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Faction Three White Knight News Update - March 26, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable, Station 2 – Thursdays at 6 PM Pacific / 9 PM Eastern

Thursday, March 25, 2021

[See for info on Rama’s contacts]

RAMA: Greetings, everyone!

TARA: Greetings! What we can start off with—and I felt the energy in everybody’s voice and hearts [as the co-hosts gave their update]. Something has changed! The shift of the ages is upon us!

We’ll try to whare what we shared last night. I had a sister call up day before yesterday, and we hadn’t spoken for years. She brought up something we hadn’t brought up in a long time, and that we wanted to make clear. She said, “You know, the King of Swords keeps telling us ‘It’s coming,’ and how many years is it now [that we’ve been waiting for NESARA to be enacted]!?” It brought up the relationship we have with the news that Rama brings from the King of Swords and the Faction Three White Knights.

All the Faction Three White Knights answer to Saint Germain. Saint Germain has been in charge of the NESARA project from the very beginning. It starts with the Founding Fathers, because he appeared to the Founding Fathers. And he told them, “Whatever you accomplish now is just the beginning. And I will stay here in physical form, and I will see to it that your posterity will finish the work.” So what we’re speaking about here, is that as Rama brings the message from the Faction Three White Knights ground crew, we must know it brings us the impetus to say, “How can I best serve with that information?”

It’s saying that the law is that the galactic brothers and sisters, including Saint Germain, even though he’s in a physical body, and all of the Ashtar Command, even though they may be taking on physical bodies, and they’ve been doing that in the millions, along with the legions upon legions of Angels and Archangels—they’re taking on physical bodies and walking across the whole planet. They are there, and people can sense it.

They might know it in the way that we’re describing it, but the whole world knows that [people] don’t want the old way of using war to force issues, to continue an old paradigm.

That people want something called Peace and Love, and they want to participate [in the run-ing of their own countries].

This is why Saint Germain is overriding this situation. He’s observing how maybe this group of us that’s been here—and Caroline told us last week that there’s 20,000 people each month who are coming to our shows and listening, and that keeps growing. I remember some years ago, it was 11,000 a month, up to 20,000 [listeners] a month, every time.

This is magnificent! The energies now are getting ready to expand multiples of that amount. So we are the ones we’ve been waiting for, and we work with our Love in our high hearts, and the galactics can come in [even] more.

This is not about being angry about, “Well, the King said this, and the King said that, and nothing happened!”

It’s really about the fact that it’s never been about money. It’s been about prosperity, abundance, opulence, but not necessarily about the “system,” which is called “[do] anything for profit,” which means it’s focusing on money. The focus on prosperity and abundance and opulence—that focus is on Love, from the high heart. As that is observed by us, in a particular way, it’s talking about, at this period of time, world group service. It doesn’t say it’s going to be about communism or socialism or any of those terms. This is a whole new story!

It’s called Divine Government. And Divine Government only occurs as we join together with abundance, prosperity, opulence through the Love of our high hearts.

That’s Divine Government, and that has to do with the inside and the outside. All the Washington, DC ____ [?] [To Rama] What do you want to say?

RAMA: How it’s been described to me by the various folks and beings that I talk to, who are in this realm and many realms—what’s happening, is the Great Convergence, I could say, the Great Alignment of the energies as we move into this Easter—leading up to Holy Thursday, then Good Friday, leading up to Easter.

To cut to the chase, I went up and created a Jedi Council today on the spot [I usually go to], and the Poppy Lady showed up with her friend who’s an Afghani Mongolian shaman lady who’s 150 years old. She doesn’t look a day over 40 or 45. She’s been living on goji berries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and fo-ti ___ [?], which is also called ho shou wu. And she doesn’t get sick. She’s “as strong as 10 men,” as she describes herself! And she shared with me what’s happening with the galactics coming in, and this Great Awakening that’s occurring.

And Tom and Curly showed up in the Jedi Council too. All of this right now has to do with this Resurrection time, that is not just Easter. It’s also called [pagan festival of] Ostara. It’s very ancient. It goes back to Sumeria and Babylon. And somewhere in there, the Annunaki played with things and twisted stuff, as the Fallen Angels do.

TARA: Did you tell people about Inanna?

RAMA: Inanna is another name for Ostara, which is the planet Venus. Right now, Venus is in alignment with the Sun as we approach this Full Moon coming up. All of these are very positive things that have to do with the energies pouring in, with Resurrection Day. And this opens portals at this time.

TARA: So tell people where they can read more about this.

RAMA: Go to our website,

TARA: And there’s a place [a page] that says NESARA. I know that Omena has been saying, “Tell us more about NESARA.” NESARA is the 3D actions necessary to leave the old order, including the Vatican, and dismantling the old Vatican order, which means dismantling Rome. Because Rome never fell, it just changed names to the Vatican in the 1400s.

The “rule of law” is “Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” No—that’s the old paradigm. Money is no longer the focus. Never was. Just to give a few brief bits about the story, and you’ll read more—there’s a 33 page document there [from website] that describe who did 9/11. NESARA Law was supposed to be announced by Alan Greenspan the morning of 9/11. 9/11 wasn’t supposed to happen. A glorious day of NESARA, which would bring infinite abundance to everyone, and never a day where you don’t have enough time, Love, money, air to breathe. A roof over your head. Free education, free energy, and Divine Government.

