said that Ashtar is millions of years in age.” TARA: Our friend Rana Mu is a time traveler here with us now, yet from 175 million years in our future, which is Mother Sekhmet’s past.

She is not incarnated. She has literally been here 175 million years. And Rama, is it true she’s been here from the very beginning?

RAMA: Yes. It’s about wrapping up the old timeline, where in the future, one-third of the Milky Way galaxy gets wiped out. So in this present timeline, we correct that by getting NESARA announced and this planet declaring Peace!

TARA: So there are beings like Rana Mu who have been here for the whole of what we call Time—150 billion years, in different galactic, human planets.

We’ve got galactic human family all over this nazaroth. The entire Universe of Nebadon and beyond, and in anti-matter too. So we are truly not alone!

So our friend Rana Mu is with us, and there are many as she is with us, who are here too.

“We are in Sat Yuga. Stay in the Light of the Violet Flame, and Saint Germain, the most Radiant One.”

TARA: And I will share a bit of the Arcturian Council Message from Daniel Scranton. [Reads the channeling “How to Discover Your Magic” at] That’s from the 9th dimensional Arcturian Council.

I heard Susan say, “I am a member of that Arcturian Council, and I work with Metatron, and Netha El Ra”—his twin flame—“and—” What are those beings? Those Praying Mantis beings! Tell us a bit more about them, Rama.

RAMA: They are tremendous healers. And they’ve been here forever. Sometimes they show up to us kind of looking human because they don’t want to scare the heaven out of us looking like giant praying mantis people, but they mean us no harm whatsoever. They are part of the councils and healers who have been here from the very beginning. TARA: We’ve got lots of friends! Lots of galactic human friends everywhere! And there’s all kinds of sisters and brothers who are working with that Antares / Arcturus Midway Station. Those who have made our transition or are choosing to, that’s the first place we go.

We go to the Antares / Arcturus Midway Station where we get reintegrated into galactic law. So that we can assist from the Other Side, all of us here to Ascend together.

So anybody who is over there can be back here with us, even without the physical form.

[Reads Tania Gabrielle’s writing on the month of June]

Faction Three White Knight News Update - June 25, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable, Station 2 June 24, 2021

Thursdays at 6:00 PM Pacific Time / 9:00 PM Eastern [US & Canada]

See for info on Rama’s contacts

RAMA: Greetings! Happy Strawberry Full Moon! I saw that on the Weather Channel today!

TARA: [Speaking about the guests interviewed before the updates -- Greg Meyerhoff and Anne Salisbury, PhD of, intuitives and bestselling authors of Journey to Heaven: An Insider’s Guide to the Afterlife] I just wanted to thank you, Caroline, before we start. What a gift [Anne and Greg have]!

RAMA: Yes, thank you!

TARA: I just wanted to listen to every word that came out of their mouths!

RAMA: I’ve had those experiences they were talking about, seeing the people that have left [who have remained on Earth in spirit form]. In fact, I see them all the time. I stand up the Violet Flame, and tell them to bring the energies up from the center of the Earth, all the way to the center of the Milky Way galaxy, and I watch them go! And it’s quite awesome to behold! In a sense, what we’re experiencing watching, like these folks [Anne and Greg] just said, the Matrix is falling apart, and people are getting their gifts and abilities—bending spoons and crossing the thresholds, in various ways.

There are times when I have talked to these folks who are on both sides of the dimensions, and the other dimensions, and there’s no veil. I keep saying, “Call in Lord Michael! Call in Ashtar! Ask them to show up for a cup of tea.” And I’m real about this. They’re here, just like all the stories that are being said. This time we’re in now, the last week—I have watched this story grow legs, that the Vatican is being brought down. The top inner circle of the Vatican is being called out on the carpet, for all the children who have been killed over the last decades. And this ties with recently, the last day or two, I’ve heard stories about the children who were buried in mass graves. TARA: They found more mass graves in British Columbia. RAMA: In Saskatchewan. This was in the news today.

And it’s not pretty stuff. These are souls who are wanting to go home too, back to the Light.

TARA: Lots of children and adults. Indigenous people’s bodies, in mass graves.

RAMA: Yes. And what I’m seeing, is that the false church that was set up by the Fallen Angels, who look like the blond, blue-eyed good guys, yet the [reptilian] scales came through [and they showed their true colors]. I don’t have any issues with the reptilian folks. I’ve served alongside many reptilian officers on the New Jerusalem. They serve under the banner of Love.

