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Rama’s White Knight Report: October 21, 2021

[October 15 – October 21, 2021]

To our readers: Rama’s White Knights Report, for the most part, will present information from Rama’s contacts on very current events. Sometimes, additional commentary may show up, in the form of more explanation about an important issue, or as an article inserted to provide more insight on the subject being presented.

This report was presented on October 7, 2021 on the Thursday call, A Night at the Roundtable. So it can be heard live by accessing BBS Radio 2, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, MST, and going to A Night at the Roundtable program.

Find more info on those folks Rama talks to - who are there to keep us in the loop as well – at

2021-10-15 Friday

Dalai Lama @DalaiLama · Oct 15

What’s past is past, nothing can change that. But the future can be different if we choose to make it so. We have to cultivate a vision of a happier, more peaceful future and make the effort now to bring it about. This is no time for complacency; hope lies in the action we take.

I received a call from the Poppy Lady today; it was 11: 45 am. She said to me:

“Lord Rama, there was another suicide bombing in Afghanistan, this time in Kandahar. 40 people were killed; many, many were injured. Once again, ISILK comes into play. This is all CIA Black Ops. The West wants the opportunity to get its claws on Afghanistan. This is about the Lithium and trillions of dollars of other minerals in Afghanistan that this empire

wants for itself, no matter what!

“The empire is about to get a huge surprise: it is something very ancient, and it is very large. And it goes back to the time of Buddha, and Krishna, and Shiva. We are speaking about the very large ancient vimanas that are still operational after these many thousands of years.

“All we are saying is Give Peace a Chance! Inshallah! Sat Nam!”

2021-10-16 Saturday

I received a text message from Lady Natasha today. She said “Go listen to Nassim Haramein! He is Amazing! Namaste!”

AUDIO: 2021-10-03 Bardcast™ 19 ~ special guest Nassim Haramein

2021-10-18 Monday

I received a text message today from Tom the Ring Tailed Cat. It was 12:30 early this afternoon. He said to me:

“Lord Rama! General Colin Powell has gone over the rainbow today. Please place him in the Circle of Support. He died of a rare form of bone cancer called Myeloma, plus covid complications.” (Plus Parkinson’s, per David Packman of The David Packman Show)

Tom continued: “The Dark Side took him out because he knew too much about 9/11. This empire is at an end and, with it, comes the rainbow bridge to Valhalla, Viking heaven, similar to Hyperborea, with King Fingal representing the West, Princess MingMae representing the East, reigning over this galactic kingdom at the North Pole. All these ancient stories are coming to conclusion.

“Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Valhalla (1896) by Max Brückner

2021-10-19 Tuesday

Today at 12:30, early this afternoon, I received a text message from Sweet Angelique the Cat. She said to me:

“Lord Rama! The energies coming in from the sun are lifting everyone so much higher. We are at the end of this story; it is a very large story because it is about us loving ourselves and forgiving ourselves for doing something in any space/time continuum where we may have caused harm."

“Let’s have compassion and inner standing for what another has done. Salvation is at hand. It is about the tremendous solar flares coming in; there are messages in the solar flares. As we listen to the sound of Oneness, we will hear them.

“Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

2021-10-20 Wednesday

I received a text message from Mr X today at 11:00 am. He said to me:

“Lord Rama! That story from E.T. Corey could very well be true because there is a lot of activity going on in our local solar system and galaxy. Captain Ashtar and the representatives of 26 other galaxies have fleets upon fleets that are here.

“These beings of tremendous Light and Love are helping us help ourselves in the ascension process. All the keys to the kingdom are within ourselves. Wake up to the Force within us. It is called The Science of Divine Love. May we have compassion for sentient beings.

“Inshallah! Sat Nam! Namaste!”

NOTE: See the Intel Report from Corey Goode below.

2021-10-21 Thursday

I received a text message from Natasha at 11:30 am this morning. She said to me:

“It’s coming down, Lord Rama! All of the empire is having issues, within and without."

“At this time, as we approach the Great Crack between the worlds, Samhain in the northern hemisphere, Beltane and the coming of Bridget in southern hemisphere, a portal is opening simultaneously. Those who have crossed the Goddess’ path will deal with their karma and their dharma. This is the most intense time, as we close out this intense story."

