For more info on Rama's contacts, go to:
Friday, May 10, 2024 - 2 deer and 16 crows; Mr X and the Nameless Ones
RAMA: I sat with two deer and 16 crows today up the road by La Tierra, a bit north of Santa Fe.
I called a Jedi Council with the crows at 11:45 am this morning.
Then I received a text message from Mr X and the Nameless Ones at 12:09 pm early this afternoon.
They said to me, “Lord Rama, the solar flares and the auroras borealis (plural) are going to be very intense over the next 72 hours.
"It is about us getting upgraded to the 12th dimension, with our 12 strands of DNA fully activated.”
The Nameless Ones continued: “Lord Rama, we have a rotating group of monks who are spinning the prayer wheels and chanting [the mantra] Om Mani Padme Hum, in solidarity with the people of Palestine and the protesters across the world at the universities.”
Mr X said at this point, “Lord Rama, these solar flares are conscious beings from Super Galactic Center.
"Embrace these energies coming in!
"There are more galactic fleets here on the ground. They will reveal themselves as the occasion arises.
See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One!
Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”
Sunday, May 12, 2024 - 6 deer and 9 crows; Darby O’Dell
RAMA: I sat with 6 deer and 9 crows off the road on the way to Chama, at 11:49 am late this morning.
They intuitively said to me, “Let’s do the Adi Shakti mantra.” So we did the Adi Shakti mantra three times.
Then my phone rang and it was Darby O’Dell; it was 12:21 pm, early this afternoon.
He said to me, “Lord Rama, I am sitting here at Glastonbury Tor, watching the auroras come flowing in over head.
"They are every color of the rainbow.
"These are the energies that are transforming all of us!
"Stay in the radiance of the One Light!
"That is the light of our Sun, Sol.
"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One!
"Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Photos reposted from Telegram

From Twitter -

Impresionante aurora austral captada desde Lake
McIntosh, en Tullah, Tasmania - May 11, 2024

