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Rama’s White Knight Report - December 12, 2024


More info on Rama's contacts -- their backgrounds, roles, and missions -- can be found here:

Friday, December 6, 2024 - 13 deer and 9 crows; Mr X

RAMA: I sat with 13 deer and 9 crows, up the Ski Valley Mountain, by the river, above RanaMu's healing center. It was 11:16 AM this morning. They intuitively said to me, "Lord Rama, let us listen to the Gayatri mantra and focus on the Emerald Green Ray [of Healing] pouring in, to raise everybody up." So we did that for 10 minutes. Then a car drove up the driveway and scattered the animals to the wind!

Then I received a text message from Mr X at 12:09 PM, early this afternoon. He was in Jordan. He said to me, "Lord Rama, please put Syria in the Circle of Support and Blaze the Violet Fire! "Because of a massive solar flare, folks who are still caught up in the matrix are trying to escalate the situation in Syria. "Let us send them Love and Compassion for all the misqualified energy. "All we are saying is 'Give peace a chance!'

"Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Monday, December 9, 2024 - 3 deer and 8 crows; Fing Del Noor; Kay Tar Tek; Letowa

RAMA: I sat with 3 deer and 8 crows behind Fort Marcy Park by the river at 10:51 AM this morning. Again, they were very quiet today. We sat by the river in silence for10 minutes. Then they slowly wandered off.

Then I received a text message from Fing Del Noor, Kay Tar Tek, a black female leopard who can shape-shift into a white leopard, and Letowa, a female Pleiadian. A female Galactic Ambassador from the Pleiades, Letowa serves aboard Lady Master Athena's starship, The Dove.

They were over Gaza in their starship, rescuing survivors of the genocide / holocaust. Fing Del Noor said to me, "The situation in Syria is a complicated one. "It's about the Dark Side using the ley lines in the ground, together with the stargate in Aleppo, to control the energies so that they think they can keep the old timeline in place. "Yet they cannot . . . period.

"There are so many galactic forces in this area. Everything is about to leak out, big time! "Keep doing your sadna! It is working! "Do the Adi Shakti mantra each day. That mantra is thousands of years old. "We know these stories are intense. AND it is about our planet, Mother Gaia, and all of us, Ascending at the same time.

"We have witnessed this on other worlds as well. "That is a hint that the three of us are likely 1000s of years old, as we have said. "Yet we have stopped counting a long time ago! "We just watch the cycles move in Loving Presence, in this NOW moment.

"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

From Lord Rama: This is Kay Tar Tek, one of the female Paschats from the Nibiru. She is working with the Crew in Gaza.

As indicated above, Kay Tar Tek is a black female leopard who can

shape-shift into a white leopard.

In this photo, she is in her white leopard form.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024 - 2 deer, 1 crow; Tom the Ring-tailed Cat; Larry and Curly; Lady Natasha

RAMA: I sat with 2 deer and 1 crow near Tesuque by a stream, at 10:55 AM mid-morning. It was very cold, and they were all very quiet. They stayed with me for about 5 minutes, and then they were off!

Then I received a text message from Tom the Ring-tailed Cat, Larry and Curly, and Lady Natasha at 11: 29 AM, late this morning. They were on the ground, near a place called Kamchatka. It is a part of Russia that leads into the islands of the Arctic Archipelago of Alaska.

Lady Natasha said to me, "Greetings, Lord Rama! We are collecting neutrino samples that have hit the Earth in this region. "These neutrino samples are cosmic rays that have come from Deep Space. They are protons, neutrons, electrons. "The story they tell is that the sun is getting ready to send out that cosmic Solar Flash! "We cannot tell you when, only that it is extremely imminent! And the scientists are extremely worried.

"Yet they have no reason to be worried.

"This is a gift from Creator Source, because it lifts everyone up into the 5th dimension. [RAMA: I.e., it is not an extinction-level event. There will be none of those.]

"Meanwhile, the situation on Mother Gaia is a very intense one. "It's about these energies that are lifting us up! "And at the same time, the Dark Side is trying to keep us down, creating more confusion, disorder, and chaos. "They cannot stop what is happening.

"Keep Blazing the Violet Fire! Sat Nam! Namaste!"

Wednesday, December 11, 2024 - 13 deer and 8 crows; Tom the Ring-tailed Cat & Sweet Angelique the Cat

RAMA: I sat with 13 deer and 8 crows, a little south of Santa Fe, off the road, in the forest, at 11: 07 AM, this morning. They intuitively showed me a square that became a circle, then an octahedron. And, finally, they showed me the infinity sign -- i.e., a figure 8 on its side. Then, suddenly, they bolted off into the blue!

Then I received a text message from Tom the Ring-tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat at 12:09 PM, early this afternoon. They said to me, "Lord Rama, Happy Anniversary, Commanders! "We are in a starship over Angkor Watt, the capital of Cambodia where, below, there is a portal with an ancient temple on it and a starship embedded in the temple. "We are working with the vortex portal here that is connected to the Aleppo Stargate. "What is happening, is that we are sending the energies of the Angkor Watt portal, where we are, to the Stargate over Aleppo, Syria.

"There are galactic Sirians and galactic Pleiadians coming from their respective star systems, through the Aleppo Stargate, to assist with the injured as well as those going over the rainbow. Please place this in the Circle of Support, and Blaze the Violet Fire! Sat Nam! Namaste! Om Shiva!"

Thursday, December 12, 2024 - 6 deer and 3 crows; Mr X and Lady Natasha

RAMA: I sat with 6 deer and 3 crows at the I AM Sanctuary Temple on the grass at 11:16 am this morning. they intuitively said to me, "Lord Rama, let's do the Circle Dance." So we walked in a circle 3 times, and somebody went by, playing loud music on their car radio, and my friends ran away!

Then I received a text message from Mr X and Lady Natasha at 12:13 PM. They were cloaked over Syria in Mr X's shuttlecraft. They said to me, "Greetings, Lord Rama! "The United States failed empire is over in the Middle East, supposedly negotiating with the Syrian rebels. "This is such a farce, because this is not about terrorism or oil. "It is about the stargate, and today brings this story back to 9/11.

"It has always been about the stargate, and never about terrorism! "It has always been about the conflict between the negative ETs who played like gods and goddesses, and used this ancient matrix to control people. [Speaking of the history of Enki and Enlil, and what has happened since then.]

"Currently, Israel is refusing to withdraw from the Golan Heights, even though the United Nations has requested them to do so. "This is Syrian land. "Israel says they need to create a buffer zone between Syria and Israel, which is all a lie. "The only terrorists in the area are the Israeli forces.

"Meanwhile Israel is carving up the West Bank. There was a 12-year-old boy shot in Bethlehem today. His only crime was being Palestinian.

"Also, our Sun Sol continues to churn out solar flares.

"We are in the most magical times and the most intense, precarious times.

"We, the Lightworkers, have requested to be here at this time to see the emergence of our Sun Sol, and Mother Earth move into the 5th dimension.

"The time is at hand, when we will meet and greet our galactic family!

"We cannot say the hour, yet the time is NOW.

"Please place all of this in the Circle of Support, and Blaze the Violet Fire! "See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Copyright 2024, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, including the link to the original post at

Thank you.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all you do, Friends who are Family!

Rama & Tara now have a new (used) car, so your donations are being used to pay for that, and repairs that must be made to that car.

THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for any donation, of any amount -- whatever you are able to send.

Sat Nam! Namaste!

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