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Faction Three White Knight News Update - July 16, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable

July 15, 2021, Station 2 Thursdays at 6:00 PM Pacific Time / 9:00 PM Eastern [US & Canada]

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RAMA: Greetings!

The King of Swords said to me today, our republic is hanging by a Superman’s hair. It’s that precarious, and that close to the end.

And at the same time, the Forces of Light are here!

It is about what’s coming in. Every day I keep being told that—like you said, Omena—All the Forces of Light are here! The Company of Heaven. However you wish to describe it.

And like you said, Caroline—yeah, it looks like an oligarchy and a police state's getting closer every single hour. And at the same time, I know there’s a different story here. I don’t know how to convey that, or convince anyone. It’s about what you get a sense of, in your own being, within the Force. You’ve got to trust and walk out onto that ledge [metaphorically speaking], and you can fly! It’s that simple, that quick. I’m not kidding!

TARA: That’s the gist of the whole story, huh, Rama?

RAMA: Yeah!

TARA: I wrote something that Rama told me about the story that he got today, so we’ll read that as a complement to what Rama just said: [Reading report] “I received a text message from the King of Swords today. It was 11:35 this morning. “He said to me, ‘Lord Rama, I may be beaming into your passenger seat in the next little while, to cuss and discuss the fine print of your trust [received once NESARA is enacted]!’ ”

RAMA: That tells me things are so, so close! I don’t know where to go with that statement, except to move forward!

TARA: [To Rama] Make sure you got a seat beside you that’s ready to receive, in that little shuttlecraft of yours!

This is the King of Swords, speaking to Rama: “Think of me as Agent Nick Fury in The Avengers!” For those who may not know who that is, can you say something that’s a description of this being?

RAMA: Nick Fury assembled the Avengers, in the series of [Avengers] movies, as guardians of this local galaxy, so to speak, [for protection] from other immortals who didn’t exactly have the best intentions.

It’s a metaphor for what’s really going on here. At a deeper level, what’s about to be revealed is 13,000 years of hidden history, where Enki and Enlil never left. They just transferred their power to the 13 Families, and they’re still playing out the ancient Babylonian money magic machine story. And it’s all going to end now, with the fall of Rome. And how there are many people here before the Flood who will share their stories, and tell their tales of how it got that bad back then.

We’re paralleling that exact story right now, to the letter.

I have great faith that we have already made it. I don’t know how to convey that, except to trust. In a sense, the metaphor of Agent Nick Fury, AKA the King of Swords, is all of these folks around this planet, with the Ascended Masters and the Galactic commands, and Lord Michael’s legions, who are telling us, “Trust in the magic about [how] you are more powerful than the old timeline!

“Don’t buy into the fear, and the hate, and the vitriol!”

TARA: OK, so this is much like the End Days, as the ancient times, as Rama was saying, of Atlantis, where the priest scientists learned—

RAMA: They warned us!

TARA: They warned us about getting stuck in the lower human ego. [Reading report--quoting King of Swords] “Right at this time, all the Forces of Light are in orbit around Mother Gaia. We are about to see how deep this ancient story goes, old souls!

“It is time to stop all the vitriol and hate. And I have seen what vitriol and hate does. “Remember, I flew a Hughey helicopter, a very large transport helicopter, in Viet Nam. Goddess is here! And she comes with Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, and Lord Maitreya. “All the hosts of heaven are here. Keep your phone on! Any time now!

"See you in the Light of the most Radiant One! Sat Nam. Namaste!” TARA: Rep. Joyce Beatty, a Democrat from Ohio [and chair of Congressional Black Caucus]—she was arrested at the US Capitol. She was demonstrating with others who came from Texas and other places, to preserve our right as citizens to vote. What she said is, “I stand in solidarity with Black women and allies across the country in defense of our constitutional right to vote. We have come too far and fought too hard to see anything systematically dismantled and restricted by those who wish to silence us. Be assured that this is just the beginning!”

