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Faction Three White Knight News Update - July 9, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable

July 8, 2021, Station 2

Thursdays at 6:00 PM Pacific Time / 9:00 PM Eastern [US & Canada]

See for info on Rama’s contacts

[Please Note: Rama’s comments below refer to the July 8th NATR interview with exoconsciousness expert Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, author of Exoconscious Humans: Will Free Will Survive in an Increasingly Non-Human World? In that book, Dr Wright discusses the transhumanist agenda, in which people are increasingly implanted with AI nanoparticles and their consciousness capped at far lower level, to prevent Ascension.]

RAMA: Greetings! I can just say, with all of what we’ve just heard—we live in most auspicious times! Rest assured that Borg Queen is not going to get ahold of this planet or this local galaxy. We already did that story [on another Earth timeline that is ended], even though they are playing with stuff that . . . I have no words.

I remember what I did as part of that collective, and it wasn’t nice, and we’re not going back there.

What I can say that is about to happen here—I got a text message from [journalist] Abby Martin today, privately. A direct message from Twitter. It starts out that a Palestinian family was kicked out of their home today. They watched it being demolished by bulldozers— TARA: For no reason, except spite!

RAMA: For no reason, except that there are Jewish settlers that are going to take that spot and move in—they’ll rebuild on that spot.

TARA: This is done! No more of this.

RAMA: This happened in the area called Alshaykh Jarah. East Jerusalem near the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock.

TARA: Five children and a mother and dad, homeless overnight.

RAMA: Yeah! Also, she said that there is something that’s going to drop. The way she put it is, there are two big Bigfoot shoes that are going to drop by Monday, maybe sooner.

First of all, Bigfoot people don’t wear shoes! And I don’t exactly know what Abby Martin is alluding to.

TARA: You asked her, “What are you talking about?” And she said “It’s huge!”

RAMA: It’s got to do with the downfall of the 13 Families right now. And what we just witnessed in the last few days—the president of Haiti was assassinated. That was a hit. That was by the Clinton Foundation, Bill and Hillary.

They are trying to take each other out, as well as the rest of the planet, and something’s going to pop. And I think it is about Disclosure.

Right now, they are ravenously desperate to distract with anything and everything they can, including with these energies that are making people totally crazy.

We watched this with the energies today, in terms of the frayed connections throughout the multiverse. And it is like something right out of the madness of the multiverse. I gotta just say, it is about how they are desperately trying to hold on, and they can’t. Because people are waking up like never before. Love is the answer.

At the same time, they are doing everything they can to separate us from ourselves. I would say again: Use the frequencies of the Violet Flame to transmute the energies that are going on. There are things happening I have no words to describe, except it is about the energies in and of itself that are changing this physical reality.

It might sound like a metaphor, but what I’m saying is that the Light coming in is so strong right now, with the electromagnetic frequencies and the Force—whatever they’re creating in their labs, it cannot surpass the Light of All-That-Is.

Out of the blue, to get a direct message from Abby Martin is a big deal! Because she doesn’t send me stuff unless something really big is going to pop.

TARA: That’s right! And she said it’s related to the fall of the 13 Families, and she said “It’s HUGE!” By Monday or sooner! I’ll take it as soon as possible.

Let’s go back to Monday—Rama got a message from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. It was his [DL’s] birthday, the 5thof July.

“I received a text message from Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat, as well as Larry the Cat.

“They said to me, ‘Lord Rama, England is going to fully open July 19. This is an insane idea! Meanwhile, across the pond, all the way to Afghanistan—Turkey, Russia and Iran, are leaving—’ “ RAMA: Pulling out of Afghanistan and leaving the Taliban and Al CIA-duh [called Al Qaeda] to take over.

TARA: Our deep state is paying the Taliban to what they’re doing. To do the murderous things they’re doing.

RAMA: Like [NATR guest] Rebecca [Hardcastle Wright] just talked about, Afghanistan is one of the main places for exotic minerals to create technologies that are not exactly good!

TARA: Well, they could do good with it. But the ones in power have nothing to do with that [with doing good].

I just got today, and Penny concurred, that This Is It. It’s way past our third eyes, what they’re trying to make everybody swallow.

And I’m very, very happy to hear the articulation that Dr Wright made about this. She made it as clear as a bell that what these ones are trying to do is violate human race’s free will choice to be free. They’ll stick the artificial intelligence here, there, and everywhere. I think Saint Germain is assisting us, don’t you, Rama?

[Reading] “Yesterday I received a text from Mr. X at noon today.

“He said to me, ‘Lord Rama, the hit today on Haitian President Jovenel Moïse is connected to Bill and Hilary Clinton. Meaning, that it is highly possible and probable that the Clintons hired a hitman to assassinate President Jovenel Moïse.

TARA: And they attempted to assassinate his wife too. She is in critical condition in hospital.

