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Rama's White Knight Report - February 11, 2022

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

RAMA: I received a call from Natasha at 11:36 AM this morning.

She said to me, “Lord Rama, Saint Germain is whispering in the ear of President Macron [president of France] about de-escalating a rush to war.

“Apparently, Saint Germain has whispered to Macron, ‘This is about the big story. No nukes! We choose dialogue, rather than violence.’

“Meanwhile, across the solar system, the immortals and the eternals are on their way.

“They are in a huge spherical starship that they will park in a stationary orbit around the Sun.

“This could very well be happening right now, as we approach the 10th of February, the day a huge solar flare is expected to hit Mother Gaia’s magnetosphere.

“They, in their starship, have buffering technologies that they can use to shield Mother Gaia from the high wind impacts. “Various Seraphim, Cherubim, and Archangels are here to lift the heart energies from Mother Gaia simultaneously with our Sun Sol’s activities.

“Stay in the high vibrations! “All we are saying, is Give Peace a Chance! “Sat Nam, Namaste, and Blaze the Violet Fire!”

TARA: There’s a Grand Jury going on [regarding the medical crisis], and they’re going to report to We the People on Saturdays.

They started this past Saturday, so that was Day One. [See:]

Thursday, February 10, 2022

RAMA: I received a text message from Lady Master Nada at 12:50 pm this afternoon.

She said to me, “Lord Rama, the Unites States is playing a very dangerous game with the Russian Bear.

"And Russia has no intention and never had any intention of invading Ukraine. All of this is a mind-control program of the Deep State.

"There is a term for this: CIA psy-op, which was created in the 1960s. It was named cointel-pro [counter intelligence professional who carries out "black operations" or "black ops"]. “Meanwhile there was a very big solar flare emitted from our Sun Sol today, yet it is quickly disappated before it reached the earth. "Could it be that the shield that the Immortals created around Mother Gaia from their starship, placed in stationary orbit around the Sun -- could it be that this shield blocked this radiation from this vary large [solar] flare from reaching the Earth? “Place all of this in the Circle of Support! We are in a moment where anything and everything is possible! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

NOTE: RE the first presentation of the Grand Jury Proceedings by the Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion: On Tuesday, February 8th, on the Ashtar Legacy Call, Tara read the opening remarks of the Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples ́ Court of Public Opinion, until now referred to as the Corona Investigative Committee. February 5, 2022 was the first of 8 presentations of the Committee to a world-wide audience. These presentations will be played during the Saturday True History shows on (Station 2) until the hearings are complete. In case these hearings are not transcribed officially, please use the links provided to re-listen to Tuesday’s comments, and to the rest of the presentation as well. THE MAIN WEBSITE: has further information and links.

The Opening Comments of the Corona Investigative Committee were read out. Following are 2 links to the 1st of 8 sessions, being held over 8 Saturdays; proceedings made public ASAP.

Opening Session of the Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples ́ Court of Public Opinion Start: 02/05, 6 p.m. CET A group of international lawyers and a judge are conducting criminal investigation modeled after Grand Jury proceedings in order to present to the public all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date, against the "leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices" who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic. This investigation is of the People, by the People, and for the People, so YOU can be part of the jury. Through showing a complete picture of what we are facing, including the geopolitical and historical backdrop -- the proceeding is meant to create awareness about the factual collapse of the current, hijacked system and its institutions, and as a consequence the necessity for the people themselves retaking their sovereignty. Livestream-links and more: OFFICIAL SITE:

Opening Session of the Grand Jury Proceeding the Court of Public Opinion Day 1

12. Feb: The general historical and geopolitical backdrop to all of this 13. Feb: PCR-Test 19. Feb: Injections 20. Feb: Financial Destruction 26. Feb: Eugenics + closing arguments and outlook Media Release Grand Jury Proceeding 02-05-2022.pdf

Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples Court of Public Opinion Empowering Public Conscience through Natural Law "Injustice to One is an Injustice to All"

We, a group of international lawyers and a judge, hereby are conducting criminal investigation modeled after the United States Grand Jury proceedings. This Grand Jury Investigation serves as a model legal proceeding to present to a jury (consisting of the citizens of the world) all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against “leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices” who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic. Crimes to be investigated include all acts performed or omitted by a person in pursuance of a common design to commit Crimes Against Humanity, and all such criminal acts condemned in the various communities of jurors around the world. This investigation is of the people, by the people and for the people and shall be referred to as the Peoples Court of Public Opinion. Having been unable to find a court to hear the actual evidence in the current system's courts of law, we are undertaking this proceeding outside of the current system and based on natural law. This, in turn is founded on the firm belief that every person can easily distinguish between good and evil, and between right and wrong. The allegation is that the world’s governments have come under the controlling influence of corrupt and criminal power structures. They colluded to stage a pandemic that they had been planning for years. To this end they deliberately created mass panic through false statements of fact and a socially engineered psychological operation whose messages they conveyed through the corporate media. The purpose of this mass panic was to persuade the population to agree to the so-called “vaccinations" which have in the meantime be proven to be neither effective, nor safe, but extremely dangerous, even lethal. The economic, social, and health damage that these Crimes Against Humanity have caused to the world's population can be measured in quadrillions of dollars. The lawyers listed below, with the assistance of a number of highly respected scientists and experts from around the globe and under the auspices of a judge from Portugal, will conduct this Grand Jury Investigation and thereby provide the jury (the citizens of the world) with a complete picture of these Crimes Against Humanity. The Peoples Court of Public Opinion's investigation's purpose is twofold: On the one hand, it is to serve as a model proceeding and get indictments against some of the criminally and civilly responsible figure heads of these Crimes against Humanity. And on the other hand it is –- through showing a complete picture of what we are facing, including the geopolitical and historical backdrop -- to create awareness about:

  • The factual collapse of the current, hijacked system and its institutions, and, as a consequence

  • The necessity for the people themselves retaking their sovereignty, and

  • The necessity to first stop this plandemic´s measures by refusing to comply, and

  • The necessity to jump-start their own new system of health care, education, economics and judiciary, so that democracy and the rule of law on the basis of our constitutions will be reestablished

The Peoples ‘Court of Public Opinion works independent of any government and any non-governmental organization. Logistic support is provided by the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee: (German), (English), (Hearings in English) Telegram (German) Telegram (English) Attorney at Law Virginie de Araujo Recchia, France Judge Rui Fonseca E Castro, Portugal Attorney at Law Claire Deeks, New Zealand Attorney at Law Viviane Fischer, Germany Attorney at Law Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Germany Attorney at Law N. Ana Garner, USA Attorney at Law Dr. Renate Holzeisen, Italy Attorney at Law Tony Nikolic, Australia Attorney at Law Dipali Ojha, India Attorney at Law Dexter L-J. Ryneveldt (Adv.), South Africa Attorney at Law Deana Sacks, USA Attorney at Law Michael Swinwood, Canada Cooperating Human Rights Defenders and Legal Activists Tjaša Vuzem, Slovenia Gina Cloud, USA Dr. Cristiane Grieb, Canada Leslie Manookian, USA To be added to a list of supporters please contact us at

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