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Faction Three White Night News Update - April 16, 2021

Updated: Apr 23, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable, Station 2 – Thursdays at 6 PM Pacific / 9 PM Eastern

Thursday, April 15, 2021

See for info on Rama’s contacts

RAMA & TARA: Greetings!

TARA: So Rama—you got the talking stick!

RAMA: I talked to Lady Nada and Natasha today, and they are in the Wesak Valley with the “nameless ones” [Princess Diana & Dodi Al Fayad] getting ready for Wesak Festival—Buddha’s birthday.

The energies are getting ever higher, with the plasma Light coming in, and it’s affecting everyone as things are, I call it, “Mother stirring the pot,” with all the information and wisdom coming forth. And at the same time, everything is being brought to the surface to be healed. It’s quite a drama to behold!

We would like to put [imprisoned journalist] Mumia Abu-Jamal in the Circle of Support. He’s having heart surgery at this time.

TARA: They rushed him to the hospital there early this morning. [Reading] “Mumia Abu-Jamal scheduled for heart surgery as health deteriorates following Covid diagnosis.”

And for people who may not know, Mumia Abu-Jamal was accused of killing a [Philadelphia] police officer [Daniel Faulkner], and he never did that. Amy Goodman [of] years ago had footage, and she put it on television [in a Democracy Now broadcast], where you could see the person who shot the cop. And they never went after that person. So he’s been in there close to 40 years now in a Pennsylvania prison.

He’s an imprisoned journalist, Mumia Abu-Jamal. He has never done anything but be positive. RAMA: That’s right! TARA: He has come on Amy [Goodman’s show Democracy Now] numerous times and other shows, and he would give the most magnificent report. He wasn’t thinking of himself at all. We got a real master Angel there, everyone. So send good vibrations to him. He was scheduled to have surgery at 6:00 the morning after he was rushed to the hospital with chest pains. “Abu-Jamal suffers from several from pre-existing conditions and lost over 30 pounds just in March after becoming ill with Covid-19 in the State Correctional Institution – Mahanoy. Blaze the Violet Fire. A true master!

I wanted to mention that there’s a fluctuation between 15,000 and 20,000 people at any one time that are with Dodi and Diana in the Wesak Valley, and they are all refugees. They literally walked from whatever countries they come from. They can stay as long as they want, and they can come and go. The grid that they’re on is an off-grid Keshe technology on a group of domes and wells. That’s how they get to do this.

[Reading Rama’s report] “I asked them a question”—remembering that Lady Natasha and Lady Nada [are who he is speaking to]. " 'What is going to happen to the republican party, the democratic party, the independent party, etc.?'

“Lady Natasha and Lady Nada said, ‘Lord Rama, the party system is evolving into a place where there will be NO parties. What there will be, are sacred circles. Within these sacred circles, the Wise Council of Elders will cause a new ___ [paradigm?] about how we change our ideas about political, social, and economic structures.

We are moving into a time where the revealing of the simulation has ended.

[To Rama] What do you mean by “the simulation”?

RAMA: What Greg Braden and Bruce Lipton talk about, is that we are in a gigantic simulation.

TARA: Which is not the truth!

RAMA: Yeah! And we all know there is something more that is going on that is right behind the fence. We can see it, taste it, touch it, experience it. Yet it’s not exactly in the mainstream.

What these two explained to me, is that it’s about the higher vibratory frequencies coming in from our Sun, from Galactic Center. And what’s happening within our own bodies as we’re waking up, that I like to call the Force. That it’s talking to us—the Great Silence—and telling us to get out in Nature and talk to all the kingdoms, and let go of the other stories.

How that changes this physical story, is that we have the higher wisdom on how to interact with the mighty I AM Presence, and inner-standing of solutions that we may have come across, yet maybe we had a few words, and it totally comes into manifestation. Because it’s about the magic that we all put together with all our [?].

What Lady Nada and Natasha explained: We are moving into the quantum field realms right now. This is part of how the old simulation, the old timeline, is fading away. I call it the Fallen Matrix. More and more is coming forward as we’re waking up to our gifts and abilities. And things are changing very rapidly. This is also what is causing the great shift that we’re all feeling. Sometimes it’s very uncomfortable, and sometimes it’s just ecstasy and joy with the energies coming in. We’re being asked to focus on the ecstasy and the joy, rather than the sorrow.

TARA: So, you said, “I asked Lady Natasha and Lady Nada, ‘How is this going to happen? The energies are coming into the Sun and everything.’ “They answered me, ‘The Ascended Masters, the Wise Council of Elders, and the Forces of Light are here. Expect us!’ “

RAMA: What they mean by that, is that we are already being visited by our galactic brothers and sisters everyday, whether the TV or the newspapers or the radio is telling us or not. We have two eyes, two ears, and the Force. We can see it, feel it, experience it.

They are saying, “Get out in Nature! Get out amongst the trees! Feel the five elements: Earth, air, fire, water, ether.” Ether is another name for the fifth element, Love, which is also called the Akash. The Akashic Records.

All we have to do is get into that Great Silence and stillness, even just for a moment, and you can experience it. It is like all of a sudden having an out-of-body experience. Once you experience that, your life is never the same. And it’s happening all the time now with the energies getting higher and higher.

This is what is causing--Natasha and Lady Nada called it “Divine Chaos Magic.” It’s how the multiverses are coming together, and converging on each other and overlapping. All the realms are interacting with this realm. This is why there are so many different aspects to what is happening.