[Reading] “ ‘The reason: It is a distraction on the world stage, because the 13 Families do not want to talk about Full Disclosure, coming up right now.

‘The Goddess is here! Along with Lord Michael, Maitreya, and Lord Metatron.

‘The Nazi Par-tay—the Trump Organization charges, could spell trouble for Ivanka.’ ”

TARA: Yeah, Ivanka’s in the hot seat! I’m willing to say that they are ready to come in now, the galactics. It’s pretty darn clear that people are—I mean, it’s so very ugly, and balance is coming our way.

So thank you, Abby Martin, for this heads up!

We need to put all these situations and the people who are doing their role play here in the Circle of Support. Keep them safe. NESARA Now! Caroline, is there anything you want to ask or say?

CAROLINE: Well, are we missing one link in the chain here? Did you young people hear something that you’re not able to tell us? Because you sound awfully optimistic! So now my curiosity is peaked! Or is that just your intuition, or what? Or did you get some extra intel you can’t be specific about?

RAMA: I could say, Caroline, that I’m directly being “told but not told,” something is going to step in here. And the 13 Families are scared shitless, excuse my language, because it is about everything—this entire web of deceit that is called the False Matrix that has run this planet since 13,000 years ago.

This directly has to do with those who came from the stars who played like innocent, good Angels, yet they were the Elohim—the Fallen Elohim. They are being exposed, and the technologies that they used are thousands, millions of years in advance. At the time that they showed up to the people of Earth, Earth was going through the same thing—13,000 years ago, and I would also say 26,826 years ago—that grand cycle—there was climate change/disruption, consciousness, and conflict going on.

And the extraterrestrial beings knew exactly what was coming in with the shifts in our Sun, in the planets surrounding Earth. They did not exactly warn the people of Earth to get ready. The [Great] Flood came. The exact lineup is happening right now!

We are not going to have extinction-level events but they are playing it right to the edge.

TARA: Micah’s reminding us all about the movie, The Cosmic Hoax. He’s calling it a 100 percent checkmate game-changer. We’re going to play the whole thing Saturday, or we could do it tomorrow (Friday). But this is the game-changer! There is no turning back from this. The last things these ones [in the 13 Families] have wanted to hear!

Just the idea that these ones who are still “in power” artificially intelligencing us every which way but loose—that’s False Evidence Appearing Real. (F E A R) All we can do is give Peace a chance.

RANDY: And face everything and reflect.

TARA: Yes—be real! Before Enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After Enlightenment . . . CAROLINE: Well, I think Dr Wright was presenting to us their [transhumanism agenda] plan. I don’t think she’s given up hope that we’ll outrun it, go past it. I haven’t given up hope, and I can be quite the pessimistic, grouchy New Yorker when I want to be! RANDY: HOPE stands for “Help Other People Evolve”! CAROLINE: Very nice! The fact that they’re still assassinating people is very weird to me. Have they completely lost their minds? TARA: Yes! CAROLINE: At this point, you’d think that they’d be saying, “OK, let’s do a deal. What do you need from us, to not haul us off in spaceships, and put us in front of galactic war tribunals or the Divine Courts of Justice. What kind of deal can we do?” You would think that they would be smart enough to do that. It just looks like they’ve lost their remaining marbles! TARA: That is absolutely true, and they would never give up. But it’s already too late. It’s water under the bridge.

RANDY: They didn’t have any marbles to begin with! VINAYAK: What you’re talking about, Caroline—that’s not something they’re capable of accessing. They’re so far removed from everything you just spoke up. It’s not available to them in consciousness. That’s where our compassion comes in and where our Love comes in for them, because they cannot access what you just spoke about.

TARA: That you, Vinayak. Exactly. It’s on us. As we have evolved, it’s on us to help other people evolve!

RAMA: Lord, make me an instrument of thy Peace! Where there is hatred, let me sow Love!

TARA: Can’t you feel it, Caroline and Randy and Vinayak—you can feel there’s a big change here.

CAROLINE: Well, I’ve never seen it this dark before. They’re talking about handing it over to the states, the ability to mandate the Jab. And employers as well.

So that would be the perfect Fourth Reich scenario, because that would completely violate the Nuremberg Code, and it would implant all of us, and everything that Dr Wright was talking about. So this seems to be—we feel to be entering the last chapter. It’s just a little hard to believe because it’s been going on for so long. 13,000 years is a long time! And it’s been dark before on this planet!

VINAYAK: This is what we’re talking about, and I know you know this, as well as the rest of our listening audience, is that this is the expression and the inability of not being able to access the God gene. It’s simply not available.

This is where my heart goes out to them. Because I can’t imagine that kind of darkness that they must be experiencing.

