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Faction Three White Night News Update - January 22, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable, Station 2 – Thursdays at 6 PM Pacific / 9 PM Eastern

Thursday, January 21, 2021

[See for info on Rama’s contacts]

RAMA: Greetings!

Like Lady Nada said yesterday, we are in a new day! A new energy field. And the Light coming in from the plasma, the gold dust, is raising everything up, and stirring the pot, and bringing up all the stuff that’s got to get healed.

What I’m being told, is that things are getting better and better. Even though there are so many things going on that—I can say what Caroline spoke of, with the Collective—as a whole race, this planet—we are healing the PTSD of the last four years that have gone on—five years!

26,826 years since we weren’t told the Truth about how Niburu came in, caused the Flood, and here we are! And all of this has to do with what Gregg Braden talks about—climate change/climate disruption, consciousness, and conflict—all three of those things are going on, at a massive level right now. The consciousness is raising at a quantum level. Every day, more and more is coming out about how the beings, known and unknown, are interacting with us. As you take moments to look at the sky—unfocus your eyes, and just look at the blue sky or grey sky during the day—you can see the geometric shapes. All the platonic solids that Pythagoras spoke of. They’re in the atmosphere. You can see them, and as you tune into those energies, they talk to your DNA. Your particles in your body. I’ve been experiencing this myself. Talking with these energies. And it is quite amazing! Because we are, like what the stories and the legends speak about, we are immortal. We can change this right now. It’s about changing our belief structures.

The falling of the Matrix right now is so fast and so hard. It is huge! The Q-Anon drama—they are falling away from Trump in droves. It is intense, because they are talking about a “Revenge of the Sith.” That is not the path! Hatred only leads to the dark side. You saw what happened with those words [that incited the riot of January 6].

The energies coming in with the plasma and the quantum field and the other beings out there—the physical planets, the suns—sons and daughters of the Most High—when you have the consciousness of the Sun, and you get in touch with that energy—I have no words! But this is what’s actually happening right now, as these energies come in to change the physical matter, the everyday things that are going on. What I can say, is that as the exposure of the vast underbelly of the stories that go all the way back to what Zecharia Sitchin and these crazy folks on Ancient Aliens and other folks on other shows talk about, that these immortals and Fallen Angels were real. And they are, let’s say, not able to influence this planet too much. It becomes less and less and less, as people wake up and do not give them energy. This has to do with all the dramas and passion plays that are going on right now with the various 13 Families, as they lose power and control at an exponential level.

As you recently heard, in the last week or two, once of the major Rothschilds was found dead. Fifty-seven years old, supposedly [died from] a heart attack. They took this being out, and it has to do with the connection to the Fallen Angels. This being was one of the direct connections to the Fallen Angels, and those lines of energy are being cut by Lord Michael.

In last 24 hours, I was told today, that Lord Michael paid a little visit to President Biden. Let’s say, they had a little chat. I’ll just say, give the commander a moment to shift the realities here! There are things going on that have to do with the exposure that is so deep, so large. As the stories come out, this is why we’re going to need folks like Dr Greer to come forward and help us integrate and inner-stand, over-stand, understand what’s been happening to this planet, because it’s huge. And it involves these other players that haven’t been part of our consciousness or our everyday lives. It’s been hidden from us. It’s changed how people live, move, and have their being. Because we’ve been living under the lies of the Matrix. Now the Matrix is falling, and we’re waking up, “There is no spoon,” as Neo said in The Matrix. This is all just a holodeck program. And who’s directing the holograph program? Gregg Braden goes into this—this entire story is a simulation. We have to create this simulation with our own consciousness, to be part of coming to this moment of how we change things with our consciousness. This is huge stuff, because it is about the quantum physics—mind over matter, where you can walk on air, walk on water!

TARA: So Rama, this Rothschild—the presentation, when we read about him—he was a philanthropist, helping so many people. So that was just the cover story?

RAMA: They do both sides of the story. Like the Shriners, like the Knights of Malta. The Make A Wish Foundation. These are foundations and trusts. They are actual places in the Grand Cayman Islands, like Bernie Sanders said, that are PO Boxes where the 13 Families play with their money, and put them into other trusts and foundations, where it can’t be touched.

This is not how St Germain taught people how to help the planet heal! Not sure if that answers the question!

TARA: I was just getting it clear. You told me today that your people will telling you to tell everyone that these guys are really, really scared.

