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Faction Three White Knight News Update - October 8, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable

October 7, 2021, Station 2

Thursdays at 6:00 PM Pacific Time / 9:00 PM Eastern [US & Canada]

See for info on Rama’s contacts

TARA: Rama, you talk to the Faction Three White Knights everyday, and the proverbial WHEN is on the tip of everybody’s tongue! I pass this talking stick to you!

RAMA: What I could say about that, in spite of all the dramas going on with the matrix and the machinations of the Machine—there is Light coming in that is transforming every particle, every cell, every molecule.

This is what the folks I’m talking with are sharing. And what you brought up, Micah [during the Energy Updates portion of the show], about the rainbows—the Rainbow Bridge is here! As you bring that into your consciousness and actually visualize and see the bit frost [?], that Rainbow Bridge going up to Asgard, it will open up the portals.

There are places on the planet where this is actually happening, and people are going to Asgard and experiencing the timelessness of the Nine Realms. It is happening, whether folks want to accept that or not.

It’s about this Transformational / Transfigurational change that is going on within all of us. Far be it from me to say what another has to experience. We’re all experiencing it as the Whole. This quantum field, as we join in that Oneness—it changes everything!

I guess I’ll start [giving my reports] from last Friday: I received a text message from the Poppy Lady at 11:30 this morning:

“Lord Rama, we are still picking up refugees, and taking them to the Wesak Valley, where they will be integrated into the Nameless One’s community. “Please continue to hold Afghanistan in the Violet Flame of Saint Germain. The empire wants the lithium here in the soil of my country, along with many, many other minerals in her ground, because they are worth trillions of dollars on the global market.

Place all of us in the Circle of Support, and Blaze the Violet Fire. Sat Nam! Namaste! Also that day, I received a text message from Lady Natasha at 2 PM.

She said, “Lord Rama, this case with Greg Palast is exposing Mr Donziger, who is a political prisoner not unlike Julian Assange. He [Mr Donziger] has been sentenced to prison for six months, and he actually won a case against Chevron. This is huge!

“Human rights lawyer Steven Donziger has been sentenced to prison for six months. Punishment for winning a $9 bullion judgment against Chevron for destroying the Amazon with oil sludge, and literally killing the Kofan [Ecuadorian] indigenous people, Donziger’s clients.

Greg Palast who investigated the oil poisoning in Ecuador for BBC, reports from the courthouse, as Donziger was sentenced, despite an order to release Donziger by the United Nations Human Rights Commission Judicial Panel. Amazon watched 60 Nobel Prize winners, the Bar associates of a dozen nations, and the UN have all called for an end to the political prosecution. Extraordinarily, the US Justice Department would not prosecute Donziger, so the judge, a known right-wing zealot, hired a lawyer whose firm represents Chevron to conduct the prosecution, and denied Donziger a jury trial.

Listen to what Greg Palast has to say here . . . [plays video]

It’s on Twitter—Greg Palast posted it. If you go to you’ll get all kinds of links there:

RAMA: [Resumes relaying reports] This is Monday:

“I receive a call from Mr X today. It was 12:30 PM.

He said to me, “Greetings, Lord Rama! I have been on a journey. I have traveled to Alpha Centauri, 4.1 lightyears from Earth, to meet with other galactic ambassadors about the planetary crisis on Earth, Mother Gaia.

We’ve got climate disruption, consciousness raising, and conflict going on!

RAMA: What Randy was talking about – the CO2, and the whole drama of global warming, and the lies they have been telling us, about what is going on.

These three things—climate disruption, consciousness raising, and conflict—are changing physical matter space-time. This is what Greg Braden talks about all the time. As we raise our consciousness, the planet comes into cooperation, and the conflict stops! It’s that simple!

As you talk to the fairies and the devas and the elementals—and some of these elementals that take care of this planet are 500 feet tall. Some of them are 5 inches tall!

And it’s time we talk to them. It’s like [caller] Lynne said: “Get up and connect with these folks, ‘cause they’re all here!”

TARA: We played Greg Palast 10 years ago, at the actual time that this happened, and it was hours of details. He was down there in South America for a long time. Many, many months getting after this, and working with the indigenous people.

So we’ve got a really good being. He is one of us, and he’s got a position now with BBC-TV, and he’s on the world stage.

RAMA: Yes! [Resumes reading report] “Right at the moment, the Pandora Papers open up Jeffrey Epstein’s black book of the filthy rich. King Abdullah is in the spotlight because he has bought three properties. One in Malibu, one in London, one in Washington DC, and he hasn’t paid a dime of tax.

TARA: So that’s the corruption in the system here, that we are going to be sure to be on their tails [about]!

RAMA: [Resumes reading report, quoting Mr X] “Within these papers, it shows the vast wealth of the 1/16th of the 1 percent. People like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Boehner—former Speaker of the House, [George] Bush Jr, Bill Richardson, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort.

