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Rama's White Knight Report - December 24, 2023

Updated: Jan 3

For more info on Rama’s contacts -- their Earth missions, identities, and backgrounds -- just go here.

Rama: A bit north of Santa Fe I sat with 19 deer and 14 crows, at 11:10 am, this morning. They all said to me intuitively, “Lord Rama, the energies continue to be extremely, extremely high, and there is a black hole in our Sun, Sol the size of 60 Earths!”

Then I received a text message from Tom the Ring-tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat. They said to me, “Lord Rama, this black hole in the Sun is the portal into the next galaxy, and there are trillions of starships coming in from the next galaxy, through that black hole in the Sun! "The plasma ships are being seen in our skies all around Mother Gaia. "We are being asked to stay in the highest heart energy we possibly can, and then call in MORE LOVE! The solar flares continue to roll in. "The monoatomic gold dust is in our hands. Keep sprinkling it before you and you will see that path continue to appear before you. We are very close! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Tuesday, December 12, 2023 - Tom the Ring-tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat

RAMA: I received a text message from Tom the Ring-tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat at 11:31 am, late this morning. They said to me, “Lord Rama the solar flares are continuing to barrel in. They are affecting the atmosphere AND the weather! "There is still a coronal hole in our Sun, and in 3 days the plasma Light will be hitting the Earth’s atmosphere. "There are going to very big auroras borealis. "Some of these auroras might be being seen in Wyoming and Montana.

“There are plasma ships in our skies. "They have a semi-cloaked appearance though they are visible at times throughout the day. "As you focus on them, they will respond to your energies. This is the most critical time on the planet. "The web of Life is all around us. "Stay in that Circle and Blaze the Violet Fire! "See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! Sat Nam! Namaste!

P S Happy 31st Anniversary to you both! The adventure continues! "May Peace prevail on Earth!”

From Lord Rama: "GODDESS IS HERE!"

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 - Natasha

Rama: I received a text message from Natasha at 11:37 am, late this morning. She said to me, “Lord Rama, the solar flares are getting bigger and bigger by the day, and the Light frequencies coming in are getting higher and higher. "These energies are quite literally changing our DNA. "It is true: 4 minutes a day can change your life with meditation. "Lord Kryon is right! He is the Master of Magnetic Energies. He is a very ancient one from the Pleiades.

"Meanwhile, President Zellenskyy of Ukraine, came to the United States yesterday to ask Congress and President Biden for more money to continue the war in Ukraine with Russia (i e, really with ourselves, vis-a-vis a fake Putin) created by the United States deep state. "He received a cold shoulder from our U S representatives and President Biden.

“I can tell you, Lord Rama, there is no crisis on the border between Mexico and the United States. "The only crisis has been Congress with the Republicans and some Democrats who have sold their soul to the devil in the backyard.

“We are in the most auspicious of times. The 12-12 Gateway is still going on. "Stay in these high energies. You will be lifted higher.

P S I may see you at the Tea House on Canyon Road!

Blaze the Violet Fire! See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste!”

Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 4 deer, 7 crows; Professor Nicodemus the Rat & Dr Steve

RAMA: I went and sat with 4 deer and 7 crows at 11:37 am late this morning. They were very alert and nervous today. The deer especially have been on high alert, because there have been hunters in the neighborhood. They intuitively said to me, “Lord Rama, stay safe! May the Force be with you!”

Then I received a text message from Professor Nicodemus the Rat, and Dr Steve, both former employees at Los Alamos Lab as nuclear physicists. They said to me, “Lord Rama, there was an X-Class 2.87 solar flare today. Since then, there have been large radio blackouts around the world today.

“As your head feels like cotton candy, you are in good company. "The Ascension symptoms continue, in spite of the fact that we feel like we would like to go back to bed all the time.

“There are tremendous magic and miracles going on. "It is about waking up to our gifts and abilities. In each moment, tuning into higher conscious awareness, moment by moment.

“The Force is stretching us to our limit to be ready for our mission right at this time.”

They continued, “Lord Rama, we have a new Tesla Coil to try out on you. "This Tesla Coil creates a stable wormhole without any serious side effects. You might be a little dizzy afterwards, though. "Come by as you can in the next little while.

“We are in the most critical moments of this era. That Solar Flash is extremely imminent now!

"All we are saying is, Give peace a chance! "Blaze the Violet Fire! Sat Nam! Namaste!