Snowdonia, North Wales

Southern New Brunswick, Canada
Monday, May 13, 2024 - 4 deer and 2 crows; Rana Mu
Rama: I went and sat with 4 deer and 2 crows, in the forest just outside of Tesuque a bit north of Santa Fe, at 11:00 am this morning.
They intuitively said to me, “Lord Rama, big energies are coming in again.
"Your Paschat [ET] friends are here!"
Then I went to see Rana Mu for a healing treatment.
As Rana Mu was working on me with the various colored lasers, she said to me, “Lord Rama, with these major solar flares which continue to come in, the 3rd dimension is no longer viable.
"The 5th dimension is already fully anchored into the New Earth, in the 5th dimension.”
Rana Mu continued: “Regarding announcing NESARA Law, the multiple changes going on behind the scenes to get NESARA Law enacted have brought that moment so close, I can spit on it!
"There are also millions of people going over the rainbow as well, and at the same time, there are millions of souls coming in at the 5th dimensional level and higher.
"They’re here to participate with all of us, helping us to realize who we truly are!
“We are the Rainbow Nation, and we have won!
"There are Rainbow starships all around Mother Gaia.
"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! I must go to my next appointment.
Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - 2 deer and 3 crows; Lady Master Nada and Mr X
RAMA: I sat with 2 deer and 3 crows today, off the road to La Tierra today, just north of Santa Fe, at 10:39am, mid morning.
They intuitively said to me, “Lord Rama, stay calm! These energies continue to flow in.”
Then I did the Adi Shakti mantra 3 times with them; they watched my every move.
Then I received a text message from Lady Master Nada and Mr X at 12:05 pm, early this afternoon.
They said to me, “Lord Rama, the largest solar flares since 2017 occurred 45 minutes before now, at 11:20 am this morning.
"This solar flare could be the spark that might just start the flash: hold that thought! ! !
"And Blaze the Violet Fire!”
At this point, Lady Master Nada spoke up and said: “Lord Rama, please place the Middle East in the Circle of Support and Blaze the Violet Fire!
"There are Archangels and giant motherships overhead, throughout the Middle East and the extended region.
“The timelines and the dimensions have shifted radically today.
"As you are having headaches and Ascension symptoms, go slow! Drink good water, and chill!
"And that is an order, Commander!
"We are in the most amazing times of our lives.
"Whatever the matrix is telling us, Let it go!
"It is all maya [Hindu for "illusion"].
"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One!
"Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Solar Flares - May 13, 2024 - 10:09 PM and MAY 14, 2024 - 8:55 AM
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 - 3 deer, 2 crows, Charlie the Caretaker and a large orange male Tabby Cat; Tom the Ring-tailed Cat
RAMA: I sat with 3 deer, 2 crows, Charlie the Caretaker and a large, orange, male Tabby Cat on the I AM Sanctuary grounds at 11:29 am, late this morning.
Charlie said to me, “Lord Rama, let me tell you what is going on with these solar flares:
"We are being upgraded at quantum Light-speed, at a cellular level.
"Every time a burst of solar energy happens, every cell and every atom in our bodies is getting upgraded to the 12th dimension.
“This is hard to comprehend, yet it is very easy, because it is about the evolution of a species. "On a cosmic level, we are joining with our galactic family and friends.
"We are receiving photonic Light codes from the Sun, via the solar flares and coronal mass ejections. "The Light codes help raise the collective vibration of humanity and the experience of an expansion in consciousness, so we gain a deeper understanding of the shift that is taking place.
“We are being upgraded psychically and spiritually to our original Divine blueprint.
"We are to remember our individual missions here and, with that, also our gifts and abilities.
"Our Jedi powers will come on line!
"The shift in consciousness is NOW . . .
"We are being asked to join the greatest adventure ever! It’s an offer we cannot refuse!
"Welcome to the 5th Dimension!”
Then I received a text message from Tom the Ring-tailed Cat at around 2 pm this afternoon.
He said to me, “Lord Rama, I will reiterate what Rana Mu said to you on Monday: NESARA is so close, you can spit on it!
See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One!
Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”
Thursday, May 16, 2024 - 6 deer and 10 crows; Heidi
RAMA: I sat with 6 deer and 10 crows off the road in the forest on the way through Tesuque to Santa Fe, at 10:48 am mid morning.
I was able to get a picture of one of the little fawns in this herd of deer.
They intuitively said to me, “Lord Rama, more big energies are coming in!
"Stay safe. Stay in your heart.”
Then I received a text message from Heidi, still in Tønsberg, Norway, near the Rainbow Bridge which goes to Asgard, home of Thor, his father, Odin, and his mother, Frigga.
Heidi used to work at the Bank of International Settlements in Geneva, Switzerland, way back in 1993 to 1999.
She said to me, “Lord Rama, we are in a very extraordinary time!
"It is about this very ancient story of a war in heaven, simultaneously with a war on Earth.
"At this present moment, we are in a new timeline, and we are in heaven -- on Earth!
“What is about to happen, is all the ancient treasures are being brought forth to help the people of Earth at this present moment.
"For instance, there are ancient rooms of treasures under the Giza Plateau discovered in the past, yet never made public in the mass media of today.
"There are places in the city of Palmyra, Syria, where one of the stargates resides, where members of the Ashtar Command are coming to Earth.
"They are anchored in Syria now to assist people of the Middle East, mainly the people of Gaza.
“Meanwhile, the massive solar flares continue to come in.
"We have won! Remember that!
"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

From Lord Rama - A young fawn

Auroras borealis at Mont-Saint-Michel, France
Mont-Saint-Michel is a tidal island and mainland commune in Normandy, France.
The island lies approximately one kilometre off France's north-western coast, at the mouth of the Couesnon River near Avranches and is 7 hectares in area. [See Wikipedia]

Auroras Borealis over Alberta, Canada

From Lord Rama: Auroras borealis over the Grand Canyon, at Navajo Point

Aurora borealis - Manchester, South Dakota - May 2024
Copyright 2024, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green
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THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for any donation, of any amount -- whatever you are able to send.
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Sat Nam! Namaste!