For more info on Rama’s contacts -- their Earth missions, identities, and backgrounds -- just go here, to
Friday, December 29, 2023 - Mr X
Rama: I received a text message from Mr X at 11:17am this morning
He said to me, “Lord Rama, I am in Syria in an undisclosed location.
"What is going on in Gaza is international war crimes and crimes against humanity.
"I can tell you from higher sources that giant cargo starships are in orbit between the Earth -- Mother Gaia -- and the moon.
"They are here to collect the 500,000 war criminals who will be transported on these cargo starships to Dracos in Orion’s Belt, to be tried there by King Dracos and his daughter, Princess Ardalla, for intergalactic war crimes against humanity.
“The large coronal hole in our Sun Sol is now facing us here, on Mother Gaia. "This is going to be quite a ride!
"See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! Sat Nam!"
Monday, January 1, 2024 - New Year’s Day - The Poppy Lady and Fing Del Noor
Rama: I received a text message from The Poppy Lady and Fing Del Noor, the Sasquatch bigfoot lady, at 12:09 pm, early this afternoon.
They said to me, “Lord Rama, we are near Mt Kailash, which is in India at the place bordering Tibet and China.”
The Poppy Lady continued: “I am here, receiving specialized Jedi training.
"It is called Kriya Yoga, which is the quantum science of changing matter, energy, and time.
“Meanwhile, in this present reality, we are going to Gaza twice a week, to bring food, medicine and supplies.
"Sometimes we are beaming people up to the Galactic Federation Fleets for rejuvenation and re-integration into Galactic Law.
“What is going on in Gaza is unconscionable. "There are other countries that are going to the Hague to file formal documents charging Israel with international war crimes and crimes against humanity.
"This is genocide, pure and simple.
"It is not Hamas. "It is our Deep State, including Israel, because in reality, since 1949 Israel has been a state of the United States.
“Please place all of this in the Circle of Support and Blaze the Violet Fire. "All we are saying, is Give Peace a Chance! Sat Nam! Namaste!”

From Lord Rama: Somewhere in the Middle East
Wednesday, January 3, 2024 - 4 deer, 2 crows; Lady Master Nada; Tom the Ring-tailed Cat; Larry, Curly and Moe; Sweet Angelique the Cat
Rama: I went up the mountain to above 10,000 Waves Health Spa and created a Jedi Council at 10:40 am late this morning.
There were 4 deer and 2 crows in attendance at the proceedings.
Then Lady Master Nada showed up at the Council Circle, along with Tom the Ring-tailed Cat, Larry, Curly and Moe, as well as Sweet Angelique the Cat.
They all said to me, “Lord Rama, Israel is pushing the river towards World War III. "Ashtar has said, 'No nukes [will be allowed to deploy].'
"What is going on here is a dangerous brinkmanship game, and it goes back 26,826 years to the beginning of Kali Yuga.”
Lady Nada said to me, “I can tell you this, Lord Rama, as Graham Hancock comes out on the YouTube channels, they censor him for telling these stories that Zecharia Sitchin has been writing about for decades.
"This is about Mother’s ancient children.
"The Middle East, known as, and generally accepted as, the ‘Cradle of Civilization’, is where this matrix story begins.
"Put all of this in the Circle of Support. "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

From Lord Rama and the Paschat ETs - Somewhere in Norway. . . .
Thursday, January 4, 2024 - Mr X
Rama: I received a text message from Mr X at 11:09 am, late this morning. He said to me,
“Lord Rama, Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel has lit the fuse, yet there will be justice.
"There are Galactic Councils meeting at this present time, discussing how to quell the violence and bring peace and civility to the Middle East.
"Lord Serapis Bey and Master Kuthumi are asking us to work with the sound frequencies to calm the mind and the body.
"There are actions being taken by the galactics to quell the violence there.
"They’re using Light frequencies and sound to disrupt the matrix and bring people’s minds and bodies back into balance.
"Meanwhile, there was was a moderate M-Class [solar] flare of 3.8 today.
"This may sound small, yet it is huge, because this gentler energy coming from this moderate M-Class flare can be received by many more people.
"It can also affect, in a positive and gentle way, all of Nature toward the good.
"We are in the most auspicious time ever.
"Tune into the Force! It will impart all the wisdom you will ever need!
“See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

From Lord Rama - Somewhere in the Canadian Rockies
Copyright 2023, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green
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Sat Nam! Namaste!