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Faction Three White Night News Update - July 23, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable

July 22, 2021, Station 2

Thursdays at 6:00 PM Pacific Time / 9:00 PM Eastern [US & Canada]

See for info on Rama’s contacts

RAMA: Greetings! Thank you, everyone, so much for being here!

TARA: So Rama, tell us your experiences today!

RAMA: I talked with Tom, Larry, Curly & Mo.

TARA: For anybody who is new, these are all folks who are not from here!

RAMA: These are Paschats who work within the framework of our Faction Three White Knights and the Ashtar Command, and goddess Sekhmet.

TARA: And they’re members of the Ashtar Command, all of them!

RAMA: Yes. They told me today that Bernie Sanders has to lie through his teeth about the jab [being safe], otherwise they will remove him from the planet.

TARA: And his whole family, and extended family.

RAMA: Yeah! It is down to the wire about these stories. It’s not a vaccine. It’s not gene therapy.

My genes are fine, thank you very much! Nothing wrong with them! This is about borg nanites and the borg queen. If you’ve seen Star Trek, the best version of this story is Star Trek: First Contact with Captain Picard and the rest. Watch it on YouTube. You’ll see what I mean about the borg queen.

This is what’s going on planet-wide, with all the major multinational corporations, that have to do with their idea of eradicating the global population, preferably people of color.

It is part of this old timeline that is ended, yet we are watching the last bits of the empire falling apart. As Micah said [at the start of the show], “The galactics are here!” I talk with them everyday, and they are saying, “Don’t get caught up in the hate and the division and the war. Send Love." Because these folks know they’re a dying breed. They gotta do what they gotta do to answer their corporate masters, and it’s tied to the purse strings. It’s not about money, but it is about money. It’s a convoluted kind of story, because it has to do with understanding / innerstanding the Babylonian money magic machine, when they divided the races and started slicing and dicing genes—gene pool shifting. What have we got here? We are watching, like Greg Braden says, “Climate disruption, consciousness, and conflict.” The consciousness has reached critical mass. We can change this with our thoughts, like Dr Steven Greer points out: “Reach out, and they will answer you.”

This happens to me every day, whether I choose to [reach out] or not! I’m always on! I can’t turn it off!

TARA: You’re talking about your metatronic chip. Tell them what that is.

RAMA: That was a little crystal sliver they put into my crown chakra, to alert me in the event that we need to go to sacred sites all over the planet and crank up the energy like we did with the “Fire the Grid” [worldwide meditation]. If my metatronic chip starts itching and tingling, that tells me that this event—I don’t mean to use that word!—it’s about what’s unraveling and unfolding right now.

There was a K-2 solar flare—I’m not exactly sure what K-2 means. But if you go to, our Sun is going through its changes, and the Earth’s electromagnetic field is being affected.

All of the solar system is being affected. This also has do with the climate shifting and change. As we change our thoughts, we can calm the weather and the climate down. Because the beings who make up this realm with us, they will answer us and work with us.

Like sending the blue and the turquoise colors to calm the fiery energies down. Leo is here! We [just] entered the sign of Leo, and for Ophiciuans, we’re still in Cancer—what can I say [about the astrological tradition difference]!

TARA: Yeah, that’s true! Because there are two timelines. But the real timeline, meaning the time that the Earth is in the zodiacal sign is the Ophiuchian astrology [Ophiuchus being the 13th astrological sign, still observed in Vedic astrology—the Serpent Bearer]. So Western astrology is not exact,. The Vedic astrology is more exact to the Ophiuchian astrology. So that’s an interesting point too.

Usually in the Vedic astrology, you’re at the sign before the sign that the western astrology says you are.

That doesn’t mean that you’re not any other thing [in one or the other tradition], because by agreement, things can become real too. So you’re both/and. It just expands our conscious awareness to look at all these interpretations going on here now.

We are much more than we have been led to believe we are. That’s the real story, right, Rama? Time to wake up!

OK—I was just going to go back one day, because it was interesting:

[Reading Rama’s report] “Yesterday, I had an intuition to visit the Tibetan Buddhist Center on Old Canyon Road today. It was 11:50 this morning.

The Dalai Lama’s been there numbers of time. And we got to go see him. He came to Rancho Encantado, and we were both there and—

RAMA: We didn’t know each other at the time, but we were both there!

