Rainbow Roundtable
Factions and People
Faction One
There are two main groups that have long endeavored to lead world affairs,
including the lives of every human being on the planet, as well as Earth's entire environment.
​The first is Faction One, which consists of:
The Nazi Fourth Reich, the corporate fascists, the corporatocracy/plutocracy of the fascist states, archons, the Luciferian rebellious ones, the 13 Families (also known as "the cabal" or the dark satanists), the dark Aryans (considered the white "master race" of Hitler’s time), and the Satonians (dark Sirians).
It also consists of factions of government and military who conduct black (illegal covert) operations from the USA and other countries -- including all of the US intelligence agencies – the CIA, NSA, DEA, DIA, ATF, BLM, and the NRA , among others -- Mossad (Israeli intelligence), MI5 and MI6 (British intelligence), Yakuza of Japan, and similar groups elsewhere.
It also consists of the International Monetary Fund [IMF], the World Central Bank in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), NATO, the Tavistock Institute, the United Nations, the Committee of 300, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the committee that convenes for the annual Bilderberg meeting, local and state (and federal) police forces in the US, the Israeli police force (IDF), and numerous other police forces around the world.
All the above groups are working for the New World Order under the United Nations, which controls the entirety of the City of New York.
Presently Henry Kissinger is the head of Dervertidedgunzdeinst, which is Nazi World Headquarters, located over the Dachau death camp in Germany.
George Bush Sr. was Kissinger’s first assistant at Nazi World Headquarters.
Some members of the United States Congress are part of or linked with the New World Order/Faction One/Nazi Fourth Reich group and its global black operations, thus totally compromising themselves.
Above all of Faction One is the Vatican, which claims to be above all human-made law, and which controls all entities of Faction One across the planet.
The Vatican, on paper, through the Club of Rome, a human-made instrument, has declared itself owner of the planet, including all real estate on the planet, off-planet, and all areas below the Earth's surface.
Through the organization known as the Club of Rome, the Vatican has declared itself owner of our bodies and our souls.
These groups and individuals have had an opportunity in this lifetime to choose Love. The rest is up to Mother Sekhmet, She who was here before all other gods and goddesses.

Faction Two
Faction Two is generally considered to comprise the US Military and Congress.
London is the financial center of the world, as the British cabal controls the world economy, while Washington DC is the center of military operations on the planet.
At the moment, the majority of the Pentagon has embraced the Light. Only a small minority continue to be agents of the 13 Families, and are the ones who appear to be in control, though their assumptions of "control" are actually only a fear-based illusion.
As there are good, bad, and ugly in the military, Faction Two is not the place from which to get information
regarding NESARA, nor are Faction Two websites a source of unbiased information on any current event or political issue.
President Obama is the only president in the history of the United States who has ever acted as a double agent, serving only the Light.
President Obama was elected inside NESARA Law. (Accessing NESARA funds was implemented by Rama's boss, the King of Swords (KOS) at midnight on October 1, 2008, the first day of the fiscal year of 2009).
Longtime Democratic Speaker of the House, Congress Member Nancy Pelosi, played a very special role as acting President of the United States during the transition period of October 2008.
One of Rama's contacts, a Faction Three White Knight known only as "Heidi" who also works for the King of Swords, zeroed out the entire world economy inside the Bank of International Settlements, so that at 12:00 midnight on October 31, 2008, the new NESARA economy was fully activated and in place.
Recognition of Faction Three as the Faction that will publicly announce NESARA was acknowledged by Raelyn Allen of Faction Two on her website in 1999.
She also acknowledged that she found out in 1999 that, in 1996, President Bill Clinton was Faction Two, as opposed to Faction One, as all other Presidents up to that point had been.

