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Rama's White Knight Reports - February 27, 2022

Find more information on Rama contacts, go to: Friday, February 25, 2022 - Dalai Lama

Friday, February 25, 2022 - Plasma Field RAMA: I went and sat in the plasma field [in the pool at his friend Mr Fenn's house] at 11:50 AM today. The plasma field said to me, “Black holes are entrances to parallel universes and portals to other galaxies. "As we connect with our divine emotions, we can access these Light pathways to the other nine realms surrounding the Earth. “The Dark Side is playing out their last moments. That is their choice! Let it be. Our mission is about Ascension. "Stay in the high vibrations. See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Monday, February 21, 2022 - Natasha RAMA: I spoke with Lady Natasha this morning for a few minutes, at 11:45 AM. She said to me, “Lord Rama, Putin has recognized the Donbas region as separate from Ukraine and as a self- proclaimed Russian territory. "The West wants a confrontation with Russia, yet Russia is not the enemy.

“The enemy is the propaganda coming out of the West. Please put all of this in the Circle of Support. The messages of higher wisdom and the astrology are saying: ‘Stay in the High Heart! The old is falling away faster than we have the words for. Expect magic and miracles of the highest order!' “Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Tuesday, February 22, 2022 - King of Swords, Lady Nada, and Mr X RAMA: I received a call from the King of Swords, Lady Nada, and Mr X. They all said to me, “Lord Rama, the statement that 'The West is hysterical about Russia invading Ukraine’ is NOT true! "Putin is exposing the ‘New’ World Order. It is about the New World Order [deep state] imposing sanctions, and disapproving of Russia for choosing other trade partners. Which of course infuriates the West.” "Meanwhile," Mr X said; “the King of Jordan is being investigated by the International Criminal Court for hiding huge amounts of money in off-shore accounts. This is the people of Jordan’s money. “In other galactic news, the Sun has been sending out solar flares for the whole last month of January. This is continuing with February. "The end of the matrix is really here! The higher energies are manifesting heaven on Earth. "Pluto is here, transforming the old timeline to the new timeline.”

Keith Strong (@drkstrong) tweeted at 7:00 PM on Tue, Feb 22, 2022: CME WATCH: A nice coronal mass ejection off the northwestern limb of the Sun (Upper right) ( t=8_UWFkg14mK6WVx1aDKu_w&s=03)

At this point, both Lady Nada and the King of Swords said, “Lord Rama, you are seeing these new geometric patterns in the atmosphere. Describe them to us [KOS, Nada, Mr X, and listeners/audience]." I proceeded to describe the geometric forms and the particles that sparkle. This is the monoatomic gold that comes from the sun. The children of Generations X, W, and Z are seeing these patterns, as well as the rest of us. These are the elemental patterns called the Builders of New Forms, as we are now in a new energy and new forms are being created to reflect that energy.

We are in the process of co- creating the New Earth, and everything is changing all the time. Grandmother Chandra sees these forms, too. She puts them on her website. The Quantum Field is here; listen to the voice of Oneness, as Kryon speaks of it. Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022 - Natasha RAMA: I talked by text with Natasha today, at 11:09 AM. She said to me, “Lord Rama, I spoke to a member of the [State] Duma, Russia’s congress. That person said to me, ‘The Ukraine government sabotaged the Minsk Agreement. " 'This agreement has to do with Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, making deals, dirt cheap, back in 2014 . . . and that the United States was going to push for Ukraine to join NATO, against Russia, in the near future.’ “All the timelines have changed. The quantum field is here. You can taste it, touch it, feel it. "Stay in that realm! Do not allow False Evidence Appearing Real [fear] to cloud your higher wisdom! “The Sun--our Sun Sol--is continuing to send out massive solar flares. The particles of light are raising us up, if we choose. “Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Thursday, February 24, 2022 - Tom the Ring-tailed Cat; Larry, Curly, & Moe; and Sweet Angelique the Cat RAMA: I received a call at 11:50 AM this morning from the above-named individuals. They all said to me, “Lord Rama, we are at Göbekli Tepe, an ancient Sumerian ruin that was, at that time, an observatory, like the planetariums of today. “We are here at Göbekli Tepe, observing 'the ruins' sending out sound frequencies to our Sun, Sol. "In ancient times, this 'ruin' was a portal where people could use specific sounds that acted as instructions, and the portal would follow these instructions and teleport the people where they wanted to go. [A sentient form of technology, both then and now.] “Meanwhile, in present time, there is a conflict going on. It is between the oligarchs on this planet and the Fallen Angels off-planet. "There was an artificial intelligence grid placed over Mother Gaia 13,000 years ago by the Annunaki, the Fallen Angels. "Matias [de Stefano], a spiritual teacher from Argentina, says that these Fallen Angels of the time were also called the Assir and the Sophir. "This 13,000 year old A.I. [artificial intelligence] grid is now failing as our Sun Sol goes through this Transfiguration, and the old matrix falls away. “The Light coming in now is overriding the old A.I. matrix. This is causing glitches and malfunctions in our 3D realm, as the matrix falls. I e, problems with computers, telephones, TVs. "This is also affecting our emotions. “There are tremendous forces at work! The Ashtar Command is here. The Captain will be speaking any time now.

"NO DATES! CALL US IN! "It takes all of us, yet just ONE [via unity consciousness]! “Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Gobekli Tepe – The mysterious temple that is more than 10.000 years old

Copyright 2022, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

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