TARA: They thought they could be masters of the Universe with violence—the Fallen Angels actually blew up a whole constellation of Ophiuchus and it had to be reconstituted from the etheric blueprint that Lord Metatron holds. And Ophiuchus represents the teachings of Saint Germain. No wonder they said, “Let’s blow this one up!” Saint Germain is the symbol of the man who is holding the head and the tail of the snake. He’s got one foot below the horizon and one foot above the horizon, at the equator. What he’s representing is what we all are here to do. That Violet Flame represents the three-fold flame of the basic colors. The Ruby Ray, Excalibur Blue, and Sunshine Yellow. And that’s a combination—the Excalibur Blue Ray represents the ability to wield the Sword of Truth for the sake of Love.

The Ruby Ray or Pink Ray—it’s on a spectrum—the Theosophical Society only deal with pink. The more pastel colors. Yet Lady Master Nada represents the Ruby Ray, and she is helping us to have the ability to receive Love. In other words, a commitment to leadership in terms of leading by the example that we give.

As we give Love, it’s a way of teaching people where you’re giving the Love with Love, and how that feels, in terms of receiving gifts. So that’s a big deal, that we do that. And Lord Kuthumi is the World Teacher, and he represents that sunshine yellow—joy, self-determination, and active intelligence. What are we doing here? We’re intelligencing this.

I’m talking about this three-fold flame of the Violet Flame, because everything is moving because of it! He is in charge of the whole process of getting NESARA enacted into law. So Rama—more?

RAMA: I talked to Abby Martin by text today, and she laid out an epistle that has to do with the coming Full Disclosure, as more and more stories are coming out as the Matrix continues to collapse.

She put out a 23-minute YouTube talking about the CIA from the beginning, when they started as the OSS [WWII German intelligence] and investigating Hitler and the vimanas [ancient flying machines], and Hitler’s obsession with the occult, and opening up the portals to call in the various beings to take over the planet.

Abby Martin talked about how all kinds of folks in the agencies are chomping at the bit to come forward and talk about the Unmanned Aerial Phenomena, the UAPs, which our black budget agencies have created, to essentially play with that idea, to create the idea of Independence Day [fake alien invasion].

I keep being told to my face, “Ashtar’s got this one! There isn’t going to be any fake alien invasion or false flags.” But they are chomping at the bit, the dark side, to do it, and there are whistleblowers ready to come forward talk, without getting dead.

Right at this time though, there are so many other things also going on that have to do with how we bring these stories forward in a good way. These whistleblowers are protected. The folks that know how to do that are doing that. I’m just being told, “Head’s up! Things are going to roll out like nobody’s business!” It’s about all these folks who are here—I see them. Maybe not everyone can see them, yet call them in. They’ll come and sit with you and have a cup of tea. This is real!

CAROLINE: Rama—let me jump in for a moment. Did you finish everything you were saying about the Vatican, because that’s kind of the story of the decade, at least!

Does the world at large know that they are being investigated by the UN?

RAMA: I would say, yeah! The news agencies, aside from RT—I don’t know what to say about RT. It is not owned by Putin, yet they tell stories that other agencies and networks don’t tell.

TARA: They’re completely independent of that. They actually are centered in Washington DC.

RAMA: Yeah, and Moscow. What I’m being told—I heard this story Monday night, three times on BBC News on the radio, where they talked about “a Special UN Rapporteur is investigating these deaths.” Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of children, that go back decades and decades, in the top inner circle of the Vatican. That includes Mr Francis and all his cronies.

TARA: It’s more than hundreds. It’s thousands

RAMA: It’s thousands. This is about the false church falling now, because it does not represent the true teachings of Yeshua and Magdalene, at all!

TARA: And if you want to follow the child trafficking theme—over time, we’re talking about hundreds of thousands of children.

RAMA: Abomination and desolation! I’m trying to keep this light, yet how do you keep this light, talking about genocide?

TARA: Well, talking about the big story, the dark side took over the planet. They came from Orion’s Belt, where they were having a war in heaven. Shangase [sp?] came from the Pleaides, and she was a female warrior goddess.

RAMA: All these stories—there are different bits and pieces that are scattered throughout all the world’s story lines. All the major civilizations. There are little bits and pieces that fit all this together. This is why folks like Graham Hancock and the folks on Ancient Aliens and others who are coming forward and sharing the wisdom of how things don’t exactly fit together with the storyline that they’re feeding us, that “this only happened 6,000 years ago.”

TARA: Yeah! I was also going to say that the Vatican—tonight’s update—this has to do with Hitler too. The Vatican and Hitler were connected at the hip. All the Nazis—the Vatican helped them to go to South America. “Don’t cry for me, Argentina!”

RAMA: And this ties in with Antarctica, and how they went down there. Michael Salla has an article out there now, talking about how the reptilians and others are leaving Antarctica, and going back to Aldebaran and other places in our galaxy, and let’s just say, they’re going to be met by Lord Michael’s legions and the Forces of Light.

TARA: Nobody can get out of being held accountable. And it’s not about killing them—

RAMA: No! But there is something that’s not being discussed, which is that all kinds of folks from China and South Africa and Turkey are coming down to Antarctica and setting up infrastructures, and building stuff.

