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Faction Three White Knight News Update - August 6, 2021

Updated: Aug 7, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable

August 5, 2021, Station 2

Thursdays at 6:00 PM Pacific Time / 9:00 PM Eastern [US & Canada]

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RAMA: [Offering energy update] The energies are going up, and up and up! Everyone’s feeling it, including the cats and the dogs and the trees! And it’s going to keep going higher, because we’re in this shift, this gigantic shift that has to do with this 8-8 Lion’s Gate and Sirius, connecting with the Sun at this time.

At this time, the three stars of the Lion’s Belt line up perfectly over the Giza Plateau, the three pyramids. You can see that at night. It’s about huge portals opening now.

I’ve been getting downloads after downloads of these cosmic codes. The energies of the Force, as I call it, are about lifting ourselves higher and staying in that Violet Flame, because they are doing everything they can to distract us as the energies get higher and the Ascension symptoms get more insane.

TARA: What we’ve got to do is get more sane! They’re trying to keep us distracted from that.

I’ll just say, from my point of view, that we are feeling the talking stick being passed to us more and more, those of us who are on that Spirit path. These ones, in a deeper sense, are afraid all the way around. Because even in the mainstream media, in terms of MSNBC, anyway—I don’t watch Fox News!—but they are lifting the lid more and more. They’re uncovering the darkness.

And it’s not hard to do right now, because the Light is so bright, so that people can see it . . .


RAMA: I went up to the faery ring today and created a Jedi Council [brought up holographic images of those in the council, on his device]. And the King of Egypt showed up, and Tom the Cat! They told me that President Raisi of Iran has been sworn in, and that he vows to help Iran out of the crisis that they’re in right now. And he called the United States and Israel “the Great Satan,” and that they are the ones who have caused the problems in the Middle East, and I agree. It’s been going on since 1948, since before I stepped in here. And it’s time this story changes!

He spoke about the lifting of the sanctions, and coming back to the nuclear deal. And helping the people of Syria and Yemen and Palestine, as well as the people of Iran.

The King of Egypt shared that this man was one of the top insiders with the Supreme Leader [Ayatollah Ali Khamenei]. Yet he is different from other folks over there. He has some insights on how to change the story of Iran’s destiny now on the planet. Which is a good thing.

The King of Egypt also shared with me that they have found new cryogenic chambers with people in them who are in stasis. And stargates in parts of Northern Iran. They are slowly reviving these people. They have wisdom on what happened to planet Earth before the Flood, when right at that time, they were going through the same changes we’re going through, which is: climate disruption, consciousness raising, and conflict—like nobody’s business.

With all due respect, I gotta say that I have been told, where Captain Ashtar was literally inches from my face, and he said, “Read my lips: There will not be any extinction-level events.” At the same time, they [the old power structure] are playing with this end game right now. They have lost power. The Matrix really is collapsing. There are folks, like Morpheus said, they are so caught up in the Matrix, that they will fight and die to defend the Matrix. We are literally watching that right now on all the major networks that are not telling the truth which what is really going on with—it’s not a virus. It’s a borg operating system.

A biological operating system. Pretty much, where I’m talking to you on this screen here with something called Windows 10!

RAMA: In the last few days, the Solar rays have increased.

Things are happening with our Sun [that are] more recent—it’s not down the road like 2022, 2023, 2025—it’s right now. As the energies increase, it’s about us raising ourselves up to handle that Light coming in from the Sun.

It’s changing everything I see around me. I mean, constantly. We are seeing the 5th dimension and the 3rddimension blending. I am seeing portals opening and pathways.

If you’re not aware, you can go down a portal—literally, a portal will open on the highway, like I’ve said before—you drive through it, and [suddenly] you’re not in this dimension. And I watched it happen, on I-25 going North!

TARA: You watched somebody else go through a portal? RAMA: Yeah! In front of me. And that car disappeared, and I didn’t ask where they went. I’m just saying that there are many things happening that have to do with the energies of the Sun changing this reality, and you have to be aware 24/7 how you walk, move, and have your being. I hope that answers the question!