Rama was just saying this a minute ago, and the King of Swords was saying this to Rama—that this has been a fight to dismantle democracy forever. And to use the seat of power—just to remind everybody, Lord Michael overlights that seat of power on the planet, and Archangel Michael has an Excalibur blue Sword of Truth!

RAMA: A pretty big sword!

TARA: And we are all learning how to wield that Sword of Truth now. I’ll read yesterday’s report as well: [Reading] “I received a call from Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat at 11:30 this morning. “He said to me, ‘Lord Rama, we are nanoseconds away from our Sun Sol’s transfiguration!‘ ”

TARA: There’s a huge thing going on regarding that story!

RAMA: Yes! our Sun is sending out some mass coronal ejections. In the next 24 hours we might have radio or cell phone blackouts, possibly. Just send more Light to the energies.

TARA: The King of Swords kind of presented us on Tuesday with the knowledge that there are trillions of starships surrounding both our Sun Sol and our Mother Gaia, correct, Rama? RAMA: Yes!

TARA: And that’s our assurance that that which you were alluding to will not happen. And of course, playing on fear is the best and favorite game of those who wish more fear to be promulgated.

RAMA: The dark side.

TARA: So, anyway—“Tom the Ring-tailed Cat said to me, ‘Lord Rama, we are nanoseconds away from our Sun Sol’s transfiguration!

‘It could be hours; it could be days. It is all about the Sun’s transfiguration that is connected with the sun behind the Sun—Helios and Vesta—and then it moves behind and higher to Alcyone, the Great Central Sun, in the Pleaides.

‘Then it connects all the way to Super-Galactic Center, located at 26 degrees Sagittarius, where our Milky Way Galaxy merges with 26 other galaxies, and where the Hunab Ku (the heart resonance connection for all of us, of the Mayan Calendar) also resides.

‘From that point of Light, it’s in the mind and heart of God. Let Light stream forth into the minds and hearts of men, and let Light and Love descend on Earth! ‘The time is Now! ‘No dates. Saint Germain is here to see us through the completion of this. Be Love Now! Sat Nam! Namaste!’ “ If I go back another day, it’s going to give the same story. This has been going on for the last couple of weeks, wouldn’t you say, Rama?

RAMA: Yeah!

TARA: And of course, when we’re approaching something like this, Blaze the Violet Fire!

Omena—do I hear a message coming from Saint Germain? OMENA: What do you want to ask him? TARA: How shall we prepare to receive our blessings for prosperity, and a new heaven and a New Earth right now?

OMENA: OK . . . well, what he’s saying is, it’s all there for the taking. What he really means is, it’s all there for the Receiving.

Anybody who wants to receive the blessings that a positive new world will hold, and an equally new world for everybody, then we have to change our way of thinking. That we’re worthy of it, and that we’re open to receiving.

And the other big thing he’s saying, is that “Not enough people are asking for it.” This is crucial! For all listeners: if you want Peace in your life, if you want prosperity, if you want Love—you have to ask for it.

Because that energy—and this is Saint Germain talking—that energy all collects like a huge, positive cloud that’s full of Love and energy.

To explain that the energy coming in—a lot of it’s not even going though people, because there’s nowhere for it to anchor! We have to clean out some old energy. All we have to do, is ask for it to be taken away, because: “We don’t interfere with free will! Yet there’s a great desire for humankind who want the Love and the Peace, but are not willing to give up or surrender [the old thoughtforms and belief systems, to make room for Receiving all of this]—as we were talking earlier, about surrendering to the possibilities. Amen!” That was Saint Germain.

TARA: Yes, I get it! Thank you, Saint Germain! Just to remind everybody, Saint Germain is in charge of getting NESARA enacted into law. This is his baby. As he just got through telling us, it’s our job to acknowledge who we are and receive ourselves fully, and to let go of or to surrender that which is not who we are, that has been a mere crutch.

It’s about the whole enchilada—clearing and aligning physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, cosmic Light bodies. There are 5 places. That number 5 is about this whole year [2 + 0 + 2 + 1]—that alignment of those 5 bodies represents the change we want to see in the world.