Manafort has squirreled away a lot of money. A lot more than anybody knows. It has to do with the oligarchs. The Russian mafia. This story is much bigger than we can get into in this little [amount of] time, because it involves our congress, who have been bought and paid for by the deep state, the black budget, as in

Unacknowledged, as Dr Greer talks about, where deals are made in backrooms, and they show you where the rug plays. And if you don’t want to lie under the rug, you listen up. This is how they play.

Saint Germain and Lord Metatron and a lot of other folks have a lot of other ideas about how this matrix is ending, right now!

TARA: There are multiples of group work—people coming together in communities all over the planet.

RAMA: These folks are extremely desperate at this time, the darkness, to pull off whatever they can. And I bring it back to what Dr Greet talks about—a fake alien invasion or whatever to disrupt the consciousness of the planet. And it ain’t gonna work because we are aligning with our higher selves.

So this is from Tuesday:

“I received a text message from Sweet Angelique the Cat at 11:30.

She said to me, “Lord Rama, I am calling you from Marsais, France. France is calling out the Vatican for the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of children buried in mass graves all over the world.” RAMA: This is the hard news—I’m sorry— [Resuming report] “It was reported on RT to be more than 330,000 children murdered by the Vatican since 1950.” [Report by termed this as "child abuse" – see]

And right in your area, [Rainbow Scribe] Penny, and other folks [in Canada] are bringing this up. And Prime Minister Trudeau kind of gave a piss-poor excuse, and the Vatican still has not apologized. [Stops report to take a caller—see show replay for full discussion]

CARLTON: Title of the article about Steven Donziger is: “Why am I locked up, and not Chevron?” That was Greg Palast’s report on his website on this subject.

He’s got other links including that interview as well. Any outside interviews he does, he links to them on his website.

TARA: Thank you for bringing this up again. The reason everybody is bringing this up again, is that these oligarchs have been pulling the cover over their dirty deeds for a very, very long time, and they’re having a lot of trouble in Paradise now, because people will not let them cover it up and say, “OK—that was last week’s news. Next!”. Not this time!

This was the first time in history that they have gone after the one filing the complaint, rather than the one that committed the crime. In this particular case, it’s so ostentatious.

To remain calm while they go after these characters, that’s quite a tightrope, without us getting into the grumble division!

[See show replay for remainder of discussion with Carlton]

RAMA: This is Tuesday—still with Sweet Angelique the Cat [a shapeshifting Paschat ET]. What she wanted to talk to me about, is the Obscene Rite [as the Vatican terms it—one of their dark rituals], which goes all the way back to the time of Isis and Osiris.

There was a being that they picked up in Siberia, and his name was Kahotep. He was a barbarian at the time. They picked him up in their starship and they trained him to be a priest/scientist surgeon. He served with Isis and Osiris at that time in Egypt, for over 600 years.

Then Isis and Osiris completed their mission and took their leave, and went back to Sirius B, their home. Kahotep became felt totally abandoned, and he became very, very angry. He took his emotions out on the people of that time. He would go out under the cover of night, and he would come upon and surprise the shepherds who were tending their flocks. He would knock the shepherd out with a rock or something, and he would split their heads open with a laser-like surgical device, and scoop out the pineal pituitary gland and eat it, and it would extend his life by 50 years.

This has been going on to this day with the 13 Families, who are still playing with this stuff. This ties in with the adrenochrome and the other stories that are going on with Q-Anon, and the other lunatics on the Right. It is pretty insidious, and not so pretty, because it is about inherent evil. This is where I gotta say, Goddess Mother Sekhmet gets to come in along with Lady Master Ma’at to level the playing field, along with Anubis, which is another story about the energies on the planet.

Another way, metaphorically speaking, is that the matrix is ending. These guys know it. They’re desperate to do something at this time.

As we are gaining more wisdom about how inherently evil this story has gone on for the last 13,000 years, people are waking up and saying, “I don’t want to participate anymore. No longer!”

Blaze the Violet Fire! Send more Love. And this is the message I got today from his Holiness, the Dalai Lama. Today is the 90th birthday of Archbishop Desmond Tutu [of South Africa]. This is some happy news. This is a 4-minute video from his holiness the Dalai Lama, wishing Archbishop Tutu Peace and Long Life!

TARA: And Desmond Tutu is sitting right next to the Dalai Lama. So he’s speaking right directly to him!

TARA: Wow! A “more compassionate mind!”

RAMA: Yes! All we are saying is Give Peace a Chance!

Also today, I went to visit Prof Nicodemus. Prof Nicodemus is a 4-foot rat who has the ability to shapeshift into human form.

As I visited him in the privacy of his own home, a huge storage unit the size of two boxcars put together, he was in his rat form, and he had on a t-shirt and jeans, just like me!

Prof Nicodemus is also a quantum physicist who worked at Los Alamos labs in the past. He said, “There are huge events going on in our solar system. This has to do with the area of space we are traveling through right now. There are highly charged cosmic neutrinos coming in to Earth’s atmosphere. These neutrinos come from stars called Pulsars, or quasars, and they come from deep state.

As they are beginning to arrive, as we tune in, we can experience being lifted up. These incoming energies are here to change matter and Time.