RAMA: They are scared shitless! Excuse my language. And it is about the final moments. Physical mortality is a reality, yet when you go against the Laws of Creation, I have to turn that [judgment] over to the All-That-Is. Because we’re all part of that story.

TARA: Our sister Penny, Rama said—not sure if she listened to all 10 parts, but—

RAMA: [A YouTube video titled] “The Fall of the Cabal.”

TARA: Yeah, It’s connected to Q-Anon.

RAMA: And Hollywood. To make a short statement, Harvey Weinstein is part of that story, and the #MeToo movement, in the sense of exposing what they do in Hollywood. I was on the periphery of that in the Sixties and Seventies in L.A., and I got to see how they play, and it’s not pretty. People end up dead.

Mel Gibson is a major player. Blaze the Violet Fire. Not a good guy.

TARA: Oh dear . . .

RAMA: And everybody has a moment to heal, and to bring their soul to Oneness. Yet what these folks have played with are against the laws of Creation. Another word for it is Koyaanisqatsi, life out of balance. When you play with that, you need Mother, to put it simply!

TARA: So we’re on the other side of the rainbow, meaning—it’s kind of fun to slide down the rainbow!

I was talking to one of my sons today, and he was just saying that the people all around him are so scared—the people are frightened after what happened this past week.

LYNNE: [Caller asking question about the drug wars] How do we get information about the drug lords—all the money that’s gone into street drugs?

RAMA: How that is answered, is the exposure of the 13 Families who play at the levels where the entire social/political/economic system has to change. As these people lose their money, lose their power, it is a moot point. And that’s already happening. LYNNE: Aren’t there people in Hollywood who would help us? The Spiritual Cinema group?

TARA: These characters in Hollywood—they get killed if they talk. I was talking to a brother yesterday, and he was talking about back in the Sixties when he was in Germany. He was in the military from here. And there was 10 square blocks of a humongous starship. It was in a part of a compound of the military. Hundreds of military and hundreds of other people saw it, and not one word was allowed to be said about it.

If they talk, they end up with members of their family dead. That’s not going to be the way! We’re looking now to galactic intervention. Rama was just saying that just the other day, Joe Biden had a little talking to from Archangel Michael, and [to Rama] the way you told me to tell everybody, “It wasn’t fun!”

RAMA: No, it wasn’t fun! He [Biden] was told, “This is how the bear sleeps in the woods. Don’t forget it!” That simple, that direct! I don’t need to use any other words.

TARA: And the other day, you were told that the talking stick is about to be passed to Mother Sekhmet herself. And Donald Trump and his minions, and everybody who is crowned on top of his head—meaning that he’s got to answer to a darker realm of the 13 Families, and they have to answer to the Vatican, and the Vatican answers to the Fallen Angels— All these characters know who Mother is, whether you [the average person] knew or not.

There are hand-picked human beings who are in Hollywood, and they’re not people you would generally know anything about. I was just scanning the news today, and top of the news this morning: The head of the CIA, Gina Haspel, resigned. And she did not look like a happy camper at all. Gina Haspel was responsible for torture all over the world. She worked under George Bush, Jr. She is a female and a murderess.

I know we’re looking to keep this in a high place, and the galactics are here to hold the people accountable, and it’s not going to be the way that we think. The best thing that we can all do, is to take a deep, slow, long breath, because when we get excited and can’t stop talking, then we’re not in our center. The way to do this is by breathing long, deep, and slow, and do it with Love.

I can speak for myself—I love everyone. Unless you have walked in another’s shoes, you have no idea [what they have gone through]. The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. In the sense that Love is the only answer to everything.

Polarity is what’s going on here. We can’t imagine the pressure—even though Mr McTurtle [Sen Mitch McConnell] is starting to say, “I’m going to squeal on everybody and their dog,” and Lindsay Graham is getting so upset! RAMA: He is so much a part of this story! TARA: So Lord Michael paid President Biden a visit, and Rama, you said that “President Biden had a ‘Come to Jesus’ moment” from that experience!

And—Rama’s speaking: [Quoting from Rama’s latest update] “Professor Z told me, as I asked about President Biden’s longtime war hawks, Professor Z said, ‘We will see what happens. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt at this moment in time. How We the People make the difference is by blazing the Violet Fire and being the living Love that we truly are.’ ”

If we’re not quite sure what that is—very simple. We learned this from our sister Cynthia Rose Lynne Rosser about 20 years ago: “Praise, Thanks, Respect, and Love all those feelings that are not sourced from Love, because they’re your teacher. And know that as you do that, you bring more consciousness to the planet than you have a clue about!

