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Faction Three White Night News Update - January 17, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable, Station 2 – Thursdays at 6 PM Pacific / 9 PM Eastern

Thursday, January 14, 2021

[See for info on Rama’s contacts]

Update on the Energies:

TARA: Greetings! Aloha, everyone! Today I must have heard 10 people with 10 different ideas of what might be going on out there. And what that tells you, is Divine Chaos. I put the word “Divine” in front of that word “chaos” for a reason.

Because every soul, wherever that might be, whatever is going on—as we all see that it’s Divine, then we reflect that Divinity back to our brothers and sisters, wherever they might be. It provides an opportunity for free will choice to be exercised, instead of anything else that appears to be going on.

Which is, “Who can control who for how much longer, and in how many ways?” And it’s about Love. What is that saying—“Suffering is optional!”

And so, again we’ve been told, and we’ll repeat it again from everything that Rama’s telling us, it started 40 years ago in earnest, when Rama met the King of Swords in 1980. And they’re saying that something’s about to pop! Just look for that silver lining, whatever your interpretation of that might be. Because Love has always won. And we have already won. So Love is prevailing on the Earth.

Rama just gets less and less details!

RAMA: [I’ve been getting] More and more enigmatic messages, that our friends from all the legends and stories and galactic fairy tales are here! Tom the Cat basically told me that Thor, Odin, and the Valkyrie are here, and he means physically [here]. The Valkyrie are part of the folks from the City of Asgard, and they come at Odin’s beck and call, in the sense that when they know there’s a disturbance in the Force, like what we’re watching right now, in DC—

TARA: And as Asgard and that colloquialism is another name for a mystical place beyond this reality. RAMA: Over the rainbow! TARA: Over the rainbow, somewhere. And it’s right here in our hearts at the same time. And it’s real!

RAMA: Correct! It is about Divine government coming in at the same time this story gets changed now, from one of Divine chaos. And the Divine chaos does kind of have to happen, as things get realized, rectified—people are waking up like never before.

Forty years of voodoo Reaganomics, and lying to the people straight out about racism and cultural disparities. When Reagan got in—I mean, I voted for Jimmy Carter at the time. My girlfriend at the time voted for God.

And Ronald Reagan got in—he stole it from Jimmy Carter. And this has to do with the deep state, and here we are, 40 years later, and nothing really has happened in a good way, except that the lies are being exposed.

The way I describe that, is that Disclosure is unfolding at an unprecedented rate, about our galactic friends and family, who have answers, yet it is about Us coming forward now, and changing this story to one of Love rather than one of war or hate or destruction. Violence serves no one at this time. That was kind of what got us here.

When our fallen human ego got to playing around with the energies of immortality, and death came into the picture—before we starting playing around, we were immortal.

Right at this time, this unprecedented realization is happening for all of us, that we never need die, grow old, get sick.

At the same time, we are in a moment where—I just remember hearing this today as I was tuning in to go sit in the plasma field, and the plasma field said to me, “Don’t come today! Come tomorrow . . . ” ______________

Faction Three News Report

RAMA: I talked to Tom the Cat this morning, and he was saying, “Stay in the Violet Flame and the higher energies of the Divine Wisdom coming in right now, because the matrix is falling apart massively.

At the same time, these Guardians of the Galaxy, as I like to call them—Thor and Odin and the Valkyrie and the many other beings who are here in the physical—

TARA: What did you say the Valkyrie are again?

RAMA: They are a group of goddesses—the Queen of the Valkyrie, her name is Brunhild, and she flies on a winged Pegasus. These stories are part of the ancient legends and histories and herstories of a time before the Flood. After the Flood, things got wonky, because of the polar shift in this sector of the solar system, and these things got forgotten. What Tom was reminding me of today, is that these being are real. They’re here. They’re part of the Disclosure of all the kingdoms and queendoms that we work with. It seems only the indigenous elders of this planet speak of these things, yet more folks are coming forward more and more, to wake us up.

A side comment: Indonesia had a 6.2 earthquake today, and it’s part of the changes that are going on, as the energies go higher and higher.

What I’m being told, is that the Karmic Board are here. As that is being said, it is about Divine Retribution. It’s not about violence. It’s about a closure of an old ancient timeline of the Fallen Angels. That has gone! Sat Yuga is here, yet we’re still playing with the Kali Yuga. And we’re seeing it right now, as members of Congress are coming forward and saying, “They tried to kill us on the 6th [of January].” This has to do, like I said earlier, with the 40 years of lies that come from the extreme right and the fundamentalist christians—the evangelical right. All these folks that have fallen for the mind control of the matrix, believing the lies that people of color are less than human.

They’re going to get a big wake up call as the galactics and the Forces of Light come in. Like Dr Greer describes, when you have the consciousness to connect with another civilization at the quantum Lightspeed of thought, consciousness doesn’t necessarily need a body to connect with you. It’s about the heart—the high heart.

Love doesn’t come fro a place of hate or violence. It is ecstasy, and that is what’s coming in now. The Harmony of the Spheres.