And it has to do with what they have found. And what they have found, are the cryogenic chambers of the pre-Flood people. The Adamites. And Leonara, who I talk to—20,000 years old—she is one of these folks. She’s never died.

The technologies that are still fully operational, fully functional in Antarctica—our ABC agencies know about this. The various governments—Russia, China, the US, Israel—folks who have a vested interest in keeping the scary stories going on. Yet at the same time, it is about the power struggle with Iran. And the pre-Adamite people are letting our various Earth agencies know, “If you mess with these technologies, you’re going to get burned!

“That’s what happened in Atlantis. Do you want to do the same thing?”

TARA: In Atlantis, they tried to use laser technology to blow up all the palaces in China. Through the Sun in the center of the Earth. And the intelligent being in the Sun in the center of the Earth said, “Let’s send this back where it came from!”

By your own hands, thinking you’re going to play war games. It’s kind of interesting, because China is moving ahead of the West in every way.

RAMA: Yeah. They have a space station. They have technologies on Mars just like we do. And the moon. And things are going to come forward.

TARA: And they’re moving ahead economically, way more than people are being told.

RAMA: Yeah! They know just as much as Russia does. Just as much as the US. We cannot have a nuclear war on this planet It will not be tolerated!

TARA: That goes back to this other story, from yesterday’s report.

RAMA: Yeah, our little incident in the Black Sea.

TARA: Well, Britain’s little incident in the Black Sea! Very naughty children!

[Reading report] “I received a call from Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat yesterday morning at 10:30 AM. “He said to me, ‘Lord Rama, there was a British naval destroyer that got too close to the British Crimean waters. The Russians gave warning shots—meaning, they dropped bombs in the destroyers’ path, to notify the Brits to back off. “Britain says they did not violate Russia’s waters around Crimea.

RAMA: No other news agencies have said that!

TARA: RT told the story!

RAMA: And BBC News! None of the regular networks talked about this stuff!

TARA: You can go to your computer at and look at the headline news. They’re telling stories that you’re not going to hear, like Rama keeps repeating.

So—I had caught this story on RT yesterday. John Huddy was sitting in for Rick Sanchez. He said, “We begin with trouble in the Black Sea.

“British defense officials said one of its patrol boats fired warning shots at the British HMS Defender that was making its way into territorial waters . . . “ [Reads report]

“British defense officials say the ship was never diverted from its course . . . routine transit through an internationally recognized traffic corridor in Ukrainian waters.“

TARA: That’s not so. They don’t want to recognize that Crimea is Russia!

They don’t acknowledge that That’s why they’re saying it’s Crimean waters. They have no business doing that! And the reason that Russia took Crimea back is that the people are Russian. It’s not true, all this others stuff. [Continues reading report]

RAMA: The way Tom was talking to me, is that this little incident escalated into something really big, so I just gotta say, Ashtar is here!

TARA: “Tom said that Britain said they did not violate Russia’s waters around Crimea. Russia said that this was clearly a provocation.” A game of chicken, or “hit me with your best shot.”

This is like when the US puts sanctions on whole countries, and thousands die when they do that.

[Reading] “Tom reminded me there will not be nuclear war, even though the western countries want one.”

TARA: That’s the point! The western countries want war because it brings more profit and it kills people. The whole western world has been cloaking their actions, yet what they have been doing is killing for profit. This time, the Ashtar Command steps in. Because there’s no way they’re going to start something that would end up as a nuclear confrontation.

The European Union parliament is talking about having a summit with Putin. RAMA: That would be good! TARA: Yes it would! That’s another little layer, because that Nord Stream pipeline is finished now. As Trump was engaging, he wanted to stop that. Biden’s still doing that protocol, but it’s too late. And see, that’s an agreement between Germany and Russia. The economic interaction between Russia and the EU in general, and the very strong relationship between Germany and Russia—if you look back on old maps, Germany and Russia was one place, and they called it Prussia. So they have some DNA sharing going on there!

And we want to make that a good thing. Yet we’re not doing an oil pipeline. There’s reason—until We the People here in the United State of Altea America pick up our Sword of Truth with the heart of the Lion and the Wisdom of Kuthumi, and learn how to help acceptance, which is really the story about Love.

This is moving along!

Like when Greg and Anne were showing us how strong is the communication between the Other Side and here! The Other Side is definitely supporting us, and the galactic teachings they’re getting from the Antares Arcturus Midway Station—when people die, they go there for re-introduction to galactic law. And anybody who made their transition between 9/11 and now can come back in the same body, totally healed. They are able, after being reintegrated into galactic law, do a lot of things. The upgrade can mean a service that goes beyond.