CAROLINE: Yes, exactly! It strikes me that most of them have already been implanted. I know that Jared and Ivanka received some kind of implant that shuts off compassion. RAMA: Yep!

TARA: Oh, they have the artificial intelligence implants in both of their brains. They’re completely mind-controlled and void of any emotional response whatsoever. And they wanted it that way. So we send more Love! CAROLINE: Are these people chased down by the dark lords in the shadow realms, the dark realms? Have they been threatened to where they feel they can’t do anything else. I understand what Vinayak is saying. The whole idea of compromise is out of the question for them, because they can’t see anything but what they believe to be their own omniscience. But I wonder if they are under threat from the dark realms as well. They probably are.

RAMA: I would concur, that they are under threat from the dark realms.

TARA: They don’t seem to—when you’re talking about the clone of the clone of the clone of Hillary—

RAMA: Oh, they’re not going to express that. These lifeforms are like machines, like in the Matrix, and you just kind of have to take them out. I’m sorry. That’s how it is.

TARA: Well, they’re going to be moved by Mother Sekhmet’s Paschat warriors. And that’s true—we’re going to observe them being tried in the constellation of Dracos.

PENNY: Tara, this strikes me—something Rama just said—is that last scene in The Last of the Jedis, when she is facing her so-called grandfather, and he just kind of blows up and goes out of shape and crumbles. That was the image that popped into my brain. And that’s where we’re out!

TARA: And they don’t know what to do with that! They don’t have a clue. We’re going to have to exercise mercy, compassion, and wisdom in how this is done, and that’s the deal. Rage in the machine is not the solution—that’s the problem! I know we made fun of that in the ‘70s—that movie, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not toing to take it anymore!” RAMA: Network!

TARA: Yeah. This is beyond anything a real live human being can embrace. It’s not possible. It’s pure evil.

I haven’t followed all the politics, but I’ve been noticing this situation for a long time. Remember Larry King did this thing where he made $400 million come in, to help the people of Haiti when they had their earthquake, which is what Hillary and Bill also enhanced. They enhanced that quake. Millions of people died, and they lied through their teeth about how many people died. That was a Bill and Hilary thing too, and they took all $400 million that was raised at one time by Larry King, and put it into the Clinton Foundation. Nothing went to the people, at all! So we’re just following up with all of this. This is how far off-course this has gone. And they think that they can docile humanity by vaccination. That’s their attempt. To have everybody think that everything’s “honky dory fine,” and it’s not.

We’ve been trying to get a little humor into this, but yes, Dr Wright tonight did some wonderful work, where she brought reality to meet in our hearts and gave us back the ability to love, and just to reflect, like Randy said, to reflect who we are. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for! Who else is going to do this—anybody? Calling!

So anything else?

CAROLINE: Sometimes, I think of the Middle East—I was talking to a friend the other day, and I said, the Middle East has such a concentration of stargates.

RAMA: Yes!

CAROLINE: Is that why those chose that as such an incredibly contentious place? Created it as such. They’ve anchored that [dark energies] into the Earth there.

RAMA: Yes. The Dome of the Rock, the second temple in Jerusalem—if you’ve ever been there, you can feel the energy there. It’s palpable. Hits you in the face. That’s why it’s so imperative that they maintain Peace in that realm. That’s where the trouble began 13,000 yrs ago when Enki and Enlil decided to create a slave race called humans. Remember that?

CAROLINE: I wasn’t even thinking about that! That’s amazing!

RAMA: Well, it’s the truth!

CAROLINE: Do they keep it as an energetic—a power source, or a control panel for the planet, energetically?

RAMA: Yeah, and they knew about all the sacred temples from Atlantis. What Mattias [de Stefano on] talked about. And how they hook up all the way from the base chakra to the nine stars above our head. And they used it to control us and twist us to the dark side.

TARA: Thank you, Vinayak, for this wonderful event [interviewing Dr Wright]. And Omena is back!

OMENA: I’ve been listening all night, and the truth is, I’m trying to figure out if I fit into this world at all!

I don’t know if I’m way above looking down on everything, or way down at the bottom and looking up and wondering, what in the world am I doing here? It’s just weird. That’s all I can tell you. A lot of shifting of energies going on. I’m not relating to the energies going on. I don’t know if I’m detached from the world and just doing my thing. Maybe my test is to be detached from all of that and just be focused where I am.

If anybody’s experiencing the same thing, let me know, because it’s just really weird! RANDY: It’s all part of the energies, Omena! Like we’re on a roller coaster . . . we just have to go along.

OMENA: I go along with it, and I’m listening, and something comes along, and I think, What am I—totally detached or something? And I do believe that we’re all from different spaces, yet we’re all connected.

CAROLINE: It makes perfect sense to me! I hear what you’re saying.

OMENA: Well, that validates I’m not crazy yet!

News Update Copyright 2021, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this post.

Thank you.

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