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White Knight News Update - July 19, 2021

A Message from Lord Rama: As we move into a new era of Peace, let Love and Light and Divine Wisdom guide our every move!

We are at a crossroads with all that is happening in these last few months left of this cosmic year.

We ask for your assistance -- we are very low on gas, basics, food, and have 4 bills that are coming due. And it's my birthday in 2 days! 68 times round the Sun, and we are just getting started!

We're are calling forth $325 to pay BBSRadio by this Wednesday. We have $115 towards that bill.

And we require $373 to pay bills that are coming due. (We also got a sound quality upgrade -- a sound bar from the Dish Network that costs $245, for much clearer-sounding radio shows and reports.) Bless you, and thank you!

Even if it's only $5 or $10, it makes a huge difference in all our lives to be able to bring the Wisdom that is coming forth at this time on the planet! We are there!

All the whistleblowers are saying, "Now is the time!" NESARA Now!

Let us hold it in our hearts that this eclipse has the Love and Beauty and power for Peace in this Now moment. Each day I ask that I can make a difference in everyone's life, only by following what Divine Goddess in me inspires me to do. "Lord, make me an instrument of thy Peace!"

I honor the Goddess within me always, even if it is only to share some stories with the homeless folks, or the vets who have no one to talk to.

There are so many circles within circles that bring about Love.

It is only about Love. How we interact with that intention -- that can change the planet! As we are in the most magical of times, all the kingdoms are here with us.

All we need do is open up to the realm of infinite possibilities at this moment for all to see.

I spoke with Sweet Angelique the Cat today. She was at Stonehenge, calling in all the folks for fire -- the grid meditation.

All kinds of folks showed up, from all the Nine Realms! This is the time, and the place!

They are saying, "Have the faith, and we can walk on air and water."

I am getting better and better, all the time. This is real! Use the Force! Reach out! You can feel it, taste it, touch it!

There is the opportunity now for infinite magical moments to manifest what we have been asking the Universe for. It is a return to our Divine selves, in the moment, with all our gifts and abilities fully functional now.

We are Creator Gods and Goddesses, and it is time we use these gifts to bring about Heaven on Earth now!

Copyright 2021, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

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