VINAYAK: What I was referring to, is the specifics of: “A very important decision that will affect your life in the next three years and three months”—have any of the White Knights or any of the people you talk to mentioned this “decision-making,” and how it relates to occupation for any of us?

Because I think this is a profound posting. The post is by Anna Merkaba.

RAMA: What she’s talking about, Anna Merkaba, is this transfigurational / transformational change. This decision is about serving the whole of humanity. Serving the Light.

It’s at this place where, “Do not get distracted by the maya [illusion] going on. Stay focused on your decision to serve the whole of humanity.” And they are creating anything and everything now to distract us with fear, and with the other energies that lead us off this path.

TARA: There’s also an issue with timing, because the rest of this year of 2021 is going to bring a lot more changes. So having to make a commitment for the next three years and three months—there’s going to be more changes that will be bigger. Larger changes. That’s a journey.

I think that whoever is making this decision has to consider that. I don’t think we can tell them what to say or do. It can’t just be for the sake of a career boost, because there’s too many changes right now, in terms of moving forward into newer technologies, different ways of doing things.

One quick example: Somebody was talking to one of my sons about working for the airlines, and right now the airlines are really old technology! They really are. They’ve already got other blueprints that are more like space technology, and it’s not that we know how quickly that will change. Then there’s also the thing of working for the airlines.

I don’t know what will happen, but it sure looks like the dark ones have created one variant after the next, then the next. They’ve got 8 or 9 variants that are going to get more difficult to deal with.

So I think you have to really make a decision as to the change in time. I don’t know I can go much further than that . . . [Speaks with caller for a while]

News Update resumes . . .

RAMA: Yesterday I spoke with Lady Master Nada, and she was talking about Lebanon.

It’s the one-year anniversary of that explosion in Lebanon where that ammonium nitrate exploded, and there were thousands of people who got hurt and some are still missing. There were over 208 people who died.

Lady Nada spoke about how Lebanon is not in a good position right now. The news—this is what she shared, and it’s not pretty. There are parts of Lebanon that look like Aleppo after we bombed the heaven out of it, and [also like] parts of Mordor.

There are parts of Lebanon—downtown Beirut—Beirut used to be the Paris of the Middle East. I visited there in the Seventies; it was awesome! Now they have maybe two hours of electricity a day, like Iraq.

TARA: And Lady Nada was raised there as a child. She’s Lebanese.

RAMA: I hate to bring these kinds of awful stories to this Roundtable, but this is really about the falling of the Matrix, and how we can rebuild with our hearts.

TARA: So what did Nada share with you in her message?

RAMA: Just that there’s a lot of corruption in the Lebanese political story, and it has to do with other players. Not necessarily Iran, but the West. Once again, this goes into the IMF and the World Bank, and the empire called the United States.

TARA: I think she told you, Rama, that the average salary in Beirut is $40 a month for an 8-hour day [kind of job]. That’s like about $10 more a month than the people who are deep in the mines in Africa. They make $30 a month. So we’re looking at dark realities there.

She said too, that the starships come in every night. And they bring food and medicine and water, and all kinds of necessary items. So this seems to be a repetitious story when you’re bringing a message, right, Rama?

RAMA: Yes!

TARA: That the crafts, the Star people are helping people all over the world this way.

RAMA: The day before I talked to the Poppy Lady, and she said, her and the Sasquatch people and the others from Andromeda, and the Arcturians, are helping the people of Afghanistan.

And the Taliban are taking town and village—they are just taking over, with the United States’ help, called the CIA in other countries. This is our foreign policy. It’s not a pretty picture, yet the people are waking up! The Poppy Lady with her Sasquatch friends are helping the dead and the dying, [picking them up] in their shuttle craft, and restoring them back to help. And they [the people who are rescued] are choosing, instead of going back to Afghanistan, they are choosing the intergalactic Confederation of Light! I can put it that way!

TARA: You talked to the Poppy Lady—was that Tuesday? RAMA: Yes.