Faction Three
Faction Three consists of the White Knights and the Sovereign World Militia Forces of planet Earth, and of the Alien Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO), which works at the 38th level above the US President.
The ACIO is an organization which joined our military in 1945, right after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.
The use of nuclear weapons in that attack was a violation of the Prime Directive, which stipulates: nonintervention in any civilization's development except in case of nuclear and/or psychic holocaust.
The forces of the ACIO include the entire Ashtar Command and all the Galactic Forces of Light from across the cosmos who are here to help Earth ascend into the fifth dimension.
Though they may appear to be Earth-born humans, the Wingmakers are intergalactic visitors who have come into our time from 175 million years into our future. They have time traveled to the present to assist Earth and humanity at this time, and are members of the ACIO at the 38th level above the President.
​RanaMu, a Wingmaker, and one of Rama’s special contacts with whom he gets to speak often,
to receive updated reports about NESARA from Faction Three.
The Sovereign World Militia Forces are 20 million strong: 16 million of them are galactics who shapeshift
into human form so they can walk among us to do their work. The other 4 million are ground crew, born into human bodies all across the planet.
Faction One and Faction Two have no connection to Faction Three. Neither Faction One nor Faction Two are aware of what is really going on behind the scenes, though Faction Three does.
Material prepared and distributed by members of either Faction One or Faction Two is highly suspect in terms of factual accuracy and/or intent.
This includes Wikipedia information on NESARA, and most of the information on various NESARA websites, other than our own.

Important Members of Faction Three

Captain Lord Ashtar
Captain Ashtar
Ascended Master Ashtar is head of the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds, and Captain on the bridge of the head starship of the Ashtar Command, the New Jerusalem, a 5,000-mile in diameter spacecraft with twelve decks that houses a million and a half people.
The command's objectives include exploration, chart navigation, sharing scientific and technological knowledge, assisting other civilizations, creating new species, new plants, and new environments, among other intergalactic projects and discoveries.
The Ashtar Command has been in existence since the beginning of time. As our solar system is located in the Sirian constellation, under normal circumstances, the Sirians would be in charge. Since the situation of our planet has been inundated by dark Sirians from the Orion War, known as the dark Satonians, Ashtar was called upon by Mother Sekhmet for the special duty his command performs.
The Ashtar Command was given a special dispensation to intervene at this time in our civilization's development. This transition and all necessary intervening actions are coming from the bridge of the New Jerusalem.
Captain Ashtar himself is from the Vela sector of this Universe of Nebadon, from the planet Trantor.
Lady Master Athena is his Twin Flame and consort.
Together, they are Rama's parents in the higher dimensions.

The King of Swords Tarot Card
Rider-Waite Tarot Deck
King of Swords (KOS)
A former Navy Seal, the man known as King of Swords (his code name) is the Commander of the White Knight Faction Three forces on the ground.
KOS is a volunteer individualized soul who has taken on the mission in this lifetime to fulfill the seventh incarnation and initiation of the energies of Ascended Master Sananda Kumara on the planet at this time.
Similarly, Yesu Pistis Sophia, as an individualized soul known as Jesus of Nazareth, volunteered to take on the mission of the sixth incarnation and initiation of Sananda Kumara on the planet 2,000 years ago.
The first incarnation and initiation of these energies began with Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris. (The fifth was Siddhartha Buddha.) This represents the evolution of humanity on the Ascension spiral to be able to absorb increasingly greater qualities of higher Love, power, and Divine wisdom.
In his third dimensional body as the King of Swords in this current incarnation, his task is to lead humanity to become a collective family, embracing the energies of the Cosmic Christ by unifying the efforts of all the world group servers, so that we are all focused on working in community at a global level – no mean feat!
He is doing that by working through Rama & Tara as messengers to the public.
We are all being tested now to work in unity at all levels of our five bodies – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, cosmic – no mean feat for us, either!

