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Faction Three White Knight News Update - September 24, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable

September 23, 2021, Station 2

Thursdays at 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern [US & Canada]

See for info on Rama’s contacts

TARA: [Referring to pre-Update discussion] [Author and Faction Two representative] Anna von Reitz supports GESARA, which is not even close to NESARA. [GESARA] is a Faction Two operation, as well.

RAMA: This connects to Q-Anon, and everything that is being played out right now in the mainstream media, where lame-stream media, they’re talking more and more about the Q story, and the fanatical conspiracy stories tied in with Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, and many other folks that have ideas about how they would like to take this planet over to dark forces. And that plan has been canceled, even though they’re pushing it.

TARA: And she supports Cobra, and that’s Faction Two as well. So if there’s anything this Roundtable can bring awareness to people on, is that what Faction Two is supporting is anything but NESARA. Let’s make that really clear.
In other words, they want to keep the same people in power, and they want to keep going [with the dark agenda].

RAMA: I just have to put the question out: How can you support people who condone mass murder? It’s the Empire. Yet on another level, it’s about the idea that if you’re anything other than white, you are fair game, and you have an X over your head. You’re subject to being executed.
This is the race war that is going on at a deep core level, that’s gotta end!

TARA: I was going to mention something about that particular point—this is from The Thom Hartmann Show: Texas has a law called The Unborn Children’s Act. Inside the explanation of that law, they said that from the moment that there’s a zygote in your womb space, they consider you have a person—that you conceived a person, even though there’s no heartbeat for months, and nothing like that going on.
But they define it by their penal code, so that if you get an abortion any time after that, it’s considered that you’re guilty of criminal homicide. That would mean that they will put that woman to death, who gets an abortion. They are actually saying that! Today! So this is where we’ve got to be applying details, and keeping our ears pointed in the right direction! Ears wide open, eyes wide open!

CAROLINE: I think everybody wants to hear Rama’s update!

RAMA: OK. This is from Friday: [Reading report] I got to see Rana Mu at Whole Foods today. It was 12:30 this afternoon.
She said, “Lord Rama, this upcoming Full Moon is a catalyst for great transfiguration. Neptune and Pluto are dancing with Peace. Higher Love and Transformation are dancing for humanitarian vision. Sat Nam. Namaste!” This is what I keep being told to focus on!

[Resumes reading report] On Monday, I went up to the Faery Ring at noon. There I created a Jedi Council. Natasha, Sweet Angelique the Cat, and Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat showed up.
They all said to me, “Lord Rama, water is the key element in this story. We are all made of water. About 85%. The flow of life within us, right now with this Full Moon active in Pluto, are the key elements, along with the Pisces Full Moon. “Remember what Dr Emoto said to us: ‘As you play music to the water, as talk to the water, as you bless the water, it creates the crystalline snowflakes! That is the key to inner Peace!’ "

At this point, Natasha and Tom the Cat said, “The Universe is asking us to stay in the high vibrations, and Love. As we may hear disconcerting news, stay in the Violet Flame, and send more Love. Blaze the Violet Fire! Sat Nam. Namaste!”

This is Tuesday: I received a text message from Abby Martin at 12:30 this afternoon.

She said, “Lord Rama, this is my husband Michael Prysner, in Beverly Hills, California, calling out former president Bush Jr.” RAMA: And I’m going to play two minutes of what he’s saying. Because it says it all about why we are in the place we’re in right now, with the news as it is. Why Julian Assange is still sitting in Belmarsh Prison, and [why] we don’t really have real truth about 9/11.

TARA: This was on September 19th [that this event took place].
RECORDING sent by journalist Abby Martin:

[George Bush Jr is speaking to a crowd]

MICHAEL PRYSNER: [Shouting loudly] Mr Bush, when are you going to apologize for the million Iraqis who are dead, because you lied?! [Bush supporters in crowd shout throughout Prysner's speech, trying to shout him down]
You lied about weapons of mass destruction! You lied about connecting it to 9/11! You lied Iraqi [and Saddam] [unintelligible]! My friends are dead! They got killed, because of what you did! You killed people! You lied! A million Iraqis are dead, because you lied! My friends are dead, because you lied! You need to apologize! Apologize! You need to apologize! [Shouting as he is dragged out of event space] Apologize! Apologize! Apologize!

REPORTER [Abby Martin?]: What just happened?