TARA: And there is constant help from the galactics. Many starships, and they have medical centers on the ships. They’re stationed where they’re needed, and they’re just helping people all over Afghanistan now. Because there are over 20 million people in Afghanistan starving to death right now.

So in other words, the empire’s already retreating and leaving a mess, and the galactics are intervening.

RAMA: Yes! Even though it’s not being discussed!

TARA: Then on Monday, you spoke with Lady Master Nada as well, and she said:

“Lord Rama, I am in an undisclosed location, and today the Palestinians have taken Israeli settlers to court concerning the unlawful eviction of Palestinians from their homes in and around Al Aqsa Mosque, as well as in the area of east Jerusalem called Sheikh Jarrah.

And the Israeli settlers have used weapons to remove—to forcefully evict, and sometimes even kill Palestinians who have lived there, in terms of their ancestral lineage, for thousands of years.

RAMA: It’s like what Abby Martin talked about with Joe Rogan [when he interviewed her for his radio show]: Sometimes the Israeli settlers and the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] just shoot the Palestinians in cold blood and get rid of the bodies, and people move into the houses. It’s that cut and dry, and not very pretty. [Ho’oponopono prayer] “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”

TARA: This has been going on since—forever.

RAMA: Yeah. And we are supporting this policy that Israel is promoting, and what does that say about us, as a country?

TARA: Yeah. So the Palestinians have brought this to the courts, because these actions constitute war crimes. RAMA: Yes, they do! TARA: It’s just like every story about every part of the world is the same story. Come in there for profit, kill for profit, then leave the remains for whatever.

So we really do have a consistency of reporting from Faction Three White Knights, that the galactics are intervening all over the world, to pick up where the empire left off. We have to do this too. That’s what these blessings and this new money system comes in. Nobody’s going to be working for slave wages on the whole planet. I know they have a way of doing it—people who make $30 a month won’t know what to do with $10 million! So there’s a whole arrangement for how this is going to get done. I know that they’re probably going to do stuff—there are these spherical structures that the Japanese glassblowing industry, and the technique that they use there—they can blow up [create] the spherical structure. And they can use robots and give them a program for how to create the interior for each one of those. And they can create Cities of Light that have a main spherical structure in the center, and then they have corridors, but they’re all glass. You can grow trees, gardens, vegetables, flowers—everything.

They connect to a ring of these spherical structures, then another ring that have even smaller ones. Then they have this indoor/outdoor landscaping where you can create an absolute City of Light. And they can blow these structures one a second. That is a singular project—

RAMA: This could end hunger and homelessness over night. So we don’t need to have Ms [Congress Member] Cori Bush sleeping on the Capitol Steps!

TARA: That’s another thing—I was going to have Rama take a picture of—about three or four days ago, on Amy Goodman [anchor for], at the beginning of her show, [Senator] Bernie Sanders had his arm around [Congress Member] Cori Bush, and his other arm around [Congress Member] AOC [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez], and they’re walking around that Capitol steps.

The energy that these three were carrying at the Capitol—it’s an energy that’s saying—what I heard in my heart was, “We have won, folks!”

RAMA: That’s right!

[A number of listeners call in to comment]

CALLER: I’m anxious to see things come about. I’m sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting for things to happen!

TARA: [To caller] Well, they are moving there, and it’s a very serious matter. Because the latest issue is that they’ve been trying to completely shut democracy down on the whole planet. It’s a global fascist movement to end democracy and to leave the people out of the right to vote, the constitution.

Blaze the Violet Fire! Find some really beautiful experiences in your own life. You never know—you can touch another person and help them wake up, because you probably know something that they don’t. And take care too, because they’ve got some naughty things up their sleeve. But I don’t think they’re going to get very far . . .

RAMA: I can say with great certainty, I am watching the Matrix fall apart in real time. It gives me great hope! At the same time, stay in neutrality, and send the Violet Flame to the troubled souls who are still caught. Because they will defend the Matrix till they’re dead. Sometimes you can’t get in the way, to help someone. They’ve just got to go through it. After everything is complete, they’ll come full circle. Blaze the Violet Flame! I pass the talking stick!

Copyright 2021, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

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