Ascended Master Lord Sananda Kumara
Photo by Sister Thedra

Helen Blavatsky with the Masters
Kuthumi, El Morya, and Saint Germain

The 44th President of the United States of America
Barack Obama
Sananda Kumara
Ascended Master Sananda Kumara is Admiral-in-Chief of the New Jerusalem, the head star ship of the Ashtar Command. Ashtar is Captain of the head starship the New Jerusalem.
Sananda Kumara has held the Office of the Christ since the very beginning of the story of Earth. He now co-reigns in the Office of the Cosmic Christ with Ascended Masters Kalki Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi.
All three have graduated to embracing the energy of the Cosmic Christ, working as a trio to set an example for humanity in working together in the Power of We.
In the beginning, Luciafera, the Bringer of the Dawn, was to hold the Office of the Planetary Prince, for the Great Divine Leila, the Divine Experiment. By his own actions he chose to fall from Grace, along with one third of the Angels. Sananda Kumara and Archangel Michael then took over the Office of Planetary Prince, and hold it to this day.
Lady Master Nada is Sananda's twin flame and Divine consort.
Saint Germain
Saint Germain's role is to initiate the final arrests and/or permanent removal of the last remaining satanists/satanic cabal. He also has his own fleet of ships, known as the Amethyst Fleet.
His first appearance on the planet was as Osiris. Osiris was not incarnated via the human birthing
process. He simply manifested in response to the emergency of the time.
His consort, Cassiopeia -– the Isis of that lifetime -- was physically birthed to human parents. As he chose parents from among Australia's Aboriginal Moabites, her title has been "the Black Madonna."
Some descriptions of his past incarnations may ignore two important details:
1. Saint Germain is often said to have been Christopher Columbus. He was actually a Greek Moorish sailor
called Prince Nicholas Yipsilantis.
He built his own ship and sailed to the New Atlantis, which was to be the home of the new I AM race's land of Altea America. He arrived in what is now known as North America at least 50 years before Christopher Columbus sailed there on behalf of Spain.
2. In his lifetime as Sir Francis Bacon, he was the son of Queen Elizabeth I, who due to her unmarried status, put him in the care of the Bacon family who saw to it that he was well-raised and well-educated.
Saint Germain has remained on the planet since his incarnation as Sir Francis Bacon, son of Queen Elizabeth I. He is the author of The New Atlantis: A Work unfinished, written around 1623 and published in 1627, a year after his presumed death.
In addition to his other work on the planet, Saint Germain spent the next 500 years embedded in the Vatican, that he might know, in minutest detail, the internal workings of that organization, which is the source of all the other cankers and cancers on the planet.
It was by his guidance and direction that our founders created the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.
The original of these are in the Bruton Vaults in Williamsburg, Virginia, with many additional documents, such as the original Declaration of Independence written by the Iroquois Nation in their language, the emerald tablets of Thoth, and also the text of NESARA -- the National Economic, Security and Reformation Act.
Barack Obama
President Barack Obama is a Faction Three White Knight, a double agent, and the first and only American President to have held the role as both Commander in Chief and a place within the ACIO organization, which holds ranks that rise to as much 38 levels above the Office of the President.
Though some past presidents may have known of the existence of the ACIO, they were certainly never part of it.
President Obama became a member of the ACIO as he turned 18, due to his involvement in the Pegasus Project in 1979 and 1980, a government space travel project that existed inside the ACIO and directed group and individual travel to bases on Mars.
(President Eisenhower came closest to becoming a member of the ACIO, due to his contact with Valiant Thor, an extraterrestrial in human form who lived in visitor's quarters at the Pentagon for more than three years during Eisenhower’s presidency. Eisenhower also met directly with certain Zeta Reticulans and Pleiadians.)
President Obama and his beloved twin flame Michelle Robinson Obama were chosen to lead the people of the planet into the Golden Age of NESARA. They are still completely dedicated to this process, having been in training for a thousand years of lifetimes for this mission.
President Obama also maintains his role as the 9th member of the Sirian Council of Nine who meet regularly on Sirius A.
President Obama is overlighted by Ascended Master El Morya who is on the First Ray of Excalibur of sapphire blue.
Archangel Michael, who also on the first ray, is protector of the Seat of Power of Planet Earth, located in Washington, DC at the White House.
President Obama works closely with King of Swords, who is still head of the presidential security detail in the White House.
President Obama also still confers regularly with Captain Ashtar, Sananda Kumara, and Saint Germain.