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Rama’s White Knight Report March 14, 2024


Updated: Mar 25, 2024

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Friday, March 8, 2024 - A Visit with RanaMu

Rama: I went and received a treatment from RanaMu today, at 11:09 AM this morning.

I got on the bio-bed, and RanaMu said to me, “Lord Rama, you are going to be going on a little journey here.

"I am turning the lasers up to 90%.”

So I watched the lasers come out of the ceiling and scan me from head to toe.

They seemed to focus on all of my 7 basic chakras, and one more above my crown chakra.

RanaMu said to me, “Lord Rama, focus on your crown and you will see the 9 stars above your head.”

So I did, and they lit up like a Christmas tree! At this point, I was no longer on the bio bed. I found myself in orbit around Mother Gaia.

I was enveloped in a rainbow sphere. Then I noticed there were other rainbow spheres around me!

And there were beings inside the rainbow spheres, looking at me!

I reached out with my 3rd eye and said “Hi!” to the being in the rainbow sphere closest to me.

Then that sphere became clearer, and I saw a Praying Mantis [Mantid] Being waving back at me!

I received a wave of intense love being projected towards me.

Then I heard RanaMu calling me back, and I found myself back on the bio bed.

RanaMu said to me, “Lord Rama, you were out for 1 hour and 20 minutes!”

And I said to RanaMu, “To me, it only felt like 5 minutes!”

Rana Mu responded: “Time is being stretched. You are learning how to step into timelessness, which is a good thing.

"Now I’ve got to go to my next appointment, Lord Rama!

"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Monday, March 11, 2024 - 9 deer and 3 crows; Tom the RIng-Tailed Cat

Rama: I sat with 9 deer and 3 crows in the forest in Tesuque, on my way to Santa Fe at 10:29 AM this morning.

They intuitively said to me, “Lord Rama, big things are afoot!

"We are moving higher and higher in the energies.

"Stay in a high loving space in the heart!”

Then I received a text message from Tom the Cat at 12:09 pm, early this afternoon.

He said to me, “Lord Rama, I sent you a picture from your Twitter feed of the Sun getting an upgrade.

"What is happening with the Sun, is the solar cycle is bringing in more photons, electrons, and neutrons to shower Planet Earth with even more monoatomic gold dust.

“Meanwhile, on Earth, the energies are so much moving forward, and the dark side is pushing as hard as they can against these energies.

"Lady Master Victory is in our skies! She shows up as diamond white light energy.

"This brings in the freedom to move NESARA law into position to be announced to the world.

"WE HAVE WON! "See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

The Sun is receiving an upgrade - Photo by Tom the Ring-tailed Cat

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 - 6 deer and 15 crows; Lady Master Nada

Rama: I sat with 6 deer and 15 crows at 10:35 mid morning, in the forest in Tesuque, down by the Rio Grande River.

They intuitively said to me, “Lord Rama, the energies continue to go higher, and we are saying ‘Send more love to all the conflict in the world!’ ”

Then at 11:35 AM late this morning, after I had stayed with the crows and the deer for a whole hour, I received a text message from Lady Master Nada.

She said to me, “President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu are both guilty of crimes against humanity.

“This is a horror show! With Ramadan in our midst, and Easter approaching, this is a time where we need to talk about stopping all the violence permanently, and come into resolution of how we can get along with each other.

“With the upcoming eclipses, there is a moment here where Divine Providence may just step in!

"I have heard rumors where the IDF – the Israeli Defense Forces – are going to say to Prime Minister Netanyahu, ‘Reach for the sky! It’s over!’

"This is about the fact that the Israeli government and its people are weary of war. "They do not support Prime Minister Netanyahu anymore!

“The majority of the American people are also calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

"The energies at this time are saying, something has got to give!

"The aspects of the astrology are saying ‘We need to come to closure of the old timeline.’

"As John Lennon has said, ‘War is over, if you want it!’

“What is being brought in in this moment, are these higher energies of the monoatomic gold dust.

"This monoatomic gold is pouring in from our Sun Sol, and as we stop and listen to the Oneness, peace will come!

"All we are saying is ‘give peace a chance!’ Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

A young Starfleet commander, on a smaller version of the USS Enterprise

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 2 deer and 5 crows; RanaMu

Rama: I sat with 2 deer and 5 crows this morning, part way up to the top of the Santa Fe Ski Basin.

They intuitively said to me, “Lord Rama, there is snow coming, and big energies are still coming in. Stay safe.”

Then I went to see Rana Mu, and she gave me a treatment with the Rainbow Lasers again.

She turned it up to 99% today.

Then she said to me, “In terms of the big story, we are approaching the spring equinox on March 19th and 20th, along with Ramadan which began last Sunday, the 10th of March, and Easter on the last day of this month -- Sunday, March 31st.

"The energies of the Office of the Christ are fully embracing Mother Gaia and all of us.

"The most important thing right now, is to send Divine, Loving, Compassionate energy to all the dark stories on the planet.

"Whatever the problems are: LOVE IS THE ANSWER.

"We are being asked to go beyond our present reality and see a New Heaven and a New Earth.

"It only takes a small group of us. WE HAVE WON!

“You will see the real power of Shiva / Shakti pour forth at this present time.

"I could best describe this Shiva/Shakti energy as the monoatomic gold dust pouring in.

See you in the Light of The Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Thursday, March 14, 2024 - 4 deer and 16 crows; Plasma Field

Rama: I went and drove down a road into Tesuque, heading up the back side of the mountain toward the Hyde Park Ski Valley.

I stopped along the way, and sat with 4 deer and 16 crows.

We had a bit of a Jedi Council. They all intuitively said to me, “Lord Rama, the humans are getting out of control!

"The Circle of Light is all colors of the rainbow.”

Then I went on my way into Santa Fe and sat in the Plasma Field, and the Plasma Field showed me our Sun Sol, and how it is making micro-adjustments to the Light shining on Mother Gaia.

The Plasma Field said to me, “Lord Rama, as we approach this total solar eclipse on April 8th, the energies are going to increase exponentially!

"There may be anomalies and strange things people will see!

"This is part of a Grand Cycle where our Sun is getting an upgrade, and subsequently, all the other billions of suns in our local Milky Way Galaxy are also getting an upgrade!”

The Plasma Field continued: “This is the most glorious time to be in a body and be alive! "Something is going to happen -- yet, Lord Rama, we cannot say!

"All we CAN say is, you are already in the Promised Land!

"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Copyright 2024, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, including the link to the original post, at

Thank you.


Rama & Tara now have a new (used) car, so your donations are being used to pay for that!

THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for any donation, of any amount -- whatever you are able to send.

Sat Nam! Namaste!

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