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Rama's White Knight Report June 27, 2024

For more info on Rama's contacts -- their backgrounds and missions -- go here:

From Lord Rama: Summer Solstice 2024

Friday, June 21, 2024 - 3 deer, 7 crows; Lady Leonara

RAMA: I sat with 3 deer and 7 crows off at Old Santa Fe Trail at 11:20 am late this morning.

They intuitively said to me, “Lord Rama, these solar flares continue to come in today.”

They were quiet for a bit and then they wandered off. It was hot today, and they went off looking for food.

Then I drove to a rose garden and parked there to enjoy looking at the roses.

Then I received a text message from Lady Leonara at 11:35 am.

She said to me, “Lord Rama, I sent you a message from Dianne Robbins, a channeler from Mt Shasta, [California], and one of the original flower children, way back in the day!”

Leonara continued, “The message is from Mikos, the head librarian of Portologos, located in the Inner Earth, somewhere off the coast of South America.

"This message is about what happened in the galaxy during the time that a chunk of the planet Maldek broke off from Maldek, traveled towards the Earth, and finally hit it.

"Upon impact, it caused the Great Flood.

“Then the Galactic Federation came to the assistance of the people who were in the Great Flood, as they helped the people and the animals by beaming them up on to their starships.

"Since that time, we have moved into the realm of Sat Yuga. The Galactic Federation is here at this time, to pick up these wayward souls -- about 500,000 of them -- and take them off the planet to Dracos, to be tried there for intergalactic war crimes and crimes against humanity.

“With this Strawberry Full Moon, at 9:08 Eastern time, please send Love and good vibrations to all the troubled spots on Mother Gaia.

"Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

From Lord Rama: The Road to Mt Shasta

Monday, June 24, 2024 - 3 deer, 7 crows; and Lady Natasha, Heidi, Katharine, and Tom the Ring-tailed Cat

RAMA: I sat with 3 deer and 7 crows, off the road to La Tiera, a bit north of Santa Fe, at 11: 35 am

this morning.

They intuitively said to me, “Lord Rama, we are a bit nervous today; the wind is up and we are hungry. Please bring some food!

"See you the Light! . . . and then they took off!”

Then at 12:02 pm, early this afternoon, I received a text message from Lady Natasha, Heidi, and Katharine and finally, Tom the Ring-tailed Cat.

They said to me, “Lord Rama, we are up near the Arctic Circle in Tom’s shuttlecraft.

"We are studying the cosmic rays’ neutrinos coming in now, which are indications of the imminent Flash!

"We have indications there is going to be an enormous Solar Flash.

“This same energy was happening 26,000 years ago, prior to the Flood, yet nobody was covering it [telling the people about it] then, because only the Galactic Federation starships were aware of the imminent galactic events about to erupt.

"The opposing parties, the Fallen Angels / Elohim-Annunaki, also were aware of what was happening then.

“This time around, we are getting it right! The Dark Side knows they have lost.

"Earth and her people are Ascending. And that’s a fact, Jack!

“The time for war is over.

"Those giant, Angelic starships are still in orbit around the Sun, at least 4 of them.

"Each of them is larger than the New Jerusalem, which is 5,000 miles in diameter, to give you a bit of an idea of how huge these craft really are.

"Please send more love to all the trouble spots on the planet.

"Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

From Lord Rama: Cloud ships over fields near Mt Shasta

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 - 17 deer, 13 crows, the horse; KayTarTek and Sweet Angelique the Cat

RAMA: I sat with 17 deer, 13 crows, and the horse in the corral, on the grass, under an oak tree, in the shade, a bit west of the outer perimeter of Santa Fe, 11:17 am, late this morning.

They intuitively said to me, “Lord Rama, big energies keep on coming in.

"Thank you for the food!”

I did the adi shakti mantra with all of them: deer, crows, and a horse! We walked in a circle all together, three times.

Then at 11:29 am, I received a text message from KayTarTek and Sweet Angelique the Cat.

They said to me, “Lord Rama, more solar flares and cosmic rays are coming in.

"One of these solar flares might just be the spark that activates the Solar Flash!

“Then things are going to get very elevated on Planet Earth, and we will have a real sense of a moment of silence!

"It is the sound of that cosmic bell that will be heard throughout the cosmos!

"We are in these moments when magic and miracles can occur!

"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One!

"Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 - 18 deer and 9 crows; Mr X

RAMA: I sat with 18 deer and 9 crows at 10:55 am of the road in Tesuque. They wanted to play, so we played a little bit.

"Then I received a text message from Mr X.

He said to me, “Lord Rama, Israel is pushing the river to start a larger regional war with Hezbollah and Iran.

"The Galactics are here! Humanity will rise to the occasion.

"All we are saying is ‘Give peace a chance.’

"Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Thursday, June 27, 2024 - 3 deer and 5 crows; Lady Master Nada, and Tom the Ring-tailed Cat

RAMA: I went up to the ski basin today and sat with 3 deer and 5 crows, higher up, to over 10,000 feet.

It was 11:49 am, late this morning.

Then, at 12:10 pm, early this afternoon, I received a text message from Lady Master Nada and Tom the Ringtailed Cat.

They said to me, “Lord Rama, we are in Lebanon and the energies coming in are tremendous!

"It is all about the upcoming 8-8-8 Lions Gate, Thursday, August 8, 2024, and before that, July 25, Thursday, the Day Out of Time.”

Tom and Lady Nada continued: “Pay no attention to the holodeck program being presented tonight at the debate between Biden and the former President Donald Drumpf!

"It is all about the Matrix. They will be held to account for their war crimes.

“Meanwhile place Gaza and the entire Middle East Region in the Circle of Support, and Blaze the Violet Fire!”

"The X- and M-Class flares continue. "What is happening is that we are getting a massive upgrade from our Sun Sol, all the way to the center of our Milky Way Galaxy.

“It is most important for us to do our sadhana and meditation work each day.

"This is the real work, as to how we get our siddhas [spiritual abilities] back.

"Do the adi shakti mantra - adi shakti, adi shakti, namo, namo!

"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One!

"Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

From Lord Rama: Beauty in the Universe and on Earth !

Copyright 2024, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, including the link to the original post, at

Thank you.


Rama & Tara now have a new (used) car, so your donations are being used to pay for that, and any repairs that must be made to that car.

THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for any donation, of any amount -- whatever you are able to send.

Sat Nam! Namaste!

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