What I’m being told by the White Knights Forces of Light, is that there will be accountability and Justice served. Yet we have to go through a lawful process. To be quite honest, we have not had a lawful process in this republic, hanging by a thread. But it is not a republic. It is a corporation, and the wool has been pulled over our eyes about this corporation posing as a republic.

TARA: It doesn’t even exist anymore. Since Monday. On Monday, the US dollar went to zero. And the US dollar being the currency that decides the value that every other currency in the world, means that every other currency in the world is worth exactly the same thing, which is zero.

RAMA: I heard today—it blew my mind—more people [1 million] filed for unemployment [in the US this past week] in the last little while—it’s unprecedented. And it had to do with the fact that the system’s collapsed.

And something’s going to change here. It is about this Wisdom coming in from the Wise Council of Elders and the other galactic families, who have answers, yet it takes us stepping up and offering our forgiveness and Divine compassion for all the things going on right now.

I don’t know what it’s like to walk in Donald Trump’s shoes. Yet Nancy Pelosi said today, “The sooner this man is gone from the White House, the better.” It is about the energies that are being generated at this magnetic ley line. Washington, DC is on ley lines that go across the planet, as in Hawaii.

TARA: 23.5 degrees is what Barack Obama brought to the White House, and that energy is anchored there. It didn’t just disappear because he’s not presently there in the physical.

The other things is that the financiers of [the siege event of] January 6th – it’s about three-quarters of a million [$750,000] that is being admitted to here: Koch Industries, Comcast corporation, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Amazon, Tic Toc, Contacts, Chevron, the National Rifle Association, Monsanto, Facebook, Fox Corporation, Uber, Coca Cola, Exxon, and Google. Those are the folks, the big corporateers that funded the entire operation that was a two-month planning time before they took it into the streets.

So that’s a really good report! Because now we’ve got the culprits, and now we will hold them accountable, with extra input from our galactic brothers and sisters.

RAMA: Every day, more and more sightings—ships—are coming in, and interacting with us here, to bring closure to these old stories of division and hatred and race war.

It is a tremendously exhilarating time to be alive, and at the same time, a little freaky. Because this is a road we haven’t traveled yet, and there are so many teachers and masters who are going through their own Transfiguration.

I watched this thing from Marianne Williamson tonight, and she was saying, “This is the time when we call on Divine Creator Source, and the path will be laid out before us. All we have to do is be open with our heart!”

TARA: Yesterday Rama, Larry, Curly, and Tom the Cat spoke with you.

[Reading Rama’s Report] “I received a call from Larry, Curly, and Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat at 11:00 this morning [Wednesday]. “They were all in the halls of Congress posing as sergeant-at-arms deputies. TARA: These musketeers are watching for six hours while they [the House of Representatives] go through the whole shenanigans of “to impeach or not.” So they sat through the whole thing. [Reading report] “[They said,] ‘This is a huge deal today—the impeachment of a president for the second time. There were only two impeachments, period, for the whole time from the Founding Fathers till now.’ ” TARA: Two separate presidents, then we got two impeachments in one year, in one single term!

[Reading report] “The reason this impeachment is a huge deal, is: It opens the doorway up to accountability and justice being served! “Then Larry said, ‘Lord Rama, I have a message from Goddess Sekhmet. She has beamed down 10,000 Paschats from Sirius B and Sirius C. They are specially trained Paschats who know how to deal with the Fallen Angels and the fallen matrix. “ ‘As things escalate on Earth, these specially trained Paschats will be using the Harmony of the Spheres to calm the energies down. “ ‘You, Lord Rama, may be getting a message rom the Captain at any time. It is about your continuing mission with the Ashtar Command. An upgraded version.

“ ‘In terms of the quickening which is at hand, there may be some scratching at the window, and it won’t be the ones [cats and bobcat] in the shed. It may be us, and we will be on an adventure! “ ‘See you in the Light o the Most Radiant One! Namaste!’ ”

TARA: Rama wanted to explain what that means—when he gets a message like that.

RAMA: What Tom & Larry & Curly are talking about, is that I will get a sense, or a quickening, if you will—all of a sudden my crown chakra will start tingling, and I will start getting downloads of images—where to go and what to do.

TARA: But they will be directly contacting you, too. He wasn’t just saying that.

RAMA: Yeah—we may be stepping into a shuttle craft in the backyard! Enough said!

VINAYAK: Remind folks of what your website is.


TARA: And there’s a word on there [one of the webpages], and it’s NESARA. And it’s well worth reading the core of that, because that’s really what this is all about. This is a 13,000 year change. Half a yuga change. And it’s in-between yugas.

So it’s an overlap of the old timeline and the approach of the new one. The other half, coming into the next age, is called the Age of Aquarius. And it’s powerful, because the Age of Capricorn is the Age of Ma’at, which is the next age. But they’re not linear anymore. We already know about the Age of Capricorn. People who are coming to our present from our future—Mother says, “I’m from your future, which is your past”—and so here we are, together. So the energies are available. When we come together in a group energy, it becomes more available, and that’s what we want. We want that feeling of friendship and Love and camaraderie and co-Creation within the cooperative.