And the experience that comes back to you, comes back as a teacher of ours—we went to see her in Albuquerque—the Indian lady from India we went to see—

RAMA: Karuna Magee.

TARA: Karuna Magee! She looked me in the eyes when I asked her a similar question that our sister was asking, and she said, “You are loved hundreds of times, you are loved thousands of times, you are loved billions of times, you are loved trillions of times more than you know yourself to be. All you need to do is open your heart.

That’s what she said, and she sent an energy to me that, if there weren’t people around me, I’d have been flat on the floor! When we get caught up in our own excitation, we aren’t there for what’s coming in for us, to be received!

CAROLINE: Sorry to jump in—I’m so intrigued by this amazing image of Archangel Michael speaking to President Biden! Was he saying—I’m going to take a stab at it—almost sort of like, to put it in crude terms, “The balance of power has tipped in favor of the Forces of Light on the planet, and he’d better know it, or he’ll be hauled out of there faster than he might expect!” Was it something along those lines?


RAMA: I concur!

CAROLINE: So I’m hoping that he took those comments from Lord Michael very, very seriously, and that it will affect policy. That he will not only wake up in that moment, but wake up in general, and that it will affect every decision the man makes, and that he allows others to influence him on.

I hope as well that he was told that he’s protected—that “As you carry the Light, you’ll be protected.”

TARA: “And that if you don’t, something’s going to happen where the sun don’t shine!”

There’s a few adjunct comments that need to be made: Rama said he heard on BBC Radio today that Senator McTurtle and dozens of other republicans are going to vote to convict former President Trump of sedition and possibly treason, right along with the democrats, for urging his followers to insurrect at the US Capitol on the 6th of January, holding him as Commander in Chief of our military. Not to mention that in the seat of power as President, you hold power over the whole world.

So you have responsibility for how people who are doing things because of what you say do, whether they have a moral compass or not.

Then I have to take it back further—I was conversing about this today—but if you know something, and you know what that means, and you’re not responsible [in your behavior], then you have to look behind the scenes. Why is Donald Trump behaving this way? Again, it’s very clear—I’ll say this one more time: he was not raised with Love. He doesn’t know the meaning of the word. RAMA: It’s alien to him, to use that word. TARA: Completely! Both of his parents were designated to be his parents, not because they wanted to, but because were looking for the profit it would bring them, and the death it would bring them if it didn’t do it! So they hated him! And he was not allowed his mother, a Dutch royal princess born in South Africa, which means you may not [in that case] run for president, because you’ve got to be born naturally in the United States—he was not allowed [even a moment with] his [natural] mother. His mother was not allowed to touch her son, ever. They took him away, and by the time he was three days old he was siting in New York with his [adoptive] family, with absolute bitterness, and in the face of that, had their own child, whom they loved and doted on, in front of him.

And there was the sending off him to military school, and the mother would disappear to Sweden in the summers, when there might have been some chance of to have some kind of a running relationship.

This is where compassion is called for. Unmitigated Divine Mercy and compassion. What we watched—all those people [who rioted at the Capitol on the 6th]—there was something missing from their childhood too. There is no way that you can grow up and do stuff like that without ignorance being behind that. So we’re seeing 13,000 years of a downward spiral manifest at the seat of power on January 6th.

May we pass every test, and with fervent attitude coming from my own self: We have opportunity now, because the galactics keep saying, and Mother keeps saying every time she comes on, on Friday nights, “We’re here!”

RAMA: “Call on us!” It’s that realm that as you see it, it shows up. It’s taking that quantum leap into the unknown.

Like I say: Trust the Force! Just walk out there and use the energies that we all have within us, which is tuning into the Force, the quantum field. It will answer you, no matter what.

TARA: And Chung Li is the other person Rama spoke with, along with Professor Z, who is a quantum physicist. Chung Li is a shaman master.

RAMA: She was born in Beijing. Her parents abandoned her as a child, and she was raised at a shaolin temple, because they [her parents] could not feed her.

TARA: They took her in. And that’s another kind of Love that’s very foreign to us. The Love of teaching her the mastery of her body and how to use it for Divine Protection. That’s what’ she’s been doing—helping Faction Three White Knights to have that kind of protection. There are these kinds of masters infiltrating Hollywood all over the place!

