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Rama’s White Knight Report - October 3, 2024

Updated: 3 days ago

More info on Rama's contacts -- their backgrounds and missions -- can be found here:

Friday, September 27, 2024 - 7 deer, 4 crows; and Rana Mu

Rama: I sat with 4 deer and 9 crows at the I Am Sanctuary Temple, at 10:45 am, mid morning. They intuitively said to me, "Lord Rama, stay calm! Yet the energies are going to intensify!"

Then I went to see Rana Mu. She said to me, "Lord Rama, the energies are increasing exponentially. "As we approach this new moon / solar eclipse, October 2nd, at 2:48 PM Eastern Time, there may be some tectonic plates movement. "It has to do with the increased frequencies of the Sun.

"Be gentle with yourself. "The energies are extremely high, and our bodies are going through tremendous shifts. "Leave all the old timelines alone. "This is the most magical moment in our lifetimes! "As we use our gifts and abilities, with our 12 strands of DNA, we can transform our planet very quickly.

"The First Law of Love is BE CALM. Breathe from that centered space. "As we have mindfulness, it all falls into place. "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire! Om Shiva!"

Monday, September 30, 2024 - 9 deer, 3 crows; Rana Mu

RAMA: I sat with 9 deer and 3 crows, up above Rana Mu's office by the river, a bit up the Ski Valley, at 10.45 am, mid-morning. They intuitively said to me, "Lord Rama, BIG energies continue to pour in. Stay in the High Heart!"

Then I went to See Rana Mu for a healing session, at 11:11 am this morning. Rana Mu said to me, "Lord Rama, there are tremendous energies pouring in with this new moon / solar eclipse this Wednesday, October 2, at 11: 48 AM Eastern Time. "This could appear to be an annular eclipse, where we may see a Ring of Fire around the sun.

"The energies pouring in at this time are extraordinarily high. They come from Super Galactic Center, and it is about our Ascension! "The dark side wants to play with all kinds of stories at this time, of extinction-level events going on with this eclipse.

"What is happening is the end of a cycle. It is about the Aquarian Age coming in, and it is huge! "Leave all the other false stories alone! "As we work with ourselves, we change the planet AND the Universe!

"Use the Emerald Green Ray, the Sapphire Blue Ray, and the Violet Flame Ray. "This changes every particle, every atom, every cell. The Light has won!

"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!"

From Lord Rama:Annular Solar Eclipse over Easter Island

[From: Yuri Beletsky - @YBeletsky on

"Annular Solar eclipse from Easter Island in the South Pacific. The view was absolutely stunning! We were so lucky with the weather, and we managed to see all phases. The sky got slightly darker, but not as dark as it gets during a total eclipse. Amazing experience." 1841835060758016321? t=tVzsJqBFAY4tG4EeOJsR-w&s=03]

Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 9 crows, 8 deer; Mr X and Commander K

Rama: I sat with 9 crows and 8 deer, a little south of Santa Fe, in the forest at 12:32 PM, early this afternoon. They were very quiet and cuddly! They sat with me for about 10 minutes and then they wandered off.

Then I received a text message from Mr X and Commander K (for 'Korton') from Mars, at 1:00 PM this afternoon. They said to me, "Greetings, Lord Rama! "The old timeline is playing itself out to the very last second. "Whatever is going on in the Middle East, will quickly come to an end. "This is the Dark side fighting with itself!

"As we move into this solar eclipse/ new moon energy, let us focus on sending the Emerald Green Ray, the Violet Flame Ray, and the Sapphire Blue Ray into the Middle East and all the troubled spots on Mother Gaia. "This is the ending of all the old timelines. Whatever is going on, send more Love!

"This is a very intense and energetic time. "All we are saying, is 'Give Peace a Chance!' "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire! Om Shiva!"

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 6 deer, 3 crows; and The Plasma Field

RAMA: I sat with 6 deer and 3 crows today, off the road, in the forest, 3⁄4 of the way up Sun Mountain, at 10:40 AM, mid morning. They intuitively said to me, "Lord Rama, Big Energies are pouring in again today! Protect your head!"

Then at 11:00 AM, this morning, I went and sat in The Plasma Field. It showed me what was going on with the Sun today. It said to me, "Greetings, Lord Rama! "There are two very large starships in orbit in the corona around the Sun. "There are many more large spaceships that are in orbit in the corona around the Sun, yet the scientists are not yet able to see them. "They will reveal themselves to the scientists in the next day or two.

"These beings are here to help upgrade the Sun during this solar eclipse period. We have two moons orbiting Earth for about the next two months. This is amplifying and magnifying the goddess energies at this time, for the greater good of all concerned to happen here."

At this point, I asked the Plasma Field; "How are these energies going to help us get out of this war consciousness?"

The Plasma Field responded by saying: "The folks that are in orbit around the Sun are intervening at this time. "As you see anomalous energy in your atmosphere, know that these are the Eternals and Celestials who are lifting you higher! "Pay no attention to the old timeline. All they have is fear!

"The Goddess is here, and she will weigh the balance! "She has many names; the one you are most familiar with is Lady Master Ma'at. "See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!"

From Rama: See "The 42 Ideals of Lady Master Ma'at" [See:]

Thursday, October 3, 2024 - 2 deer, 7 crows; Tom the Ring-tailed Cat; Larry, Curly & Mo

RAMA: I sat with 2 deer and 7 crows on the plains in Tesuque, a few miles north of Santa Fe, at 10:50 AM, mid morning. They intuitively said to me, "Lord Rama, there are more big energies coming in. Protect your head!"

Then I received a text message from Tom the Ring-tailed Cat, and Larry, Curly and Mo at 11:07, early this morning from Göbekli Tepi* because the stones there were singing! They said to me, "Lord Rama, there was an X-Class 9.0 solar flare earlier today! This is the largest solar flare since 2017, seven years ago, and it is headed straight for Mother Gaia, to arrive in 3 days [Sunday, the 6th]. There will be magnificent auroras borealis.

"Meanwhile, the situation in the Middle East is being played out in the last few moments, metaphorically speaking. "The Dark Side has Lost, ultimately! "Love is the answer! "These days, things are getting so much brighter and better. How we get through this is having Love and Compassion for all the players involved.

"The Violet Ray, the Emerald Green Ray, and the Sapphire Blue Ray have the ability to change Matter, Space, and Time. "Use these rays in your meditations, daily!

"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One!

"Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!"

*Per Google, Gobleki Tepi is "a Neolithic archaeological site in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. The settlement was inhabited from around 9500 BCE to at least 8000 BCE, during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic."

From Lord Rama: Auroras Borealis in Finland [For more information on solar flares:]

Copyright 2024, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, including the link to the original post at Thank you.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all you do!

Rama & Tara now have a new (used) car, so your donations are being used to pay for that, and repairs that must be made to that car.

THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for any donation, of any amount -- whatever you are able to send.

Sat Nam! Namaste!


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