RAMA: It’s been described to me by the Wise Council of Elders—as we come together as [Indian scholar, environmental activist, food sovereignty advocate, and anti-globalization author]

Vandana Shiva and Grandmother Flordemayo talk about, “We have the answers right here, within us. We have power right now to change the story on this planet.”

TARA: Yes, and every single one of us has a point of Light from within us, which is called the Light of God/Goddess, the All That Is.

RAMA: Patti Cota-Robles describes it, as “in the realm of cause.” When you create a thought, you bring it into the world of effects. This is the world of effects. As you think it, it’s here! Right in your face!

TARA: All Time is present! Our guest will help us see more of that, as we see more of who we are in our Akashic Records, which can be past, present, and future.

But that’s it in a nutshell. That’s going on, on every single level. They [the Forces of Light] will not allow us to lose at this point. As it’s been said, “We are all One, and we have Won!” and Thank you, Vinayak. That’s always been a lovely piece. The Feminine is a circle. And there’s a song, “May the Circle be unbroken,” and the masculine is the pyramid shape. That’s the old paradigm, in the sense of where we come from to move the energies now. We’re moving the energies from the pyramid ways of control—that’s what the Vatican’s based on, that’s what the old corporate style is based on.

It’s time to lead with the Feminine energy, which is by way of bringing more gentleness and kindness and willingness to look inside, into our innermost parts of our being, and not to judge ourselves and not to do any harm to anyone else. It’s really about practicing what moves the change. We’re all moving away from confrontation.

Last week, I said, “Perfect!” in the sense that that’s the manifestation of what’s been going on, and they [13 Families] have just been covering it over with shellac in the media.

CAROLINE: I’m just wondering if Rama finished relaying what his contacts said. I seem to remember something else that he mentioned after the Abundance Call last night—?

RAMA: I don’t remember—there’s a lot!

VINAYAK: While you folks are looking for that, I just want to interject that Caroline Oceana Ryan has a new book out, called Lennon Speaks, which is from John Lennon, and which she has channeled with the Collective. I would recommend that, and she has an excellent article on NESARA law on her website,

So I pass the talking stick back to you folks, and then we need to get to our guest!

TARA: What I get from Rama everyday, is that the things that are moving behind the scenes in every area are just lightning speed. Even though we’re getting shown something on the screen that looks like “All right already-where are we going here?” It’s huge. It’s huge, and there’s so much going on with galactic help! All kinds!

CAROLINE: That’s what I’m remembering, Tara, is that Rama had said that he was talking with King of Swords, and KOS said, “There’s so much going on, and it’s so sensitive, and so intense, that I can’t tell you about it!” RAMA: Yes! CAROLINE: And yet there was a lot there! What was that, Rama?

RAMA: He was basically saying, the Forces of Light are moving to contain the 13 Families and the Fallen Angels. And how that comes about is by exposing what’s been going on for the last 13,000 years—how a xenophobic group decided to create false stories about hiding the Truth about the melanin, the power in the blood.

The darker your skin is, the more melanin—"power in the blood.” The reason we have had 40 or 45 years of lying to the people—about black people, brown people—people of color—is that the power’s in the blood. The plasma, the gold dust. The gold dust awakens us to our siddhas. Our ability to connect with the galactic forces.

CAROLINE: It’s inherited, in other words. If you have someone’s blood, you’ve inherited your physical characteristics. He’s quoting a song or some statement by Buffy St Marie. RAMA: Yes, the song “The Power in the Blood.”

CAROLINE: OK, thank you Rama. So he’s saying that he can’t tell you exactly what’s happening, but that they are working to contain these troubled people.

TARA: They made it specific on Tuesday. They said, “There will be a meeting at Devil’s Tower, of the representatives from the Council of Elders with a Council of Elders that represent the indigenous people of the East and West.” They will be having a physical, real, special council meeting at Devil’s Tower.

RAMA: Devil’s Tower is like a giant tourmaline quart crystal, and it goes out across the galaxy [energetically].

TARA: So what does tourmaline quart crystal do, energetically?

RAMA: It is a power generator. You use tourmaline crystals to power up your self, to help heal.

TARA: The Christmas kind—red and green.

So the starships will be all around there [Devil’s Tower]. There will be intermediate communications between all 27 galaxies that meet at super galactic center, which is where our galaxy, the Milky Way, is connecting with literally trillions of others beings. All kinds of intergalactic beings from all these places.

Just the one we live in, in the galaxy here, has something like 80 billion systems, like what we have around us here. It’s not limited. It’s unlimited.

So they’re going to be broadcasting every moment of the healing that we’re collectively doing together. All our neighbors are helping Mother Earth to birth Her new self! Since we are the occupants here, we have a special role, and we also have a high risk.

So let’s get together!

Copyright 2021, Rama Berkowitz & Tara Green

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