RAMA: You don’t know them until the right moment. They’re not going to reveal themselves and talk about the big story, or NESARA or the money situations. It is as hearts are shared, the information is forthcoming.

TARA: Our Native people, our indigenous people all over the world, they are the original of all the originals. The power of the spoken word that was passed on from their parents and their grandparents—those teachings had been silenced all over the world, but not anymore! It’s all over the world now, the teachings.

The Divine Feminine is really coming in, which is not about an individual. It’s about the ability to receive Love. It’s not about what we’re going to do. It’s about HOW we’re going to do it. And the HOW of it, is the nature of the Divine Feminine.

VINAYAK: Let me add, that the Divine Feminine is enabling and encouraging all of us to have that Divine Compassion, that we don’t know what another person is going through, or the experiences they’ve had. So there is no place on the planet now for any judgment. We have to go within and find that Love that IS us. When we’re ready, we can offer it to our brothers and our sisters with Divine Compassion, and with Divine Love ignite the Love that they are. Then we move into a state of Oneness and Unity with each other, and we let the Divine handle whatever needs to be handled, and have our galactic brothers and sisters who are here to take care of this on a very Divine level!

I love your reports tonight! So I’ll pass the talking stick back to you, Tara.

TARA: I’ll go back to Tuesday: Rama said, “Natasha and Mr X—I met with them in an interesting way. Natasha called and said, ‘I’ll meet you at the Tea House in Santa Fe.’ Then she got on her galactic screen, and got Mr X on there.’ “They said to me, ‘Lord Rama, we are swiftly moving into the new age of Aquarius. The Sun entered at 3:40 PM Eastern Time on the 19th, the day before the Inauguration.”

TARA: That’s another landmark, because that’s the Age of Aquarius in the first of the Sun entering it for the next 2,000 years. So that song from Hair [“This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius/Let the Sun Shine In”] is coming in handy! We’re at that dawning. The Light so bright! Even though last night it might have been 15 degrees here—freezing! Yet when the Sun came up in the morning, the Light—even though it’s cold, still in the teens, there’s a quality to the Light. That kind of Light. That’s what we’re in. The code name for Aquarius is Freedom.

Again, Imagine all the people living in a world of Peace and Freedom’s Holy Flame. And Blaze that Violet Fire! The Violet Fire enhances the Light around your aura, and it’s a golden Light. Purple and gold go together. They’re complementary colors. The amethyst fleets have a gold rim around them. Purple and gold.

“They aid to me, ‘Lord Rama, not only are we entering that Age of Aquarius, but we are entering into more of an awareness of what Sat Yuga’s about. And with it comes Peace.

Meanwhile, the Fallen Matrix continues to fall. As Mr McTurtle throws President Drumpf to the wolves—note that McTurtle is joining with the other republicans to convict President Drumpf of sedition and possibly treason.

TARA: That’s been said twice now—Tuesday and then today! And Mr McTurtle—the pot is calling the kettle black!

And again—Rama was told that as the 500,000 are ushered on starships to Dracos, that the technologies, with the enactment of NESARA, are of the quality that we will be able to witness the trial on Dracos, right here on planet Earth. RAMA: In live real-time!

TARA: In live, real-time, onscreen! And it will be done with an energy of this fifth dimensional court hearing, and we’re going get shown how it’s done. And how to hold ourselves accountable for all the stuff that we forgot that we are, and did something else instead.

There’s no judgment about this. A friend of ours, a sister, sent us a picture—I don’t know what the scene was about. We’ve seen it before, but it was a picture of President Obama, when he was in term. And there were tears running down his face.

And the article was about an upgrade of the situation right now, and they were saying that the heart of Christ in Obama was crying. Tears of all the coming to pass of ignorance. Let the ignorance pass away, because of the overwhelming Abundance of Love we can all share with each other. When we start talking about what’s going on behind the scenes—all our instincts are, “Don’t talk about that—be quiet!’ It’s the way we can speak to it, and speak truth to Power.

And I was given an example. I’ll just say, Vananda—?

RAMA: Vandana Shiva.