That’s in, through, and around us all. That work we do together here every Thursday, it builds! I’ve heard Saint Germain say it too: “Build it, and we will come!” We’ve got more to say about our presentation—[to Rama] do you want to do Greg Braden [on video]?

CAROLINE: If you don’t mind, let me just ask a few questions, and I encourage listeners to ask questions. Because we are a planet right on the edge, and I’m a little shocked that more people aren’t calling in to ask about what’s going on.

I know that after the Abundance Call the other night, one of the things that you reported was that someone said to Rama, “A planetary emergency flare has been sent up.”

I’d like to know who did that, and what was the criteria met, that they would send up that emergency request for assistance—I guess, to our galactic friends?

RAMA: What they called it was a "planetary distress beacon." TARA: Who put it out, Rama? RAMA: The Ascended Masters! To call in the rest of the Forces of Light. TARA: The ones who are here on the ground.

RAMA: Right. Today, I saw Grandmother Beatrice. She opened her shop again [in Santa Fe], as things are "opening up," whatever that means. You’ve still got to wear a mask to go in there.

I asked her, "What’s up with all the energies coming in?" and she said, “Quetzalcoatl is here! Expect him!” So that kind of tells me, in a sense, that all these folks are here, and it’s about understanding / innerstanding / overstanding that there’s several different stories going on.

The “lamestream” media is doing what it’s doing to keep the confines of the old timeline going. At the same time, people are waking up like never before, to join together in Unity consciousness, like this Black congresswoman who said, “Enough! It’s time! I ain’t going to take it anymore!”

TARA: Well, we’re going to use Love.

And Quetzalcoatl is the name that the ancient Mayans gave to Lord Kuthumi. In Atlantis, they called him Lord Tehuti.

Kuthumi comes by many names, you might say. He was Pythagoras too, Kuthumi. You know that thing you learn in geometry class, which is the square root of the right angle of the isosceles triangle—it equals an infinite number. The numbers go on forever, and they never repeat themselves—forever!

And Barack Obama called it in, right before I think, the 13th of October, right before his election. He got up there, and he said, “I love Pi!” He said it in 5 different ways, and there were 50,000 people listening to him at a place in Colorado. He was talking about the square root of the right angle of an isosceles triangle equaling infinite bliss, infinite prosperity, infinite wisdom, infinite All-That-I-AM-ness. Calling it in. That’s Who we are! And we’re learning together, and there’s no turning back. RAMA: Yes!

CAROLINE: About the planetary distress beacon, did something happen very specifically recently [to make that necessary], or is it just our overall interesting situation on the planet? TARA: The idea of taking the vote away, and democracy—forever!

RAMA: Yeah, it’s about our political/social situation as well as the energies coming in from the Sun, and our planet going through its own Transfiguration, up into a higher octave. The planetary distress beacons are a signal to the rest of the galactic neighborhood that “This is the time!” CAROLINE: OK, I follow.

What do you mean when you talk about the Sun going through a Transfiguration? What does that mean for us here on Earth?

RAMA: It is moving higher up in octave [frequency], where it takes on its Ascended state and moves into the position of the Sun behind the Sun, as Helios and Vesta, they in turn move up in octave, all the way up to Alcyone, the Great Central Sun, all the way up to Super-Galactic Center.

Essentially, what has been told to me, is that at any given point in time, right at this time, that has to do with the solar flares / plasma ejections coming out of the Sun—a beam of Light could come out of the Sun, connect up with Helios and Vesta, then to Alcyone, then to Super-Galactic Center. And this beam of Light activates this entire global sector, all the way to the 27 other galaxies surrounding this one.

My understanding about that, is that that wave of Light that comes in lifts us, and it’s not a negative thing. It’s a positive thing. Yet if you’re in a state of consciousness like Donald Trump, you may be having some physical problems. Because the energies are going to get even higher. That’s what I’ve got to say on the matter. CAROLINE: That’s very helpful. Thank you, Rama. So in other words, if a person has been steeping themselves in density and darkness, this Light is going to come as a real shock to their system.

