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Faction Three White Knight News Update - October 1, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable

September 30, 2021, Station 2

Thursdays at 6:00 PM Pacific Time / 9:00 PM Eastern [US & Canada]

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RAMA: [Begins News Update with a video of the Dalai Lama talking about how to greet our ET friends]

RAMA: We come in Peace! Essentially, that’s what’s being said.

I talked with Tom the Cat today by text, and there were two huge solar flares today. And there are spherical ships in the inner orbit around the Sun. NASA blacked it out, so I don’t know if it’s there on the internet or not.

That may be why everybody’s feeling froggy. I had a bit of a dance with Mercury today—Mercury Electricity Retrograde! Our battery in the car decided to quit.

I had to call Geico, and of course they helped me, and I talked to [our mechanic] ET and got a battery, and ET just said, “The energies are a humdinger, to put it simply!”

TARA: And ET told Rama the he didn’t get the vaccine because he didn’t trust the government.

RAMA: Yeah, and he’s telling others not to get it.

TARA: That’s a good thing. RAMA. Yeah! He has to deal with all these [New Mexico] state vehicles and people coming from the state offices wearing their gloves and their masks, and basically looking like they stepped out of the ER. He just explains to them, “You don’t gotta go there!”

TARA: You got to protect yourself, but you don’t take a vaccine.

RAMA: That’s right. People are waking up more and more.

What I can say, is the energies that are happening right now are because, Number One, of our Sun. Our Sun is going through this Transfiguration, and I can say it’s a lot sooner than—some folks say 2025. The folks I talk to are saying, “Right now!” That volcano right now in the Canary Islands—this is getting bigger by the hour, and certain networks are talking about it. They evacuated 6,000 people from that island, and the lava is going into the ocean.

Kīlauea lit up today, and that’s a big deal!

The Pacific Rim of Fire is fully activated. This has to do with the portals opening around the planet. All the leylines, grid lines, song [?] lines. All these sacred sites that J J Hurtak has in his book The Keys of Enoch.

All the sacred sites are opening, and beings are coming through that are of the Office of the Christ. They are here to help with the Transformation/Transfiguration of the planet.

Meanwhile, as Steve Colbert says, the 13 Families and the rug rats [Congress] are dancing around the issues and not helping the people and kind of giving them a pittance, trying to keep the government going today, so all these thousands of people don’t get a pink slip, and then they’re at home.

The way [Paschat ET] Tom the Cat explained it to me today—[Senate Majority Leader] Chuck Schumer made a deal with the devil in the backyard, and the Turtle, Mitch McTurtle [Mitch McConnell] came to some kind of amicable agreement [with the Democrats in the Senate]. So they’re functioning.

This is the last day, and tomorrow we start the new fiscal year.

TARA: That’s true. I guess they still haven’t voted, but they’re were going to vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill. And the progressives hold out for the vote on the larger Biden agenda bill.

AOC [Congress Member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] was just saying, “We’re not going to vote on one piecemeal thing. We’re going to do something together, so that both parts of the infrastructure [are included]—the human infrastructure and the physical infrastructure grid, which is bridges, and roads, and waterways and tunnels—you can’t have one without the other. You’ve got to have the human infrastructure too.”

RAMA: What I can say about this, is the Squad—they are good folks caught between a rock and a hard place. Because they have to answer to these characters in Congress, that may or may not be human [but ETs disguised as humans]—I’ll just put it that way! Yet it’s a larger story, when you’re dealing with Mr West Virginia. Mr Manchin. Look at the name—"Manchin.” This guy is getting funded by oil and gas industry, and probably behind the scenes, the weapons manufacturers.

And Ms Sinema has done shady deals with the financial and banking industry that go into the realm of hedge funds to the tune of Ts—trillions.

TARA: Well, she made $30,000 in 45 minutes yesterday---pre-arranged!

RAMA: I’m trying to talk about politics only here. Yet you must understand how deep the story goes. To tie it into how these folks get funded—it’s connected to the deep state. The black budget.

When you get a visit from the “cigarette smoking man” [i.e., an anonymous henchman] like in The X Files, and he tells you, “This is how it’s going to be done,” and if you don’t do it, you end up not here tomorrow. It’s that simple.

TARA: So just to go back, if you’re new and don’t know what’s going on, I just want to make a clear statement about what happens when you get your first [Covid] vaccine, you lose 50% of your ability in your body to create white blood cells.

Then you wait a cycle, and your body is just starting to get better—retrieve [its strength] from the damage, and you get the second vaccine, and it removes and other 25% of your ability to make white blood cells. So after having two vaccine shots, you have lost 75% of your body’s ability to produce white blood cells, which means you are completely wiped out in your immune system.

It’s really going to have to be necessary for people to get informed on to assist the body in regaining its equilibrium and coming back in a good way.

There’s many things that [friend of the show and natural health advocate] Micah has brought to us—remedies as such.

In the meantime, evil is evil.

RAMA: Yes!

Yesterday I talked to the Poppy Lady, and her friend Mustafa Kahn, who is a former Mujahideen warlord, and who has 35 camels. Filthy rich, as they say! They have converted a helicopter gunship they acquired.

He had some help from the galactics. They disabled the weapons on it, and they use it to evacuate people, along with the Poppy Lady’s shuttlecraft. They are bringing [Afghani] refugees to the Wesak Valley.

There they will be integrated into the community with the Nameless Ones [Princes Diana and Dodi Al Fayad].

Nobody is talking about this, because still Afghanistan basically is a war zone that is controlled by our black budget deep state, CIA, and our government. Even though our government is not there, there are deals made in back rooms/

And the Taliban, once again, is a creation of our deep state.