TARA: No! We didn’t know we were both there, at the time, which is very interesting! That was 1991, right?

RAMA: Yes!

TARA: Rama got to meet the Dalai Lama and he went for a walk with the Dalai Lama, and the Dalai Lama literally gave him an olive branch. And he said, “You know what your father has prepared you for. Do your mission!”

RAMA: Yes. TARA: Did he say anything else? RAMA: No.

TARA: That’s enough! RAMA: That’s enough! TARA: You got a direct message from the Dalai Lama! That’s a big deal, everybody.

CAROLINE: And he was referring to Captain Ashtar, when he said your father—

TARA: Yes! The Dalai Lama knows very well who Ashtar is! Thank you for bringing that up! Oh my goodness, yes. That’s a whole other story!

[Reading report] So “There I met”—at the Tibetan Buddhist Center yesterday—"an 18-year-old American Tibetan activist. Her name is Ming Toi.

“She said to me, ‘Lord Rama, I have been a long-time activist in Tibet. My mother is dead.’ ” Then there’s a little note—I think they killed her mom because she was an activist in Tibet. The Chinese did.

RAMA: Yeah, when you get too pushy as a dissident and an activist, they find a way to kill you, I’m sorry to say, but they do that in those countries. Not cool at all.

TARA: Yes. Tibet in particular. They don’t; like Tibet too much,

“Ming Toi told me she doesn’t know where her father is, yet she senses he is in a detention camp somewhere [held by the Chinese].

“Ming Toi said to me, ‘Lord Rama, I want to be like Congresswoman AOC [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez], a great stateswoman, so I can help my people at the United Nations and have a voice.’ “

TARA: She’s an American now. She’s got dual citizenship.

[Reading] “ ‘My spiritual teacher is Jackie Chan. This is about the example he has given, of following his spiritual path with determination and discipline.

I have been doing tai chi classes, chi gong classes, and kung fu classes in Santa Fe for many years now.’

TARA: Remember, she’s only 18! [Reading] “As Ming Toi was telling me her story, we were both walking toward the two-story tall jade Buddha underneath Hyde Park Mountain.”

TARA: That’s the mountain in Santa Fe. And again, at the Tibetan Center, there’s a room there—the back room—and in the floor is a door. They open that door, and there’s a stairwell, and you can go down underneath the Tibetan Center, and then you can walk for miles and miles underneath the mountain.

They walked for about an hour, then they got into this little canoe, and there’s a little stream there, then you go on that canoe for another 10 minutes. Then you get to this jade Buddha. It’s solid jade and it’s two stories high! Underneath Santa Fe Mountain! So in case you’re wondering what’s going on under your feet when you’re at 10,000 feet at the top of that mountain, that’s one thing that’s there!

[Reading] “So as Ming Toi was telling me her story, we were both walking. It took us about an hour. “As we arrived, I asked the jade Buddha this question: ‘Where do we go from here? We have climate disruption. We have consciousness unfolding at an unprecedented rate. And we have conflict.’

“The Jade Buddha answered me, ‘Lord Rama, the time is now! That means the Captain is here. Expect him to be calling on you any time!’

“At this point, Ming Toi said to me, ‘I envy you with this mission, Lord Rama.’

“I said, ‘This mission is not just my mission. This mission is everyone’s mission!’

“Ming Toi responded, “In that case, Lord Rama, I’ll be seeing you on the bridge!’ At this point we got back to the little canoe and retraced our steps back to the Tibetan Center.

RAMA: That was my adventure yesterday!

TARA: Quite an adventure, Rama! RAMA: Yes!

TARA: They keep telling us to look to the younger ones, and they are ready quicker and quicker! I know that you’re noticing that. The younger ones who are coming in are all ready to go! They didn’t get brainwashed as heavily as—what generation did they say we are?

RAMA: The baby boomers!

[Chuckles] I get this image of Rob Reiner on Stephanie Miller just calling out the insanity of what’s going on right now. It is very bizarre that there are so many different stories being told. David Icke talks about this—it’s not a vaccine. And it does things to you.

I’ve read all kinds of weird stories. Not sure where to go with it, other than to say, they are pushing huge amounts of fear. That tied in with the fluctuations of the electromagnetic field and the 5G, 6G—they can mess with your consciousness if you allow them to, by getting caught in the Matrix.