RAMA: It could cause some problems, where they may have heart palpitations, a feeling of disorientation, or vertigo, or feeling like “the bottom is falling out of my world.” And it is!

TARA: That’s why it’s important that we lean on one another . . .

PENNY: I wanted to ask a question similar to yours, Caroline, and that was what the Transfiguration of the Sun means, and I'm wondering if all the suns would all line up. To Rama—then what happens? Does that mean our Sun Sol leaves, or gets brighter? What does that look like? Is there a way to describe it, to those of us who are not scientifically minded?

RAMA: How it’s been described to me, is that our Sun and the Light coming to Earth will take on softer, more pastel hues, where everything will look very much like you’re looking through a misty energy, where things look very pastel, and sparkly and shiny.

TARA: I was having a treatment by our sister Sonja yesterday. She works long distance [remotely] in healing all the different [physical and energy] bodies. We both noticed, and she brought it up, that the energies are very powerful, yet very gentle and very kind, and very peaceful. And full of unconditional loving presence amongst us. And yet, it’s a Light that continues to flow. It doesn’t stop. PENNY: My question then is, Does that mean that it then becomes a 5th dimensional Sun? And is there a separation of people? I guess, obviously, I’m using a 3D mind to try to understand this.

CAROLINE: That’s fascinating! Penny, are you asking about a bifurcation between a 3D Earth and a 5D Earth? Or that it has to do with the timelines? You seem to be asking about the timelines.

PENNY: Thank you, Caroline. If when the Sun transfigures, all of us are raised with that, so if that takes this Earth with that, and there’s nowhere else for people to go—if people can’t assimilate those energies—then what happens?

TARA: I have a thought. Back to when we were working with our friend Maureen, an acupuncturist in Santa Fe, in the early ‘90s—after we did all kinds of Akashic record readings—we would lay the person on the table, and Alcyone would come through Rama, and Mother Sekhmet would come through too—it would be a trading off [between them].

But the visualization we got was that the Violet Flame does all the connecting. RAMA: That’s right! TARA: That’s why we focus on Blazing the Violet Fire. Because it starts at the Sun behind the Sun, which is the Great Central Sun, which is a star in the Pleiades at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is called Alcyone. And the interpretation is “the All Seeing Eye of the one God/Goddess/All that Is.”

Coming from that center of our Milky Way galaxy, where there are 26 other galaxies that meet there too. So that’s really important. Then that Violet Flame connects that with the Sun behind the Sun which is Helios and Vesta. PENNY: Is there a Sun for the Universe as well? Because I would think—or do the 26 galaxies make up the Universe of Nebadon?

TARA: No! They make up 26 galaxies, and there’s something like 80 billion galaxies!

PENNY: OK, so there’s 80 billion galaxies. Does every one of them have their own sun? Is Alcyone the Sun for everybody?

TARA: Another name for a sun is a star. There’s as many suns and stars as there are in that whole sky, in the Universe. And there’s that many galaxies and things going on—yes, yes, and yes! And the unified field is that experience of One Beingness of all we just talked about, and more than we can imagine. That’s what we’re going through the experience of.

VINAYAK: I feel guided to share this, which is that all of our answers are coming from a place of feeling or being separate from that which we are asking. As Tara just mentioned, when and if you bring your consciousness into that of Oneness, and unite with All That Is, knowing that there is no separation, that it is a construct we agreed to on this 3D level—yet that which we are talking about is Ascension, and it is expansion of consciousness, which is a lifting out of the perception of so-called reality of 3D, into that which is 5D and beyond—

So uniting with that which you are asking about allows you to experience your own deeper awareness and your answer. Because now you are not questioning from being separate from it. You are uniting. And the answer and the question are coming from the same place, which is that you are already experiencing all that you are asking, and maybe have concerns about. Hopefully that brings some clarity to what we are speaking about.

Copyright 2021, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly

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