TARA: Vandana Shiva did this in 1999. She stood up as a member of the panel of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Seattle, Washington, and she told the truth. Anybody else had done that, they’d get you. She’s from India, and she’s a quantum physicist, and she knows how to speak truth to power, and she told the truth about the underbelly of the World Health Organization, which is not pretty. So when we heard today that Joe Biden’s going to rejoin the United States back into the WHO—again, when we say “fear,” it can mean a couple of things. It can mean False Evidence Appearing Real, which is what she was exposing them for doing. And then the other is, and I can say this on this radio station, “Fuck everything and run!” The only thing about the “Fuck everything and run,” is that you’re establishing that you’re going to stay in fear! How’s that work? It doesn’t! We have to face the Truth about what’s been done here, and the fact of the matter is that 4 billion people aren’t here anymore, in the last 15 months. We must remember that only Love will heal this.

This is such an amazing time, because we’re going to get to go to the fifth dimensional conscious awareness of a time where that’s not going to happen anymore. They’re telling us it will take us thousands of years to get to this planet or that star systems—we’ll be there instantly with the technology we’ll have with NESARA’s enactment. And we’re going to be there very shortly. I keep on asking [about NESARA], and Rama keeps not getting any answers. Yet they keep on telling him, “It’s NOW!”

In other words, if we sit back and think we’re going to wait for something’s to come here to do this for us, that’s not the point. The energy is going to push us to the point where—like Brer Rabbit said, “Please don’t throw me in that briar patch!” So they threw him in the briar patch, and he was singing and dancing all over the place. I don’t think there’s a single one of us that wasn’t born in this briar patch. CAROLINE: Did you finish the story? “McTurtle throwing Trump to the wolves”—did anything come after that? TARA: [Quoting Rama] “ ‘Then, as all is said and done, the wolves will hand the talking stick to Mother—like it or lump it! “ ‘And we will be seeing you Lord Rama, to greet you on the next stage of your mission with your beloved. Sat Nam, Namaste! May the Force with you!’ “

CAROLINE: When they say “the next stage of your mission”—what do you think, Rama? Are they talking about an intergalactic mission? Or are they talking about your work here on the Earth?

RAMA: I think what it is, is integrating the Wisdom of the galactics with what’s going on here. How we can heal ourselves, heal the planet. Because all the materials are right here. We just have to learn how to use the electrons, the molecules, the particles. How to create this stuff, because it’s right here!

CAROLINE: Absolutely. I have a feeling that a lot of this we already kind of know, when we travel etherically and when we’re on the ship. it will just come forward—we’ll remember.

RAMA: Yes!

TARA: And all the media telling us, “This hospital is empty. How could it be that all these people are gone?” These very dark ones have been using satanic sonar energy applied to the specific frequency of the virus to infect people. And they can easily disappear them into the underground bases, and do away with them without anyone even knowing that they’re missing.

We found out today that we’re pretty sure we lost another brother we’ve been talking to for 20 years. His phone is just saying, “He’s not able to come to the phone,” which usually means that he’s not here anymore. So I’m going to put his soul in the circle of support.

I don’t know where he is, but I’m just saying—know in your heart that it’s done, and that the deed they have committed, of taking more than 4 billion people from this Earth in that manner is a crime beyond what Mother is going to stand for. RAMA: Yes! TARA: She’s not doing anything except following the [Divine] way to do this.

We don’t know what each soul signed in here for. Usually what they signed in for is to be the manifestation of that which is missing at this time. One more story: My teacher from India, in college. He had 10 brothers and sisters and other family members besides his parents—aunts, uncles—all lived in one room. Nobody had any shoes, and they walked to school, five miles away. They would start walking at 3:30 AM in the morning and walked to school in bare feet, then walked home from school, and had dinner at 8:30 at night, then they did their chores and their homework, then they went to bed, and they did that every day.

They loved each other. One day at the dinner table, maybe 20 years before it happened, his father told everyone in a very simple way, “I will be leaving at this day and at this time, and don’t worry. I’ll just lie down and I’m going to leave, because then my mission will be accomplished.” And everybody listened, and they finished their prayers, and they continued to eat and they went about with life. And the day came, and he said, “It’s time,” and he lay down and he left! VINAYAK: Beautiful story! That kind of awareness. We have Sonja on Line 2.

SONJA: What an amazing evening! Wonderful information and energy. With Archangel Michael paying a visit to President Biden, saying “You better behave.” I think we as a population will have to see the effects of this.