Time is speeding up, as we can all see. This is about the Great Convergence that is happening now. Our Sun Sol, as well, is moving into a higher octave.

And all the planets in our solar system are also experiencing this upliftment. Stay in the Violet Flame! This is the most intense time, as we go into this ending of Mercury Retrograde. May the Force be with you!

Sat Nam! Namaste! I pass the talking stick!

TARA: Sometimes when we speak to this higher reality, it takes us into another realm. It’s been a long road to Tipperary in my experience as well as I’m sure, everyone else’s.

The ones who have been chosen have been chosen legitimately on many scales. The corruption behind everything, and the confusion in the minds of the masses who are perhaps looking for something in all the wrong places these days—all I can say, is that the Light of God/Goddess All That Is that never fails is increasing, and more people are able to help more people this way.

RAMA: Yes. The Senate somehow kicked the can down the road today, and made a deal with the devil, about not letting the debt go into default on the 19th of this month.

They did something today where they created a way to stop us going into default on the 18th. And right at that moment of the 18th or 19th—we’re going into the next Moon phase. At that time, Mercury goes direct. Jupiter goes direct.

Between the 9th or 10th of October and leading up to the 18th, there’s a square of Pluto and Aris, and this particular aspect is the aspect the dark side would like to paly with to create some kind of incident.

So it is in our best interest to send as much Violet Flame Light and Love to all the situations on the planet right now. In a couple of days, we’re coming into that energy.

And these guys aren’t stopping with their insanity. As we send more Love, it changes their perspective of the whole story.

They have no idea what’s coming in, and they’re going to have to change their pants a few times as they meet the Timelords who are here to take care of this local planet and the Universe.

I’m not kidding! I’m on the money with this one!

At this time, the dark side is playing for keeps, and they have already lost. Love is the answer, not violence!

CAROLINE: I’ve got a question or two. A lot of people have been asking what really went on this past Monday when Facebook went down for six hours—and their subsidiaries or partner apps, WhatsApp and Instagram. Then this whistleblower comes out pretty much the same day, Ms Haugen. This is an astounding moment, and I just wanted Rama to speak on that if he could.

I’m wondering Rama, if you could share the intuitive insight you had that you shared with we co-hosts. And did you hear anything, and can you share that intuitive insight you had, if that's appropriate.

RAMA: What I can say about it is that Number 1, Mr Mark Zuckerberg is a relative [grandson] of David Rockefeller and the Rockefeller family. This goes into the 13 Families. When you’re playing in that realm, it goes in to the story that I just talked about—the Obscene Rite that goes back to Isis and Osiris. And how these folks play with the rituals to perpetuating and keeping the darkness going.

What happened with Facebook and WhatsApp and Instagram—I did not really get a straight answer from Mr X. Yet what I can say, is that there are things going on with the frequencies on this planet. He did not really tell me, yet the gut feeling I got is that Saint Germain shut it down, and maybe the galactics shut down Facebook and Instagram and WhatsApp.

When Zuckerberg started Facebook, it was to pick up girls and get laid. For him and his buddies, called the 13 Families.

TARA: For everybody they could get their hands on!

RAMA: Right. And the child trafficking and the kidnapping. And the issues going on with Facebook in the innerstanding/understanding that when you perpetuate lies and hate on social media and people pick up on it, they gravitate to certain— [Responding to something in Skype chat] I don’t know if that is true or not, Vinayak. The whistleblower that came forward.

VINAYAK: The woman [Frances Haugen] who came forward and was interviewed by lots of stations, probably the fake news more than anything—there are stories going around now that she was set up by Zuckerberg so he could in fact do more spying on Facebook and basically, “Here’s the problem, but we’ve got the solution, so now we do more of it.”

I’m wondering if that’s true or not.

RAMA: What I can say about that, is that I don’t know this woman whistleblower. The one you saw that testifying on TV. She was on 60 She was on 60 Minutes as well.

VINAYAK: My intuitive is that she was set up. That it was a fake story.

RAMA: It could be, and what I could say is, Facebook is essentially not a good thing The less people use it, the better. Why do you want to put your whole story out on Facebook? Everything you do, every bite you eat.

TARA: It’s a distraction.

RAMA: It is. It’s taking you away from the mission. Yes, there are wonderful things that could get done with Facebook, if it could be done with ethical people who want to increase consciousness. But the people running these corporations are not ethical. They are inherently evil. Maybe this lady got set up. Yet the fact of the matter is, when you try to take on the multinationals, like Mr Donziger and this lady [Ms Haugen] and others who go up against Big Brother, there are consequences. And that’s where I have to say, in the realm of infinite possibilities right now, something has shifted with the consciousness of the planet and the quantum field. These guys know it. They’re in the crosshairs, to use that phrase. Their time is very short on this planet. I’m not making threats, I’m just saying, they are finished in terms of their energies on the planet of continuing to perpetrate evil and enslaving people. It may not happen tomorrow or next week.

But Mother Karma and Mother [Sekhmet] are here, and I’ll leave it there!

[For remainder of discussion, see October 7, 2021 show replay]

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