More info on Rama's contacts -- their backgrounds and missions -- can be found here:
Friday, August 16, 2024 - 3 deer, 7 crows; and Darby O'Dell
RAMAa: I sat with 3 deer, 7 crows at the I AM Sanctuary Temple in Santa Fe at 10:48 AM, mid-morning. They intuitively said to me, "Lord Rama, it is hot today. Call in the rain!"
Then I received a text message from Darby O'Dell at 11:00 am this morning. He said to me, "Lord Rama, this upcoming full moon is going to shift a lot of stuff! "Watch the energies. They are a doozy! "Stay in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”
Saturday, August 17, 2024 - 7 deer, 3 crows; Sweet Angelique the Cat
RAMA: I sat with 7 deer, 3 crows at the I AM Sanctuary in Santa Fe at 11:20 AM this morning. They intuitively said to me, "Lord Rama, heads up! The energies are extremely high! Protect your head!"
Then I received a text message from Sweet Angelique the Cat at 12: 10 pm, early this afternoon. She said to me, "Lord Rama, there is an extra ordinarily high number of starships being seen all over the world. "We want you to know some of these craft are not ours. They came from your secret government's black budget [program]. "The other folks on this planet who are not aligned with the Office of the Christ and who want to create an incident or several incidents around the planet to cause fear of our galactic brothers and sisters. "They will be stopped and exposed for who they really are!
"Please put all of this in the Circle of Support. "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Lights over New Zealand - Photo from Lord Rama
Sunday 17 deer, 9 crows; and Darby O'Dell
RAMA: I sat with 17 deer and 9 crows off the road down a long path in the forest, half way up the Ski Valley Mountain, at 10:50 am, mid-morning. They intuitively said to me, "Lord Rama, let's do the adi shakti mantra!" So we did the adi shakti mantra three times, while we walked in a circle: first the deer, then myself, and finally the crows.
Then I received a text message from Darby O'Dell at 11:20 AM this morning. He said to me, "Lord Rama, I am near Stonehenge, getting ready for the full moon Monday at 2:26 pm, Eastern Time. "This is a very powerful full moon. Let us use this Goddess energy to bring an end to war!
"There may be many more starship sightings around the world. "You will know the ones who work for the Office of the Christ because you will feel their loving presence. "The time for fear has passed. "See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

A portal created by the elementals - Photo from Lord Rama
Monday, August 19, 2024 - 3 deer, 7 crows; and Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat; Larry, Curly, and Moe
RAMA: I sat with 3 deer and 7 crows in a clearing, halfway up the Ski Valley Mountain, off the road, and down the trail for about 15 minutes. They intuitively said to me, "Lord Rama, let's do the Adi Shakti dance!"
So we did the Adi Shakti dance one time, in a circle. This was about 11 am this morning.
Then I received a text message from Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat, Larry, Curly and Moe at 11:39 am, late this morning.
They said to me, "Greetings, Lord Rama! We were at Stonehenge today for the full moon in Aquarius and, as we have said, this is a very powerful full moon! "There are energies pouring in from Super Galactic Center to increase the energies of the Light coming in.
"Leave all the old stories about the matrix alone! "Our mission is to increase the Christ Light pouring in by receiving it in our hearts, and radiating more Love out into the world.
"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One!
"Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Photo from Tom, Larry, Curly, Moe - Stonehenge on Monday, August 19, 2024 - Full Moon
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 - 6 deer, 3 crows; Charley the Caretaker
RAMA: I sat with 6 deer and 3 crows on the grass at the I AM Sanctuary Temple today at 10:58 am this morning.
Then Charley the Caretaker showed up.
He said to me, "Lord Rama, let's do the Gayatri mantra to bring in the peaceful energies and to bring an end to war."
So I played Deva Premal and Miten singing the Gayatri mantra for 10 minutes, and we sang along.
Then Charley said to me, "Lord Rama, there are big, big solar flares coming in today. "The dark side continues to spiral down into nothingness. "Let it all go! We are in a new timeline! "See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!"

From Lord Rama: On a wall in Harlem
Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - 6 deer, 19 crows; The Plasma Field; and Rosa of Palestine
Rama: I sat with 6 deer and 19 crows up the road in the forest, just above Canyon Road at 10:48 am, mid-morning.
They showed me a Figure Eight so we went and did the Figure 8 Dance.
Then I went to Mr Fenn's house and sat in the Plasma Field. I asked the Plasma Field to turn up the energy and focus it in on my right shoulder, to help release the pain from a previous injury six years ago. The Plasma Field created these deep bass sounds that vibrate through the pool, and the Plasma Field said to me, "Lord Rama, sit by one of the jacuzzi jets and set your shoulder in front of it."
I did that, and it sent those deep bass energies into my shoulder deeply. Initially it felt like somebody shoved their finger through my shoulder! After about 15 minutes of this, I relaxed and began to fall asleep. The Plasma Field sensed I was falling asleep, and began to make the water cold, which woke me up! Then it said to me, "Lord Rama, you have had enough! Come back tomorrow and we will do some more."
Then I received a call from Rosa of Palestine. She said to me, "Lord Rama, Israel attacked another village near the border between Lebanon and the Israeli Golan Heights. They killed a top Hamas leader who was closely associated with the Iranian Revolutionary Military Guard. Iran, again, has vowed to counter this murder. "Please place all of this in the Circle of Support, and Blaze the Violet Fire! "Sat Nam! Namaste!"

Thursday 4 deer, 16 crows; Lady Nada and the Nameless Ones
Rama: I sat with 4 deer and 10 crows off the road, in the forest, in the foothills of Sun Mountain at 10:20 am, mid-morning.
They intuitively said to me, "Lord Rama, the rain is coming. We are happy!"
After about 10 minutes together, off they went to carry on their day.
Then at 11:16 am, I received a text message from Lady Nada and the Nameless Ones, who are up in the Wesak Valley. They said to me, "Lord Rama, with the passing of this full moon in Aquarius, things are going to get lighter and better each day.
"The dark side are only heading further in a downward spiral to their own creation of Hel Loka, where they will meet Kalima, that fierce aspect of Mother Sekhmet. "And they WILL face their karma!
"On a lighter note, we are getting ready for autumn equinox. Winter comes early this year in the Wesak Valley.
"What is going on in the Middle East is this ancient story that needs to come to the light of day -- ASAP! "It is about the conflict between Enki and Enlil at the beginning of the time of Babylon, 26,826 years ago.
"Meanwhile, big solar flares continue. "Stay in the High Heart! The Goddess has taken the Talking Stick!
"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Ancient sculpture of Mother Sekhmet - "Stay in the high heart! The Goddess has taken the talking stick!"
Copyright 2024, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, including the link to the original post at
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Rama & Tara now have a new (used) car, so your donations are being used to pay for that, and any repairs that must be made to that car.
THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for any donation, of any amount -- whatever you are able to send.
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Sat Nam! Namaste!