First there’s the virus, and then the vaccine, and he’s pushing the vaccine all over. So there will have to be a halt on that, because people are dying all over the world and having terrible effects. Not only that, but the un-awakened don’t seem to be waking up. They still believe that Trump has not committed any insurgency, and that he will be re-inaugurated on March 4th.

That’s the realty they live by, and with an aggressive tone. Very firm, and if it doesn’t happen, they’ll just blame it on the other side. The riots on Capitol—“Those were Antifa and BLM,” and they truly believe it. Will the Light click on a switch so they can wake up and see? Because once Trump gets arrested and all the truth comes out, they’ll get very excited, and not excited in a good way.

So do you think the vaccines will be one of the areas Biden will have to change his policy, and his behavior?

TARA: Thank you for the question. It also points out that the teachings we know about, makes it more of a responsibility that we share those things and live those things, yet that only exacerbates those who don’t want to listen. I gave the example, talking to my son—kids when their parents tell them something, do the opposite, and that’s what we saw on 6th of January. With fervor.

They made choices to come in and to be that example too. All the world is a stage. Nothing can be pre-determined. There’s no such thing as predestiny. How do you want to put that, Rama?

RAMA: We are the ones that designed this orchestration of this lifestream, and as Kryon talks about in the Akashic Records, we know fully well how deep the shit is going to get on this planet. And how we heal it is with forgiveness, compassion, and Divine awareness. Not feeding into the hate and the violence and the negativity. That’s a big one, when it’s constantly being fed to you by the media.

TARA: It brings to mind another story—Siddhartha was the physical name of Buddha when he incarnated as a prince. He’d never been outside the palace. It was in a paradise. He asked his father,, “What’s outside that gate?” his father said, “Not your concern. That’s not your life.” He went outside the gate, and saw the squalor and saw the people—no shelter, freezing cold. He never seen that in his whole life, and he was almost a man, and he chose to walk all the way out and go and be with those people. When he was finished meditating by the river, he started eating, and they were like, “What?” they all ran away, like he’d lost his mind.

It is time for us to hear the wisdom in the metaphors of the teachings of all these stories. The Dalai Lama—David Mishi wrote a series of books—

RAMA: The Dalai Lama’s Cat. TARA: Then there’s another one, The Art of Purring. RAMA: The Four Paws to Success, or something like that.

TARA: They’re enrapturing stories. They keep your attention. The thing that reaches your heart is that the teachings are so deep and so humorous, and you can feel the Dalai Lama through all the books. His mastery is right there! Rama found another thing today—that you can regrow all your teeth completely now. They found a way to do it. It costs a couple of hundred dollars. I’m just saying, “What?!”I’m quite interested in that subject, because I’m quite toothless. It has to do with getting hit by plutonium. A very heavy dose. It breaks down the calcium and replaces it with things like radioactive materials and it causes the decomposition of the teeth.

But the energies that are here right now are already higher, as we open our heart to receive them, then that process of devolving can keep up with!

In other words, the rebuilding of everything by this Light is actually available right now. So if you look out the door and it looks worse than the day before—people will think you’re speaking a foreign language—but as we get to the place where we can meet people where they are, and offer them kindness and compassion, wherever they are, and know the difference—you don’t walk into the jowls of the tiger when the tiger’s going to have you for dinner, unless you know what you’re doing—don’t place yourself in harm’s way.

On Monday, I wrote these two words down—a teaching by Nassim Haramein, talking about not ever having to die. It’s called “the quantum vacuum.” There’s more of everything in a vacuum. There’s more there than there is in physicality as we know it. And that energy is available in Abundance. It’s a matter of the a-ha of getting it.

So then Rama says, “I received a call late this morning from Sweet Angelique the Cat and Rosa from Palestine. [This is last Monday]

“They said, ‘Lord Rama, the people of Mother Gaia, at the mass consciousness level are in a virtual lockdown, metaphorically speaking, due to the “life out of balance” energies of mind control being at their peek right now.

“ ‘Blaze the Violet Fire, and remain in unconditional Divine Neutrality. There is, as we know, apartheid going on in the United States as well as in Palestine.

“ ‘This is about the old power structures and the fallen matrix falling further into disintegration.’ ”

TARA: So even though we’re aware of it, the power that we are in loving presence, just talking about it here, and I hope Sonja that there’s some answers in all this chattering! Do you want to speak further about this? [For remainder of show, please listen to the replay the A Night at the Roundtable show page at once it is posted.]

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