That’s why I keep saying, “Blaze the Violet Fire!”

TARA: In reality, the vaccine is not a vaccine. [Reading] “It is a chemical device, an operating system, a synthetic pathogen, and chemical pathogen production device.”

RAMA: That’s why I call it the borg nanites, that hook you up to the grid—the 5G and the 6G, which is not the good AI [artificial intelligence], to put it simply!

TARA: “They package it in a fat envelope, then they deliver it into the cellular molecular structure at that small level. So it creates havoc in the system.”

RAMA: That’s why we’ve heard this term that Ben Stewart talks about on Gaia TV and on other shows: “the internet of things.” They already have this in China in various cities, where the internet of things is like a scene out of Blade Runner, where you can have technology on your hands. It’s almost like looking at this computer screen we’re looking at right here, and it’s directly hooked up to the AI they’re in China.

I don’t know what to say about that, other than it’s not created by the Force / All That Is. It’s created by humans, so there are some issues with that. The AI—

TARA: Artificial intelligence.

RAMA: —it didn’t yet create its own singularity and develop consciousness, yet we’re at that point.

TARA: No, it’s called Jeffrey Epstein, who’s alive and well, and still doing the dirty stuff.

Moderna was started as a chemotherapy company for cancer. It was not a vaccine manufacturer from the very beginning. It was not a vaccine manufacturer for SARS, either.

The only reason why the term “vaccine” is being used is to abuse the 1905 Jacobsen case that has been misrepresented since it was written.

If we were honest with this, we would actually call it what it is: it is a chemical pathogen device, that is actually meant to unleash a chemical pathogen production action within the cell. It is a medical device, not a drug, because it meets the CDRH [Center for Devices and Radiological Health] definition of a device.

It is made to make you sick … 80% of the people who are exposed to allegedly the virus [SARS-Cov-2] have no symptoms at all … 80% of people who get this injected into them have a clinical adverse event.

You are getting injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce a[n] immuno-transmissive response. In other words, nothing about this is going to stop you transmitting anything.

This is about getting you sick, and having your own cells be the thing that get you sick.”

Not to induce an immune response.

In other words, nothing is going to stop you transmitting anything. It’s about getting us sick . .

Dr Judy Mikovits said this:

It’s a synthetic pathogen. They’ve literally injected this pathogenic part of the virus into every cell of the body … it can actually directly cause multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease … it can cause accelerated cancer … that’s what the expression of that piece of virus … has been known to do for decades.”

TARA: I just want to make a very strong point, that Love heals everything! Nothing works with malintent when there’s Love. Love heals everything. So matter what—if you’ve made a mistake, as you become more aware, apply Love.

RAMA: I’ll put it in a sci-fi Transcend: at the end of The Matrix, Trinity’s Love for Neo helped him transcend to become the One!

CAROLINE: Can you tell us what article you’re reading from? I have seen it, and I follow Dr Judy Mikovits’s commentary, which I think is pretty solid scientifically. I’m not a doctor myself, but intuitively, I tend to trust her work. Can you tell us where people can find what you were reading from?

TARA: This was written Makia Freeman, and it’s called “The MRNA Covid Vaccine is Not a Vaccine.” It’s at:

[Reading] "Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at"

Just one more thing: This is their ultimate goal. In this article, they’re saying that “they [the old power structure] want to turn this world into a transhumanist world,” and it’s not working. A "technocratic transhumanist tool" is what they’ve got there.

Again, Saint Germain stepped in and said he’s going to assist the whole planet in getting over this attempt for the demise of the human race. How arrogant can they get? The sky’s the limit with these characters!

They’re all just getting ready to meet Mother! Time for [Mother Sekhmet’s] dinner! Pass the talking stick!

CAROLINE: When did Saint Germain say that? That’s a pretty important quote there!

TARA: It’s been a couple of months now.

RAMA: Yes!

TARA: We mentioned it on the show . . . CAROLINE: Did you speak with Saint Germain directly, or was that a channeling? TARA: I think you did [speak with him directly], back then.

RAMA: Yeah!

CAROLINE: Thank you so much. Exciting times!

Copyright 2021, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

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