Instead, the ones who were controlling said, “No, we don’t want to do that. We want to do 9/11 instead.” But there’s a 37-page true story that tells who did and how—37 pages worth of explanations in there describing, and that’s really important.

it’s really important that people know that this is not something that Rama & Tara’s got figments of imagination, and making up stories for the last—Rama met the King of Swords in 1980, and I met Lady Master Nada in 1986. Forty-one years ago, Rama met the King of Swords! That brought his role into play. And what’s Rama’s role? He’s the only person who has a direct way to talk to the Faction Three White Knights without having signed a gag order! Everybody after 9/11 who was in media, who was in Hollywood, who was in politics, all over the world, had to sign a gag order promising to keep that gag order in place, which said that if they ever talked about 9/11 or NESARA they would be considered treasonous, and would be killed.

That was in that gag order that all the media people and all those politicians the world over and all the Hollywood people the world over had to sign. Rama never had to sign that. There was a special reason Rama met the King of Swords. He was guided by his father, who is [Captain Lord] Ashtar, and his mother, who is [Lady Master] Athena.

Rama’s name is the being called the Divine Son of those two, who is Lord Ari. When we recognize our roles, and when we actually stop playing false humility games, or act like we’re just humans, so we get mad, and do—yada yada. Here’s another example; Leonara has been speaking with Rama, and she is 20,000 years in a body, and she looks about the same age as the 150-year-old Mongolian lady Rama just met at the Jedi Council. All kinds of things are going on, but one thing that is not going on any more is the old timeline, and it sped up exponentially quickly. Rama was saying something to me today about—what’s his name, down there in Florida—?

RAMA: Marco Rubio has been tearing his hair out, and Dr Greer has picked up on this. It has to do with articles out on the internet about the ships showing up over military bases and neutralizing the nuclear warheads, neutralizing the computers that control the warheads, and using the circuits. They are quite concerned about this. This is also tied in with the many stories out there about the little “tic tac” UFO that has been seen by the Air Force and Navy pilots where they can’t catch up with it, and it disappears. Dr Greer alludes to the fact that it might be some kind of AI technology the Men In Black have created from the deep state. It might be some other folks in our neighborhood.

Yet our scientists are very worried about it. Marco Rubio is tearing his hair out, saying, “We need to talk about this, and get it into the public eye!” There are folks alluding to this, and saying, “This is going to break on major media across the planet.”

It also has to do with an agenda Dr Greer has spoken about many times, where they want to play their final card, which is to declare the folks who are coming in, who are our friends, [saying they] are our enemies, and saying, they want to do a fake alien invasion. The Ashtar Command has already said, That’s canceled. No nukes! Yet they’re pushing.

TARA: That’s OK, because then the Ashtar Command will intervene!

RAMA: That’s right! TARA: The politicians are going to have to step aside.

RAMA: We’re going to have to figure out how to talk to each other whether we’re blue or green, or we have fur.

TARA: What we have, is the technology that’s been surprised for 70 years, to focus on the Dracos constellation, where the 500,000 members of the 13 Families and their assistants and the Vatican—all of those beings from all those energy fields and organizations will be taken on starships. They will be taken to Dracos. It’s all there, and in an instant we will be able to tune in to that focus of an intergalactic war crimes tribunal that will be presided over by King Dracos and Princess Ardala, who is the daughter of King Dracos. And they will present to the world on our TVs what has been going on in terms of the intergalactic war crimes that these people have committed, that people think is a long term down the road right now.

Any questions? Caroline, does the Collective want to ask something before we pass the talking stick to our guest?

CAROLINE: I can ask them. Our guest is waiting on the line. But I’m just wondering if Rama finished his update about the Jedi Council. Did the Poppy Lady have anything to say, or did Tom and Curly have anything to say that you haven’t shared yet, Rama?

TARA: You’re right at the end, where Tom the Cat and Curly said to you, “Lord Rama, Nature and Nature’s God are here. The time is now!” Then tell that little story about what happened at the end!

RAMA: As I was sitting in the Jedi Council, five deer showed up! They just walked calmly into the circle. They weren’t attracted to the various folks I was talking to, they just wanted to talk to me, and they came up and started pushing me with their horns.

TARA: In other words, they were all bucks!

RAMA: Young bucks, and they wanted to play! I pulled my camera out and tried to take pictures, and they ran!

TARA: So that’s the end of the story. CAROLINE: So the Poppy Lady didn’t have anything to say? RAMA: She had with her this lady Baba Yaga, a Mongolian Afghani shaman who has been seeing the ships come in for many thousands and thousands of times. And she was saying that right at this time, it’s so unprecedented that the ships are showing up in great numbers across the planet. And it has to do with the Great Convergence, as we move into higher states of consciousness where the dark side has lost.

TARA: And Lady Master Nada told you that she was in the mountains of Bhutan, and she was there witnessing 25,000 starships from the Pleaides and Sirius. And she was meeting with the Pleiadeans and the Sirians at the higher leadership level. And the reason that she gets to go there is because she’s in two worlds. She volunteered to incarnate in Lebanon as a Lebanese being, and she is also the head of the Solar Tribunal on Saturn. So she’s a galactic human, just like Saint Germain. CAROLINE: The Collective just have one question, Rama: Are the galactics responding to Earth people saying in their higher consciousness, and in their sleep state as they’re traveling etherically, “Yes, we’re ready for you to come in!”—?

RAMA: [Emphatically] Yes!!

CAROLINE: Thank you so much for that beautiful update!

Copyright 2021, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

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