What we’re doing here is upgrading our consciousness. [Side note about Bee Pollen product]

CAROLINE: I was channeling a few weeks ago for an online event, and brought in the galactics who are part of the Collective. And they were saying that there is a bigger ET presence now amongst world leaders, amongst the governing bodies, the councils that make decisions, and that they are letting intelligence officers know, and the military, “You are going to start admitting to our presence.”

Rama, I hadn’t thought of that. I hadn’t heard that before. Rama, can you confirm that there’s more action on that level now?

RAMA: Yes, I concur. And this is where we might just see Kamala Harris take the podium and say, “We need to talk about our friends!” And she might be the one who is able to do it. Uncle Joe has his moments. They supposedly put together an infrastructure bill, and a bipartisan one, yet seeing is believing.

To answer your question, there are all kinds of folks all around the planet and throughout the various governments that are connected with the galactic presence.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu is a galactic!

TARA: Oh, wow! Wow!

RAMA: Yeah, he is one of the galactics. David Icke knows this. Yet he doesn’t talk about it, because it’s about awakening your divinity, and the Christ within.

This is not about giving your power away to some guy who died on a cross.

TARA: He is part of the church, and he could be—

RAMA: The next pope? But I don’t think we’re going to have any popes. TARA: I know, but the thing is, he has learned how to go into the belly of the beast, and represent that. CAROLINE: Well, that was another question I had. As far as the investigation into the Vatican goes—are they talking about the children who died in the bowels of the Vatican, in those dark rituals? Or are they talking about everything that the hierarchy of the Vatican and the European royals have been dealing in for centuries, all over the world?

TARA: Both/And! They have the bones of children—tens of thousands of them—in the catacombs. They killed those children, drank their blood and ate their flesh in rituals in the Vatican, for centuries, yes! [Randy asks about the day of antivirus creator John McAfee’s death, when a special unmarked US military plane that flew from Madrid back to the US]

RAMA: McAfee has been playing around on the periphery of the ABC agencies, and playing around in countries in South America, creating designer drugs like what they use at rave parties and dance parties. He’s been involved in selling that in various countries. He supposedly either committed suicide in his cell in Madrid, Spain, or they killed him.

[Discussion RE Spanish government being in league with US government]

TARA: What’s required, is for this old hierarchy to be completely removed from their power structure.

Abby Martin is an investigative journalist. Her first work was done on RT for years, and now she has her own YouTube channels called the Empire Files. It’s amazing she is still breathing! RAMA: Yeah, this lady’s got balls! Excuse my language!

TARA: She does! She said, “Lord Rama, I sent you this YouTube that goes back to the very beginning of the CIA."

[23-minute YouTube talking about the CIA from the beginning, when they started as the OSS and investigating Hitler and the vimanas, and Hitler’s obsession with the occult, and opening up the portals to call in the various beings to take over the planet.]

RAMA: He [Hitler] wanted to bring in the Valkyrie, and save the day for his German people! The Valkyrie are the winged riders that come in with Thor and Walla I think is her name—she’s one of the head Valkyrie, and they fly on winged Pegasuses. And they are part of Odin’s legions from Asgard, to save Midgard, which is our realm amongst the Nine Realms.

TARA: So “They were investigating Hitler’s obsession with the occult, and Hitler’s secret space program to build spaceships, which like they did in India, he called them vimanas [flying machines]. If you haven’t listened to the Mahabharata, that is a powerful [spiritual teaching]! [To Rama] And you were right in the middle of all that [the actual historical events, in another life]!

Back to now: “All the spook agencies”—meaning, all of the alphabet agencies—”are running our planetary governments.” In this final hour, there’s nothing else going on. Because as we remove them, it’s all at once or nothing at all. That’s the period we’re in!

RAMA: That’s why you’re saying, Caroline, that there are all kinds of galactic beings throughout all the governments of the planet who are going to come forward and take their mask off, and say, “Let’s stop the war talk and figure out how we can work with each other, whether we’re blue or green or yellow!”

TARA: [Reading report] “There are whistleblowers coming forward who are going to talk about what they have seen and done, and that is going to push through to the mainstream media. “And this goes right into what is going on with the Unmanned Aerial Phenomena [UAP], that our black ops have been observing for decades. The triangular-shaped craft have been seen all over the world in ever-increasing amounts, and they are about to be exposed.”

What do you mean by that, Rama?

RAMA: What I mean by that, is that there are so many sightings of these craft, and even Dr Greer talks about it, that you can tell that these craft— There is an energy with them that does not feel [to be in alignment] with the Office of the Christ. It’s an ominous feeling. It’s like you’re being watched. That’s not coming from a loving place at all.

TARA: Some final words: “Stay safe. Stay in the Violet Flame, Lord Rama!”

I pass the talking stick!

Copyright 2021, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this post.

Thank you.

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