Monday, December 18, 2023 - RanaMu

RAMA: I went and received a healing treatment from RanaMu at 11:30 am, late this morning. She said to me first thing: “Get on the bio-bed, Lord Rama!” I did that, and then lasers came out of the ceiling and scanned me from head to toe with their rainbow rays. RanaMu then said to me, “Lord Rama, focus on your Third Eye.” So I did that for a little while, and then I felt the room change. I found myself in a spherical lighthouse. I saw lights spinning very high above -- maybe two stories above me.

Then I saw a huge holographic Earth, high above me. It was spinning slowly and there were windows on the Earth, reflecting various ancient scenes from Earth’s past history. Then I heard a voice, deep and resonant, saying to me, “Lord Rama, you can go through any one of these portals as you so choose.” I contemplated this as the deep resonant voice continued: “Take as much time as you need.”

Then I heard another voice, and it was RanaMu calling me back. "It took me almost 4 minutes to come back. Then RanaMu said to me, “Lord Rama, you have been out somewhere for an hour and 15 minutes!” Then I told her what I had seen. I told her about the spherical lighthouse, and the various portals I was seeing, and she said, “Lord Rama, you were in one of the observation pods surrounding the Earth. "These pods are maintained by Lord Metatron. They contain all of the records of the quantum Akashic Records fields. "As you learn to focus your thoughts, you can travel backward and forward in space time. "As you are led to do this again, Metatron will give you a more in-depth experience.” Then RanaMu said, “Lord Rama, it is time for me to go to my next appointment, and you must go. "It will take you some time to integrate what you saw. "We will talk again about this. See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!

A greenhouse with a Garden of Lights: A unicorn, and the tree reminiscent of the one in Avatar

Tuesday, December 19, 2023 - 5 Deer and 6 Crows; Lady Natasha

RAMA: I went and sat with 5 deer and 6 crows in Hyde Park, at the base of the mountain in Santa Fe [County], at 10:30 am this morning. They all said intuitively to me: “Lord Rama, we know you feel the sadness of what is going on. We are asking you to let it go! "Allow the light of the winter solstice sun to lift you higher. "Allow that gold dust to sprinkle into your aura. WE HAVE WON!”

Big solar flares are going on today, as usual. And I received a message from Lady Natasha. She said to me, “Lord Rama, leave the matrix alone! THAT’S AN ORDER, SIR!” Then I was on my way!

See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!"

4 Young Bucks

Wednesday, December 20, 2023 - Caretaker of the I AM Sanctuary

RAMA: I went and sat with the caretaker of the I AM Sanctuary property at 11:15 AM this morning. He shared some of his wisdom with me and said, “Lord Rama, there are big energies coming in and I believe it is about this portal opening with the Winter Solstice.” I said to him, “Charlie, the energies you notice are coming from Galactic Center. It is challenging to be here at this time, on this planet.”

At this point, 15 deer and 6 crows joined us: they just crept up on us! Charlie piped up and said to me, "Let us get very quiet and do some deep breathing.” So we did that, and the deer and the crows settled down, and just watched us. We all did this for about 15 minutes. Then Charlie said to me, “Lord Rama, I have to get back to work. See you Soon! "Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Thursday, December 21, 2023 - Tom the Ring-tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat

RAMA: I received a text message from Tom the Ring-tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat at 11:30 am, late this morning. They said to me: “Lord Rama, we are near Alaska in an undisclosed location, and here there are HUGE auroras borealis going on every day! "These auroras are showing up across the entire northern hemisphere as well. "Lots of emerald green gamma ray lights are flooding the northern hemisphere. "There are Cosmic Solar Angels coming in, as well. "These are the Seraphim and the Sephiroth. They are 25 to 75 feet tall! "They work with the Cosmic Time Lords who keep this solar system intact."

Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat continued: “Lord Rama, there is a portal in the Sun which goes to Super Galactic Center. "We are telling everyone to ride these energy waves, drink lots of good water, and go easy on yourselves. "Leave the Matrix alone! "See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! Enjoy! "Happy Winter Solstice on this long winter’s night. Peace to all, and to all a Good Night! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Copyright 2023, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, including the link to the original post, at

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R&T now have a new (used) car, so your donations are being used to pay for that!

THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for any donation, of any amount -- whatever you are able to send.

Sat Nam! Namaste!

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