TARA: Well, I was fascinated by the idea that again, there are many aspects of galactic intervention going on.

The galactics helped Mustafa Kahn to change his helicopter gunship so that all the guns are neutralized, and translated the energy field into free energy!

He helped transport refugees to the Wesak Valley, and I’m sure he [the gunship] was cloaked with a cloaking device too.

RAMA: Yes!

TARA: So there’s a lot going on. That’s another form of galactic intervention. [Sasquatch commander] Feen Del Noor and the Poppy Lady also beam up Afghani refugees. RAMA: Yes! TARA: There are 20 million Afghanis that are starving right now.

RAMA: And they are getting help. Yet no governmental agencies or news agencies are talking about this.

TARA: This is not being talked about in the media at all.

The reason these people are starving to death, is what we did to the Afghani people, and we got a really big one when they killed seven children out of a family of 10. Three adults in that family, and seven children.

We heard a little bit of stuff [news] out there [about that], but not much. Same thing is going on in Yemen. There are millions of people in Yemen starving to death now too. It’s got to do with the war machine. So we are all responsible for that. The war machine is playing war games with us, who don’t even know what they’re doing to us till later on [after the fact], but that’s another story.

So what we’re doing here, is providing information and also spiritual work to help everyone along the way.

Rama calls NASA “Never A Straight Answer.”

And they literally blocked out [on the internet] what was going on with the Sun today. Because there are spherical starships all around the Sun, and they didn’t want the people to know about.

But there’s too many of us that know about these things now! And yes, we will not default on our [US national] debt right now. They [Congress] didn’t do anything about addressing the issue, they just pushed it down the road to December 3rd.

So that being said, people helping others is the best way for everybody to be able to help each other [in uncertain times].

So let’s go back a day or two [in Rama’s reports], OK, Rama? RAMA: OK! TARA: Rama said, [reading report] “Last Monday, I went up the mountain to a new faery ring today. Way up, beyond 10,000 feet.

“It was 11:30 AM as I arrived. I sat there spinning my crystals clockwise for about half an hour. “Then Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat [both Paschat ETs] called me on my cell phone.

“They said to me—

TARA: And that’s amazing! I mean, that’s 10,000 feet [elevation]! That’s high up in the mountains! So they got through.

RAMA: Yeah, but they got through! TARA: [Reading report] “I sat there spinning my crystals clockwise for about half an hour. “Then Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat [both Paschat ETs] called me on my cell phone.

“They said to me, ‘Lord Rama, we are at the Temple of Hathor in Dendera, Egypt, and the ornate columns inside the temple are glowing! TARA: See the photos on the website! It’s the most spectacular temple I’ve ever seen!

See more here

[Reading report] “ ‘This is because’—the glowing—'of the electromagnetic energy coming in from our Sun Sol.’ “Meanwhile, Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat continued: ‘Lord Rama, things are heating up to the boiling point in DC. Congress has to vote, and there isn’t any dollar amount that the republicans are willing to allocate for what they need to vote on.

‘Yet there is plenty of money to beefing up the defense budget up to $7.86 trillion in the next 10 years—$786 billion a year!’ ‘This charade has to end. Put all these things in the Circle of Support and Blaze the Violet Fire!’ “

TARA: War is canceled, everybody. We could feed everybody on Earth with this amount of money.

Saint Germain told the King, and the King [of Swords, Rama’s boss] told Rama that [soon]: “All the guns and all the weapons of mass destruction will not work anymore.” And that’s not later. It’s sooner. We don’t get any dates, but things are moving very, very quickly. Good vibrations, everybody!

[Reading report] “ ‘This may feel like the darkest day of Mordor, and some have had thoughts of throwing themselves into Mount Doom. Yet as the Buddha has said, “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” And despair is not an option. This is the time that the Great Convergence is here. All the planetary portals are opening simultaneously.

TARA: If you aren’t able to sleep, this has something to do with it, everybody! RAMA: Yes! TARA: [Reading report] “Goddess is alive! Magic is afoot!

“ ‘She is doing her magic, and it is called the Light of 10 trillion Suns!’

All we are saying, is Give Peace a Chance. Sat Nam. Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire! And his Holiness the Dalai Lama had something to say:

“As affectionate relations exist between members of a family, each one is confident of being able to call on the others for support.

“IN a similar way, we must constantly remind ourselves of the Oneness of humanity.”

Then on Tuesday: “Today I received a text message from Prof Nicodemus. “Heads up, Lord Rama! The fecal matter is about to hit the oscillating device!

This message was on Abby Martin’s Twitter feed today, in not so polite a manner! “General Mark Milley testified before a Senate committee hearing today. It was about the last days of the Trump administration, as well as the messy withdrawal from Afghanistan.

TARA: Just to let people know, Trump started this idea of ending Afghanistan a year and a half ago, and it got passed on to this administration. So there’s culprits in both administration—lots of them.

[Reading report] “The United States corporation has a tarnished reputation, to say the least, as a war machine for profit. Please all in Lady Master Justice!

“On another note, there was a huge solar flare today! It is heading to Earth. We will see it by October 1st.

“Lord Michael is here. All the fleets upon fleets of Angels are here! Stay in that center place of No Time, and One Hand Clapping.

See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One, Lord Rama. Sat Nam. Namaste! On another note: Please do not confuse NESARA with GESARA! They are as different as apples and oranges, or chalk and cheese! GESARA is a creation of Faction Two, and it is still connected to the old timeline, and keeps the same old power structure in place. NESARA Now!

Copyright 2021, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

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Thank you so much! Sat Nam! Namaste!

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