“As we get itchy fingers and go poking around the internet, looking for solutions, instead form a mudra with your hands and breathe in the Violet Fire. You will see it; you will feel it. Blaze the Violet Fire! Sat Nam! Namaste! ”

2021-10-20 Corey Goode – latest intel on meeting interrupted by Zulu Elder, New Guardians Intel Summary - Incident at the LOC: Secret Emergency ICC Meeting Interrupted by a Zulu Elder and the New Guardians

The Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate leadership held a secret emergency meeting in one of their secured conference rooms deep within the Lunar Operations Command (Alpha) to discuss the Intel they had received about the Super Federation being put on notice by the New Guardians.

Shortly after the ICC meeting began, a Zulu Elder appeared in the middle of the room. The special guard for the ICC responded immediately with special firearms approved for security use inside spacecraft and bases. The Zulu Elder, who goes by the name 'Emmi', had a huge smile on his face and had his arms folded behind himself in a non-threatening way.

Suddenly, the weapons that security was holding lifted out of their hands and slammed to the ceiling, staying locked there as if a giant magnet had turned on. Then the security members were pulled in a similar fashion to the ground where they struggled until the Zulu had finished what he had come to do.

Emmi said he was a representative of the New Guardians and was here to deliver a message to the ICC. He went on to state that the ICC was going to be held accountable for all of the crimes of the Dark Fleet. The Dark Fleet had been traveling the Galaxy with the Orion Group and some Rogue Federations from the Super Federation that are going to stand trial for their crimes. Emmi then introduced the New Guardians who appeared in the room much like he had a few moments prior. The new Guardians began to point to various members in attendance and immediately they began acting very strangely.

A third of the attendees began to curse and writhe like they were in pain as they fell to the floor. The other attendees began to put distance between themselves and the ones on the floor as if they knew exactly what was going on.

Then, Emmi says to them "Just so you can't say the Devil made you do it" and then began to move his arms around slowly and cocking his head strangely as he broke out into a tribal-looking dance. The attendees watched in disbelief at what was going on around them when suddenly Emmi ended his dance by dropping to one knee and clapping his arms and hands together, sending a shock wave through the room.

As soon as he had done this, the attendees on the floor went into convulsions as wispy shadows of entity attachments lifted out of their bodies. Everyone who was present began to clasp their hands to their heads as the AI god signal was blocked from their nanites and implants. Then, Emmi began again in his speech where he listed all of the crimes that had occurred under the quiet direction of the ICC. They were informed that they would stand trial next to the Orion Group and their allies from the Rogue Federation groups. The Zulu then laid out how the AI god they serve had betrayed and taken over every civilization that had embraced it and how the ICC was complicit in the plan to bring these AI Trojan Horse technologies to Earth.

The Zulu and the New Guardians then disappeared, leaving the attendees in complete shock and terror.

Emmi then visited Gonzales, the SSP Alliance, the joint city of the 7 Inner Earth groups associated with the Anshar, the other members of the local confederation of planets, and finally me where he shared the experience with us holographically.

The SSP Alliance checked their sources to see if any incidents had occurred at the LOC Alpha during this time frame and were able to confirm that something major happened at a secret ICC meeting, but were unable to obtain any further details other than those that were there at the time were visibly freaked out.

The SSP Alliance was also able to find out that, after this incident, the ICC demanded a meeting with the leadership of the Orion Group and their allied Rogue Federation groups in one of their secured corporate cities on Mars where they came up with a plan do double down on their transhumanist efforts on earth.

Emmi stated things would get a lot worse for the surface population but that the open tyranny was the catalyst that would anger and awaken the masses on Earth as it did on Micca's planet and several others that are now members of the local confederation of planets. Soon, we will see more and more people rising up and stopping participating in the system that

they have willingly been enslaved by. Once we do that, everything changes almost overnight. I was told to keep the date of this incident to myself for now as we observe how the ICC leadership responds but will provide more details soon.

To prevent any of this information from being censored, we will publish it for free on Ascension Works TV.

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Copyright 2021, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

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