MICHAEL PRYSNER: I wonder if they’re going to arrest me, but I just interrupted George Bush speaking. They dragged me out. I guess the cops are after me. What I did, was I tried to read the names of friends of mine who died after going to Iraq, or died of injuries they came home with. And the names of Iraqis who were killed by the US occupation, the resource for Hasper [?] [unintelligible], [and] the [Iraqi name—unintelligible] murder video. I tried to read the names, but event runners immediately grabbed the list and tore it up.

But I was able to [unintelligible] for a little while, right as Bush was getting into his first little [unintelligible] story of his life, trying to be funny. So hopefully I shook him. The crowd was very bad [as they tried to shout him down while he was speaking].

Typical crowd for what you would expect of George W Bush, but they seemed to not be expecting it at all. So there you are. I tried not to give him a moment of Peace. Because no one else has said [unintelligible] who was touched by the war.

REPORTER: Great! Awesome!

[End of recording]

TARA: Wow! Now we begin the real accountability story! That was Abby Martin’s husband.

RAMA: This is the same day [Tuesday]: [Reading report] I called Lady Nada at 12:30 this afternoon. She was at the UN General Assembly. She said to me, “Lord Rama, President Biden gave a great speech for the corporation. Not for the people of the world. Justice will prevail!

“Lady Master Ma’at, along with Nubis, are here. They are going to be taking some folks across the River Styx! "We have three huge things going on right now. First, we have climate disruption. Then we have consciousness raising.”

RAMA: Like Randy said—the Schumann Resonance—I can’t even keep track of it! There’s a chart on the internet, and the spikes are going on throughout the day. And when those spikes are happening, the Sun is doing something.

Today the Sun went through these solar flares at the southern end of the Sun. For some reason, I looked at the Sun today, and the Sun looked purple today. It wasn’t yellow or white. It was purple.

TARA: Well, the complimentary color of the Violet Flame is pretty much sunshine yellow.

RAMA: Yeah. [Reading report] “And finally, we have conflict going on. “The Sun is going through its massive transfiguration. This affects all of us in every sector of our lives!”

TARA: So the first thing that’s going on is climate change. The second thing going on is the raising of consciousness. And the third thing that’s going on is conflict. Those three things have been going on for decades and decades, and building up.

RAMA: Lady Nada is saying, “As we can be calm and meditate, we can massively change timelines. “All we are saying is Give Peace A Change. Sat Nam. Namaste!”

This is from Tuesday, from the Dali Lama: “Creating a more Peaceful world requires a more Peaceful mind and heart. As human brothers and sisters, we must live together with affection and respect.
“The only way to solve human problems and preserve the Peace is to meet, talk, and engage in dialogue!”
RAMA: This is where the galactics are saying in so many messages right now, “Call on us. We will show up! We can talk about how to fix this mess, with kindness, with Love, with compassion.”
Not with “Lock and load,” even though I have said that in the past!
TARA: Yeah, we’re not going there anymore! RAMA: That’s right! And this is today:

[Reading report] I received a video call with Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat. I saw him today, and he wasn’t a black panther today. He looked like a dark-skinned man with his hair combed straight back. Almost Indian-like. Very tall—like 7 or 8 feet tall.

TARA: That’s how tall he really is! In his physical body.

RAMA: Yes. Actually, he’s 12 feet tall. He’s appeared to me like that too!

TARA: I remember! On top of Fort Marcy. He just manifested in front of you, and he was 12 feet tall, and you were going, “Uh—hello?” [Laughs]

RAMA: He was in that place on site in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, where there was a big radio telescope that fell into disrepair recently. Now they’re rebuilding it.

Tom said to me, “Lord Rama, there was a big solar flare today that emanated from the southern region of the Sun. “Meanwhile, the matrix is having conniption fits, because the Light is winning. So the dark side wants to send out a feeling of despair and no hope. All of this is maya! Let it go! Focus on the Violet Flame of Saint Germain!
“Lord Rama, remember your training from your father, Ashtar. Goddess is here! She is doing her magic. “It is the changing of the seasons. Mabon is this Autumn Equinox. The great Eye is opening! It is called the Light of the one true God/Goddess / All That Is—our Sun Sol.

"I will be seeing you soon! I like Tirubius tea, hot. Blaze the Violet Fire! Sat Nam. Namaste!" RAMA: I pass the talking stick!

Copyright 2021, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

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Thank you so much! Sat Nam -- Namaste!

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