I gotta bring it back to what Greg Braden and Bruce Lipton explain: Our thoughts are so powerful, that we can physically, energetically work with matter, and change it with out thoughts. It is already happening. I’ve been experiencing this for a number of years now, and it’s starting to happen to others.

TARA: For those of you who haven’t been coming to the Friday or Saturday shows for the last year or more, we’ve been gifted, from a wonderful sister, access to TV. We have been playing so much stuff!

For instance, this weekend—this is from Beyond Belief from George Noory: “Most look to the external world for answers, yet with divination tools we can connect to what our innate already knows . . . “

[Reads several program descriptions from The last is a program about the River Nile in Egypt, viewed by ancient Egyptian / Atlantean esoteric teaching as a symbol of the spinal cord in the human body. Temples were built in accordance to where important organs and chakra points were located in relation to the spine. Priests and priestesses taught how to open to the power of the stars—knowing who we are, where we come from, and how to transcend the limits of the third dimension. This aligned them with the vibration to go into the Great Pyramid and open the portal of Orion on Earth.]

RAMA: Each one of the chakra temples has a portal to different constellations throughout our local galaxy.

TARA: [Reading] “We can still walk this same path that the Atlanteans did, and awaken this information inside of ourselves . . . “ [Reads about another program “The Physical Body with Nonphysical Abilities”]

This reading represents how far we’ve come along. This is all true, and this is the beginning of the closure we have been needing, of the simulation we have been getting.

Faction Three White Knights work directly with Saint Germain, who is in a physical body. He’s got a [law] office in DC and two offices in Virginia.

This whole vaccination situation, as Caroline told us many weeks ago, and we’re just repeating it again—Saint Germain [and other higher beings] will intervene. So for people who didn’t know what this was about: The vaccination as an intentional setup. They put artificial intelligence in those vaccines, which are scheduled to destroy the body within two years. That is canceled, but we want you to know that that’s been the purpose of the whole thing.

This is a synopsis of [a video that is a discussion between] two men [to watch, see video below]:

[Reading transcript of video] “If you can, walk me through, in layman’s terms, in the smallest nutshell possible, what I need to know to understand what is really happening right now.” The other gentleman begins: “In 2003, the CDC saw the possibility of a gold strike. And that was the coronavirus outbreak that happened in Asia. They saw that a virus they knew could be easily manipulated for something very valuable. In 2003 they sought to patent it.

They made sure they controlled the proprietary rights to the disease—to the virus, and to its detection, and all of the measurements thereof. From 2003 to 2018, they controlled 100% of the cash flow that built the empire around the industrial complex of coronavirus.

Unfortunately, the coronavirus being what it is, resolved itself. They needed to come up with a strategy that could allow them to finance their operation with much greater resources. It turns out that they almost figured out how to do that in 2017 and 2018, as we had a bizarre influenza and pneumonia season. Yet the opportunity was on the back wave of other diseases going around the world. They needed a branded campaign, and lo and behold, they got the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the IAID and their co-conspirators to get together and say, “Let’s make this happen in 2019.”

In September 2019, they got the Global Preparedness Board of the WHO to prepare a set of scenarios for the outbreak of the respiratory pathogen. A month later, they held a desktop program to build up a script for how they were going to manage it, with media, with social media, with censorship, with interventions—with all the things you have seen play out.

Once that script was written, they went to the only two places on Earth that could plausibly deny the source of the virus: Wuhan Institute of Virology and the US Emirate [sp?] in North Carolina. Those two places in the United States.”

TARA: That was confusing to me, so Rama asked about it.

The King of Swords said, “Wuhan Institute of Virology”—which was the laboratory where they isolated the virus, and they went over there, Tony Fauci and friends, to spread this virus with satanic sound frequencies added—"that is owned, that part of it is owned by the United States—by the Clinton Foundation.

[Reading] “It turns out that they gave the world an opportunity to blame another party for plausible deniability for release of the virus. The United States could say China did it, they could say the United States did it.

The so-called “cool” thing is that both of them are almost telling the truth. The truth is, the did it together. There’s just one exception: President Putin, President Xi Jinping, and President Obama are all White Knights.

TARA: The operatives of respective bodies—the parliaments, our Congress, whatever they call it in China and Russia—those people are working with oligarchs who provide money for the simulation to go on, for profit.

[Reading] “They conspired together to create a pandemic of domestic terror, and that pandemic of domestic terror was unleashed on the population right before Christmas 2019, as we started hearing about something percolating in China.

And rather than having the ability to confirm the presence or absence of a disease, they branded a marketing campaign of terror, calling it “Covid -19.” They suspended the rules of science. They suspended the presence of any ethical group practices of medicine. They said, “The rules get thrown out.” Then, as a gift to the pharmaceutical and medical and clinical laboratory industry, on Feb 4, 2020, they gave that industry a green light to rob the United States government of funds. To pour untold billions upon billions of dollars or our tax dollars into the research, and to pour trillions of dollars of our money into asset creation for banks and for life insurance companies. And they did it while they ordered you and me to suspend our liberty.

This was a planned diversionary tactic to get people away from paying attention to the financial, the political, and the events that were actually going on in a fashion that could not be controlled. Put them in front their TVs, put them in front of their computers, and make it impossible for them to interact with one another, to actually expose the truth. By placing us in solitary confinement, we got had.”

I pass the talking stick!

Copyright 2021, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

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